(Minghui.org) With Master’s protection I survived two serious accidents. I would like to tell you about my second accident, and thank Master for saving my life.
I was riding my motorcycle in Daegu Metropolitan City, South Korea on the evening of October 27, 2021. I was wearing a cotton-padded jacket to ward off the cold. I stopped at a major intersection behind a few cars and waited for the light to turn green. Before the light changed I heard a sudden “bang” followed by clattering noises. I immediately thought, “Was there an accident?”
Through the persistent buzzing in my ears, I heard someone say, “Oh, it looks bad, is she dead?” I wondered, “Who died?” I slowly opened my eyes. A noisy crowd was gathered around me, and I thought, “Why am I sitting on the ground? Oh! I was the one hit by a car.” Someone asked, “How do you feel?” I immediately replied, “I feel fine, I’m okay.”
A crowd gathered around me, waiting for the police to arrive. I sat on the ground and discovered that my shoes were gone and my motorcycle had been flung a few meters away. I also saw the car that ran into me. As I sat there with my legs stretched out before me, some people asked, “Can you get up?” Although I said yes, I was unable to move my legs. I took out my mobile phone and called my husband and daughter-in-law. Just as I was telling them about the accident and my location, an ambulance arrived.
Ordinary People’s Principles Do Not Apply to Cultivators
Hearing that I could stand up on my own, the paramedics steadied me as I attempted to stand. However, I could not move my arms, legs, and hands, and I was shivering from shock and cold. At this point, my husband and daughter-in-law arrived. The police advised me to go to the hospital, and my daughter-in-law said, “Mom, you don’t understand Korea’s law. Under such circumstances, you must go in for an examination.” I replied, “Let them deal with it as they see fit. I won’t go to the hospital. I’m fine.”
Despite my protests, paramedics loaded me on a stretcher and placed me in the ambulance. I asked my daughter-in-law to help by reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and asking Master for help.
When I reached the hospital I thought to myself, “Master has endured so much for me. I must not disgrace Dafa’s reputation. Falun Dafa is good, and I refuse to acknowledge this persecution by the old forces. This must have occurred due to my personal failings. The old forces took advantage of this loophole and attempted to harm my body, trying to stop me from visiting tourist attractions to clarify the truth and save sentient beings.”
Just then my daughter-in-law asked me, “Mom, how do you feel?” I replied, “I’m fine. Please continue reciting ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ and asking Master for help. Master will take care of everything, and you don’t have to worry.” My daughter-in-law said, “Okay.”
Since my accident occurred during the COVID-19 epidemic, the hospital was severely overcrowded. There was no space in the emergency wards, so I had to wait outside in the ambulance, still shivering from the cold. Medical staff eventually came and placed me on a chair to wait. Although my upper body felt weak, I did not want to stay in the hospital one second longer. I thought, “Master, I will strive to be worthy of my title of Falun Dafa practitioner, and maintain my righteous thoughts.” I tried to recall Master’s teachings.
After ten minutes the hospital staff told us it was nearly my turn to be seen by a doctor. I told my daughter-in-law, “I don’t need medical care. I’m a cultivator, I’m fine. This is just a cultivation test.” When my daughter-in-law asked, “Are you really alright?” I replied, “Yes. Help me stand up and we can go. Let’s go out through the main doors.”
I’m much taller than my daughter-in-law, so although she was able to help me up, she could barely support me. I reassured her and said I only needed light support from her. The worried paramedics stopped us at the doorway, then I heard my number called over the speakers. The attending doctor came over and told me, “If you can walk out of here unassisted, we won’t force you to stay.” I agreed, let go of my daughter-in-law, and walked out the door on my own.
My Family did not Treat Me Like a Patient
I saw my son and grandson walking in our direction as soon as I walked out of the hospital’s main doors. My grandson ran towards me, and I picked him up. When my son asked, “Are you okay?” I reassured him, “I’m okay. Look at me, I feel well.” I wept as I said, “Thank you, Master.”
At the hospital parking lot, my daughter-in-law suggested, “There is no heat in your house, and the winter is especially harsh. Why not stay at our home? Our building has central heating and the floors are heated. You can stay with us for a few days.”
I replied, “Daughter, you and my son are so filial. I’m very grateful, but I’m also a practitioner. I will fully recover by studying the Fa and practicing the exercises with your dad. If I go to your home and allow myself to be treated like a patient, my condition will get worse. I can do everything myself, so let me go home, alright? If my condition shows no improvement over the next two days, I’ll call you, and you can bring me to your house.”
My husband and I went home. I still felt cold, so my husband said he would boil water for me to drink. I agreed, but just as he was about to leave, I stopped him. “Wait, I’ll boil the water myself. If I allow you to take care of me, aren’t I allowing you to treat me like a patient? I’m a Dafa practitioner and there’s nothing wrong with me.”
I got up and boiled some water. I later rolled up my trouser legs and saw that my legs and feet were covered in bruises. My husband was very worried, but I reassured him, “It’s a false illusion. Let’s study the Fa.” We read the Fa and meditated. After sending forth righteous thoughts at midnight, I went to sleep.
The next morning, I woke up a little after six o’clock, washed up as usual, and lit some incense for Master. I then recited the Fa. After eight o’clock, I remembered that my legs and feet were bruised, so I rolled up my pant legs and saw that the bruises were gone, and my legs looked normal. I wept. I said to my husband, “Look, my legs and feet are completely healed.” My husband was surprised.
Over the next few days, the hospital, traffic department, and police contacted me to discuss the matter of compensation. My husband and I told them, “We are Falun Dafa practitioners and don’t want anything.”
When he heard we refused to pursue compensation, the police officer who called us said, “There aren’t people like you anymore.” At first, he worried that I was a foreigner who did not understand my rights to claim compensation under Korean law, so he pulled up a video of the accident and showed it to my husband. Only then did we realize how severe it was. The driver who ran into me was in his seventies. As he neared the intersection, he attempted to apply the car brakes but stepped on the accelerator by mistake. His accelerating car slammed into my motorcycle, flinging me high into the air! Yet I managed to walk away from this serious accident relatively unharmed.
Thinking back, when someone first asked how I felt when I was still sitting on the ground at the scene of the accident, the minute I replied, “I feel fine, I’m okay,” I felt incredibly comfortable, as though I was wrapped within a big ball of cotton. Master was protecting me.
My Personal Understanding
I’m sharing this incident to remind fellow practitioners that no matter what happens, we should not treat ourselves as ordinary people. Some practitioners with good intentions voluntarily care and serve those who are stricken with illness karma. I feel that my experience can be a reminder to them, not to treat other practitioners as sick patients. Practitioners who are going through tribulations should not merely accept their circumstances as natural, and think it’s because they are eliminating karma. If they stand firm in their belief in Falun Dafa, they will be able to overcome the sickness tribulation.
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