(Minghui.org) A practitioner once said that problems between practitioners are the most challenging, and misunderstandings between them are the hardest to resolve. I thought about it. When I seriously looked inward, I saw my failings in this regard.
I noticed that I did not cooperate well with others when I was involved in a project; whenever conflicts surfaced, I looked outward and blamed others. I didn’t try to understand them and harmonize with them—instead I always wanted to change them and get things done my way. It was easy for me to identify others’ shortcomings during conflicts; I never thought I should examine myself for my inadequacies.
I was determined to change, and do as Master taught us,
“It would be good if they could manage to search within themselves for the things that they have been able to find in others.” (“A Dialogue with Time,” Essentials for Further Advancement)
When I calmed down and looked inward, I also noticed that I did not study the Fa with a tranquil mind. Instead I went through the motions and focused on how much I read—I read the Fa but I did not internalize the Fa. I had the attachment to fear; I read the Fa to protect myself instead of doing what Master asked. Master asked us to eliminate our attachments, but I wanted to use Dafa to safeguard them.
I also experienced interference, which manifested as body aches and premature aging. I felt helpless but thought I was eliminating karma.
Another practitioner pointed out that I only passively endured—I was not clear about the Fa teachings regarding these phenomena and only passively endured; he said if I proactively assimilated to Dafa, cultivated myself well, eliminated the interference, and diligently did the three things well, the situation might be different.
This is my understanding at my current level. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.
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