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UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a March and Rally and Submit a Petition to the Prime Minister’s Office

July 26, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in the U.K.

(Minghui.org) On the afternoon of July 20, 2024, practitioners held events in central London to expose the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) persecution of Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) that has gone on for 25 years. The Tian Guo Marching Band performed at the event and attracted many people, who stopped and watched.

Practitioners’ march passes through central London

The march passed through central London’s busiest shopping street and Chinatown before reaching Trafalgar Square. Practitioners also held a press conference in front of the National Portrait Gallery to expose the CCP’s atrocities.

They delivered a box containing 31,253 signatures on a petition to the Prime Minister’s Office, and called on the British government to help end the persecution as soon as possible.

Practitioners held a press conference and rally on the North Terrace of Trafalgar Square.

People from All Walks of Life Call for an End to the Persecution

Before the event several members of the House of Commons sent letters to express their support for Falun Gong practitioners and to wish the event a complete success.

British writer Ma Jian addressed the rally. He said that the practitioners’ peaceful struggle is changing the political environment. He also called on people to remember those practitioners who were persecuted.

Anwar Totti, a witness to live organ harvesting and a former Xinjiang doctor in exile in the United Kingdom, addressed the rally

During the rally, Anwar Totti, a witness to live organ harvesting and a former Xinjiang doctor who now lives in the U.K., described his experience of testifying at the World Citizen Tribunal in The Hague. He said, “Last week, I went to the World Citizen Tribunal in The Hague to testify as a victim of the CCP. There were many people from various groups including Taiwan, Mongolia, Tibet and Uyghurs from Xinjiang. Unfortunately, I didn’t see Falun Gong practitioners, so I recommended myself as a representative for them, to present the latest and most gruesome evidence of the CCP’s sin of live organ harvesting.

“There is no need to repeat what I said there, because we all know it. I concluded my testimony with this sentence: Exhausting all the words on earth is not enough to describe this evil regime, and it is impossible to exhaust my life to tell the atrocities of the CCP.”

John Dee, president of the European Friends of Falun Gong, addressed the rally.

John Dee, President of the European Friends of Falun Gong, said in his speech, “The CCP has failed to influence or reduce the positive impact of Falun Dafa on the world, thanks to those who endure pain but are strong and unyielding. This fact makes it clear that the persecution will end shortly – it is only a matter of time before the CCP is defeated in the encirclement of good against evil.”

After the press conference practitioners delivered a letter written by the Falun Dafa Society and a petition containing 31,253 signatures to the Prime Minister’s Office at 10 Downing Street.

People Encourage Practitioners

Many people stopped to watch the march and take pictures. They accepted leaflets, and expressed their support for practitioners.

Louise plans to tell more people about the persecution.

Louise from Denmark is a recruiter for a consulting firm and said she was shocked by the information on the flyer, “Even though I live in a country with very advanced information, I never heard of this before, so I was quite shocked.”

She said that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are principles that everyone should follow, “I think everyone should live according to these principles. But, just because someone lives by them, their organs are harvested while they are alive. This is scary to think about.”

She also said she would definitely tell more people, “I’m going to meet some of my friends right now, and I’m going to tell them about it, and then I’ll continue to tell more people.”

Christa told practitioners, “My heart is with you.”

Christa is a human resources manager for a large shipping company in Hamburg, Germany. She believes Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is a precious value shared by all human beings, and said, “We may have grown up in different cultures, but there is always something that we all have in common, and this is kindness and tolerance. No matter where we come from, we are all human beings.

“My heart is with you, with all those in the world who are in fear because of government persecution and abuse,” she said. She wants to tell people, “Please open your hearts, stand up, and work for a better, more united world.”

Ms. Shimon said, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance should be achieved everywhere in the world.”

Ms. Shimon felt that the march was “really good” and that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance should be achieved around the world. “This is the most important principle that should be implemented in every country,” she said. “Everyone deserves to be free from fear, have freedom of speech, and live happily ever after. I think the same applies everywhere in the world.”

That evening practitioners held a candlelight vigil outside the Chinese Embassy in London

As night fell, practitioners held a candlelight vigil outside the Chinese Embassy to mourn those practitioners who were persecuted to death by the CCP.