(Minghui.org) My father is 91 this year. I told him all about Falun Dafa and he agreed with me completely and quit the Communist Youth League of China he had joined when he was young. I also played him audios of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and other truth-clarification materials, as well as Master’s Fa lectures. He enjoys listening to all of them and as a result he has been blessed.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) lifted the COVID-19 lockdown at the end of 2022. Before then, almost all of the residents and security guards in my father’s community tested positive for COVID, except a few, including my father.
My father lives by himself. My younger brothers hired a woman to cook two meals a day for him. However, she became infected with serious virus symptoms and went home. Her husband also tested positive and was in serious condition, with several relapses.
To everyone’s surprise, my father remained healthy all this time, and even when the infection was at its peak, he still went out as usual for a little fun.
After the lockdown was lifted, almost everyone in our local area became infected with either mild or severe symptoms. However, none of the elderly members in our family, who often recite the nine-character mantra “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” were infected with the virus.
For example, two of my aunts, an uncle, my youngest aunt and uncle, as well as my eldest aunt-in-law and my eldest brother-in-law are all in their 70s or 90s. They are kind-hearted and sincerely recite the nine-character mantra every day. As a result, they all remained healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, with no infection. This could not have been a coincidence.
The truth is that Falun Dafa is the fundamental law of the universe and the nine-character mantra is imbued with the enormous positive energy of the universe. When a person recites these words with true sincerity and kind thoughts, it will dissolve all bad elements. I truly hope that everyone can benefit from Dafa and be saved from catastrophes!
My Elderly Father Survived Three Accidents
The first incident
Once, my father rode his bike to my elder brother’s factory for a visit. When he was cycling home, he was hit by a car from behind. The windshield of the car was completely shattered, the rear wheel of the bicycle was crushed under the car, and it was a complete write-off. My father told me later that he felt as if someone pushed him from behind. He took a few steps forward, stretched out his hands and landed on the ground, without feeling any fear or pain.
The driver was scared to death and quickly asked for the phone number of my father’s family. He called my eldest brother, and together they sent my father to the hospital for a checkup. As it turned out, my father was fine except for a fracture in his thumb. The doctor set his thumb and my father went home.
Later, the driver came to see my father. My younger brother’s friend said to him, “You are so lucky that you hit this elderly man. You would have been in big trouble if it had been someone else!”
My father told the driver that he needn’t come to see him anymore and that his thumb would be healed in a few days. The driver offered him 1,000 yuan as a token of apology, but my father refused to accept the money. However, the driver insisted on giving him the money, saying he would feel bad otherwise, and suggested that my father could buy a new bicycle with the money. My father accepted the money in the end. He knows in his heart that Master protected him; otherwise he could have suffered terrible consequences.
The Second Incident
After the car accident, my younger brother bought our father an electric tricycle, thinking it would be safer.
One day, my father wanted to take a look at my nephew's factory. He was riding his tricycle, and when he was about to take a turn at the gate of the factory, he was hit by a speeding electric bicycle. His tricycle was knocked over on impact and struck my father's left foot. He could not get up.
People in the factory heard the sound of the crash and rushed out to see what happened. The young man, in his 30s, who hit my father was standing there, his face pale, full of fear. His wife was standing next to him with a screaming child in her arms.
My nephew quickly asked a few workers to help get my father to the hospital, where they found that the bone beneath his ankle was cracked. The young man who caused the accident was from out of town and had come to the area to do some odd jobs. He was on his way to take his sick child to see a doctor at the time of the accident. Worried about his child, he was going a bit too fast.
My father tried to comfort the young man. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “I am fine and I don’t need any money from you.” My nephew also comforted him, “Don't be afraid. Take your child to see a doctor.”
The next day, the young couple came to see my father with some gifts. During the conversation, the young man told my father, “I was so scared that I couldn’t sleep all night. You are an elderly man, you could have been hurt. Now that I see your family is so kind and you are healthy and strong, I feel relieved!”
“You don’t need to come to see me again, I’m fine, don’t worry,” my father said to the young man. The couple expressed their gratitude and kept saying, “We have indeed come across a kind person!”
My father kept reciting the nine-character mantra, and he was completely healed two weeks later.
The Third Incident
My father is very healthy even at his advanced age of 91. He is still active and doesn't like to just sit around the house. We often say to him, “Don’t go out on your tricycle anymore. If you want to go anywhere, just let us know and we will drive you there.”
“Don’t you worry about me,” my father always replies. “I’m fine because I have a Dafa amulet with me and have Dafa’s Master to protect me.”
One winter day my father was on his way back home from a ride on his tricycle. Just as he was about to cross the road into the residential community, he was hit by a car. His tricycle was knocked over and he was thrown a few meters away and landed on his stomach.
The driver of the car fled the scene. Passers-by helped my father up and picked up his tricycle. Miraculously, my father was not injured, with not even a scratch on his skin, and his tricycle also turned out to be fine. Everyone present said it was miracle.
When my father told us about the incident, my younger brother insisted on taking him to the hospital for a checkup, and the results indeed showed that he was not injured at all.
Our whole family is deeply grateful to Master for saving my father’s life three times!
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