(Minghui.org) To the 2025 Chinese New Year, practitioners from all walks of life in China are grateful to Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Faun Dafa, for their physical improvement and spiritual enlightenment.
Here are selected 28 greetings from more than 10 professions including oil fields, electric power system, forestry, textiles, commercial system, petrochemical system, railroad system, healthcare, aerospace, and a power plant.
The well-wishers thanked Master for guiding them on their cultivation journey and said they would remain firm in their faith no matter how hard the road ahead is. They also expressed their deep gratitude to Master for the enormous sacrifice he has made to protect sentient beings and the precious opportunity he has given every one to choose to be good. They vowed to do better in spreading the goodness of Falun Dafa so as to be worthy of Master’s painstaking salvation.
The greetings presented in this report were received from the following regions:
Heilongjiang ProvinceShandong ProvinceShaanxi ProvinceHebei ProvinceHenan ProvinceBeijingShanghai
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Category: Greetings