In recent years, the CCP spread lies in mainland China, claiming that Master had been replaced by a body double and that the content of Zhuan Falun had been tampered with. They first claimed that modifications were made by the Minghui Editorial Board, and later they changed the story and said it was done by the Dafa Association.
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Practitioners held a march and rally in Toronto and called on people from all walks of life to pay attention to, and help stop the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa.

Practitioners held an exercise demonstration and parade, where people learned more about Dafa and the persecution and were highly supportive.
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

Greetings to Master Li

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Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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