(Minghui.org) Recently, I was invited to join a chat group of about 60 practitioners in the U.S. The group talked about The Epoch Times’ recent financial problem and its impact. They also discussed how the current and future political environment will affect the lawsuit filed against the newspaper.
I understand that the practitioners were worried about the future of the newspaper. However, discussing the issue with an ordinary human mindset and judging people and the project based on ordinary human experiences add to the already tense and unpleasant emotions. In the conversations, some blamed the practitioners who worked on the project, saying that their actions would cause trouble for others. Some even falsely accused the Minghui website of being involved in the incident. In my opinion, the practitioners in this chat wasted their time and energy, which could have been used to save people.
As practitioners, we form one body to solve problems and save the world’s people. This is how genuine practitioners show that they take responsibility for the practice and their sentient beings. Creating a chat group to complain and vent dissatisfaction toward a Dafa project and other practitioners and propagating negative emotions and human understanding through criticizing others, interferes with practitioners’ saving of people.
There may be other such chat groups and that would not be good.
Now, the evil forces have their eyes on Shen Yun and plan to persecute the performing arts company. If something negative happened to Shen Yun, how would we respond? Would we do the right thing and believe in Master Li and the Fa?
In Master’s two recent articles, “The Ordeals Our Spiritual Discipline Faces” and “Wake Up,” Master states His most stern and compassionate reminders for us. We should know, as practitioners, that the old forces will use all means to sabotage and interfere with our mission to save people. If we give up on a project as soon as it faces trouble, the old forces would exploit our fear and repeatedly use the same tactic to attack other projects. We would end up with nothing that can save people, and this is what the old forces want. They want us to shy away from problems and eventually give up the work we do.
I believe that Master wants every practitioner to perfect what he/she does using the Fa principles. He expects us to face the problems together and correct our mistakes. If we become unsure of what we are doing and only want to protect ourselves or even join the opposite side because something goes wrong, we would be worse than ordinary people.
We are at the last stage of our cultivation, yet the tests have not become easier. Every test for practitioners is meant to weed out those who are unqualified. We all hope that we are pieces of gold and will persevere to the end. If so, our actions should meet the standards of the Fa, and we should constantly keep righteous thoughts. Only believing in Master and the Fa will guarantee that we reach consummation.