(Minghui.org) Fellow practitioners have repeatedly asked me to share my cultivation experiences. Yet because of my introverted personality, failure to cultivate well, and poor ability when making phone calls, I did not believe I had anything worth sharing. However fellow practitioners continued to encourage me, and I reflected that perhaps this was an opportunity to rid myself of my attachments, including the attachment to protecting myself, saving face, and the fear of receiving negative feedback.
Participating in the RTC Platform
I started cultivating Falun Dafa in 2011, but remained largely ignorant of the persecution. Four years ago, during the COVID-19 pandemic, I joined the RTC platform to learn how to make truth clarification phone calls and slowly began to understand the truth behind the CCP’s persecution of Dafa. A lot of practitioners joined the RTC platform during this time to learn how to make phone calls. I had barely started basic training when the training practitioners guided me to make actual phone calls. Time flies and four years have passed in the blink of an eye.
I was impressed the first time I logged into the RTC platform. Many practitioners were placing calls to save people. Some practitioners had prepared manuscripts for us to use when persuading people to quit, while others volunteered their time to train new practitioners. Behind the scenes, many technical practitioners silently worked to keep the platform running. Everyone has worked hard to make this project a success, and the RTC platform has helped me progress in my cultivation and improve my character.
I encountered a xinxing test soon after I joined the RTC platform training group. At the time, I was spending more time at home because of the COVID-19 epidemic lock downs, and I would go to the training room every night, and during the daytime on weekends, to learn how to make phone calls. An incident occurred one weekend while I was attending a training class with many beginner practitioners and one trainer practitioner. I do not remember the trainer practitioner’s name anymore, but at that time she singled me out to do the first call. The sentient being I spoke to quickly withdrew from the Party, but I was so nervous I did not even know what I said. After I hung up the phone, this trainer began questioning me in a very harsh and accusatory tone, “Who trained you? You performed so badly and didn’t even cover the basic truth-clarification points.” She asked another practitioner, who had just started learning but was talented at making phone calls, to call back and explain the truth about Dafa more clearly to the sentient being who had just withdrawn. After that she kept praising this practitioner’s performance in front of the rest of us. I felt ashamed and that triggered my strong desire to save face.
Master said,
“Of course, you will not be informed of a tribulation or conflict ahead of time. How could you cultivate if you were told everything? It wouldn’t have any effect, then. They usually occur unexpectedly so that they can test your xinxing and allow your xinxing to truly improve. Only then can it be seen whether you can guard your xinxing well. Therefore, when a conflict arises, it does not occur accidentally. This issue will be present during the entire course of cultivation and in the transformation of karma. Unlike what everyday people imagine, it is much more difficult than suffering physically.” ( Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)
Although I was able to remain silent when this happened, my heart was still moved. This strong desire to save face was truly uncomfortable to bear. Later, Master arranged for me to meet a fellow practitioner, who coached me through the basics of truth clarification every Saturday morning until I managed to master the skill. I remain grateful to this fellow practitioner.
During my initial attempts to call, my body would tremble and break into a cold sweat. My mind would go blank and I would become speechless. I remain grateful to fellow trainer practitioners who helped me out during this period. The practitioner stayed by my side, giving me tips and encouragement. In my state of anxiety, words would fail me, and I would forget how to use the prepared manuscript. However, with the help from fellow practitioners, these sentient beings would eventually agree to withdraw from the CCP. I knew this was Master encouraging me.
Soon after my first training session, a fellow practitioner asked me to take over his shift because he was not available. I was reluctant to take on the role because I lacked experience, but I was too embarrassed to refuse. I forced myself to participate, and from then on, fellow practitioners in the group encouraged me to stay on. This was a breakthrough for me. I had lacked the courage to initiate such calls on my own, and I knew this attitude had to be corrected. I thought I would just test the waters first, yet in the blink of an eye I became a regular member of the team. In the beginning, we placed these calls ourselves. My initial success rate was not very high, and I was very nervous. Over time, my skills and confidence improved until on one occasion, I managed to persuade nine college students to quit the CCP with just one phone call. As unbelievable as this felt, I believed that if we have the heart to save people, Master will bless our efforts. As the COVID-19 epidemic waned, we resumed our normal working schedules and had less time to spend on calls. But I still made sure to attend my scheduled duty slot.
When I first started working with veteran RTC platform practitioners, the rate at which we successfully persuaded people to quit was very high. Yet I was reluctant to participate in such direct calls in the beginning, because I selfishly did not want to yield my autonomy to others. I transited to use a different calling tool, but this tool later became unavailable. At this juncture, I told a fellow practitioner of my intention to switch to direct calls. The fellow practitioner was delighted. “Great! If you log in, I can teach you how to use it!” I was moved by their selflessness and dedication to this truth clarification project.
Clarifying the truth via direct calls is a very different experience, as if sentient beings are waiting for us to save them. In the past, even when my cultivation condition was good, I could save at most 10 people. But now I can save between 10 to 20 people over the same duration of 2 and a half hours. I am aware I can no longer slack off and must cherish this opportunity provided by Master. The feeling of lightness I experience each time I conclude a call session is indescribable.
We were granted 10 days off for New Year this year. I thought, if I could save 10 people each day, that would mean saving 100 people in 10 days! Because I had to fulfill family commitments two days during the New Year, I fell short of my target and saved only 84 people by the end of the holiday period. Yet as long as we seize each opportunity to call, we give people an avenue to obtain salvation. Compared to fellow practitioners who consistently call five to six hours daily, I lag far behind. Yet I remain determined to call as much as I can to save more sentient beings.
Cherishing this Environment for Saving Sentient Beings
Through this truth-clarification activity, I have come to realize the importance of studying the Fa well and not slacking off on personal cultivation so I can save more people. I believe every practitioner shares a similar understanding.
When I first started learning how to call on the RTC platform, a fellow practitioner gave me a lot of support and aid. This fellow practitioner had very high character. Regardless of the types of callers we faced, this practitioner remained calm. She would treat every person with compassion and patiently explain the truth about the persecution. A highly responsible person, this fellow practitioner was permanently assigned to duty on Saturdays. Knowing I had Saturdays and Sundays off work, she would contact me when she could not make it and ask if I could take over her Saturday shift. Suddenly, for several consecutive weekdays, I would receive her messages, “Can you take over my shift?” I had work from Monday to Friday, so I replied, “Did you forget? I have work today.” A short time later another practitioner informed me of her passing, and I was stricken with grief. We had been conversing over the phone not too long ago, so I could hardly believe that the news of her passing was true. Thinking back, she must have agonized over who would take over her shifts and save those sentient beings she had left behind, and she had used her last days to send me those messages. Seeing her selflessness, I felt ashamed.
Many practitioners have the desire to save sentient beings, but some do not have the means or environment to do so. In contrast, Master has arranged this opportunity for me, so I must be diligent! After lifetimes of reincarnation and overcoming countless suffering, I have finally become a Dafa disciple. Time is moving incredibly fast, wherein each day and year go by in the blink of an eye. I am determined to cultivate myself well, not leave behind any regrets, assist Master in rectifying the Fa, and save more sentient beings.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth