(Minghui.org) I once experienced a sublimation of the heart during a Fa study session.

Master said,

“... looking within is a magical tool.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2009 Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume IX)

Lang and I had to take care of something before going to Bing’s place for Fa study. Lang talked about it in a tedious way, so I interrupted her and finished the discussion in a few words. She talked back and I was puzzled by her tone of voice. I wondered if I had said something wrong?

I thought about it and realized that I had interrupted her. I was rude, disrespectful, inconsiderate, and must have hurt her feelings. Did I think I said it better than her? Was it a reflection of my showing off? Did I look down on her because I was jealous of her?

I was wrong, but I didn’t apologize to her. And then we arrived at Bing’s house.

I studied the Fa earnestly and with devotion, and I thought about my attachments to showing off and jealousy. It was like dirty substances being poured out of a bottle. I felt elevated and a sense of joy came over me. I became emotional, tears covered my face, and I choked up while reading the Fa.

A practitioner asked why was I crying, and I said with embarrassment, “I guess I got emotional.”

I remember when I had conflicts with practitioners--my heart was moved because of my human notions. It was unbearable, and I couldn’t sleep thinking about it. I treated the bad substances as a part of me. I thought they were good things and wanted to protect them. I realized during Fa study that all human notions and attachments are like dirty substances in a bottle. And the only way to improve my character is to get rid of these elements. This is what a cultivator should do.

Master noticed that I found my attachments and wanted to change. Thus he enlightened me and allowed me to understand the Fa principles at a certain level. He took away these bad substances in another dimension and I felt blessed.

Master is always by our side, protecting us, and enlightening us. When we encounter tribulations, we wouldn’t be able to overcome them if it were not for Master’s compassion. I sincerely thank Master.

I will study the Fa well, cultivate well, clarify the truth, awaken more people, fulfill my prehistoric vow, and return to my real home with Master.