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My Family has Been Waiting for Dafa for Generations—I Cherish the Fa and Follow Master

Feb. 6, 2025 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My ancestors were cultivators generation after generation, and a certain sentence has been passed down since my great grandfather’s generation, “In the future, the greatest true Buddha will descend to the earth to save people and teach the Fa.” These words advised our clan’s descendants to find this Master and the true Buddha Fa. My great grandfather and grandfather were both cultivators. My grandfather received true teachings from his master in that school, but he did not pass that practice on.

My father had a relatively high level of education. He cultivated in Buddhism, and he was also proficient in numerical fortune telling. While he was alive, he calculated that Master had already come to earth, and he looked for Master everywhere, searching from Xinjiang to Tibet. When he ran out of money, he begged for food. He later became ill, and a kind man put him on a train, and he returned home.

According to my father, although Master had already come to this world, Master was only nine years old at the time. My father felt that he might not be able to catch up with Master in his lifetime, so he wrote a lot of books. In the books, he wrote about the principles that he had enlightened to in Buddhism and how to find Master, so that we, his children, could continue searching for Master.

My father and his good friend from the same cultivation school agreed that whoever found Master first would inform the other, and they made their children god-siblings of each other. My elder sister is now 90 years old, and the daughter of my father’s friend is 94 years old, and we are all practicing Dafa. My father-in-law also cultivated Buddhism like my father. To find Master and the Fa, my father and father-in-law agreed that if any of them found the Fa first, one would notify the other, so as to not be left behind. My father-in-law thus had his daughter marry me.

I am 72 years old this year, and I am very grateful to Master for being born into such a family.

In 1997, a fellow practitioner from Jinan who had the privilege of attending Master’s lectures and obtaining the Fa sent the Dafa book to my father-in-law. When I heard about it, I hurried to my father-in-law’s house, and when I got the book I knew that this author was the Master that I had been looking for.

After my wife and children went to sleep, I read by myself under a lamp. My wife was awakened by the sound of the book pages flipping, and she asked, “Why are you so fascinated by what you’re reading?” I said that it was Zhuan Falun, and my wife said, “Read it to me.” I read the first paragraph. My wife said, “It’s so good! I’ll read it myself tomorrow.” My wife then also started practicing Dafa.

Ever since we got this once-in-a-lifetime Dafa, my wife and I have been spreading the Fa everywhere, eager for all the people in our county to learn Dafa.

After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, my wife went out into the streets and told everyone, “Don’t listen to the nonsense on television. I am a Falun Gong practitioner, I know what Falun Gong is like, and how Falun Gong is good.” Many people gathered around to listen to her.

The persecution of Dafa had just started, so people didn’t know what to do. Many people were too scared to practice, and many people went into hiding. I knelt in front of Master’s portrait crying, and said to Master that even if there was only one person left in the end, I will be that one. I was determined to firmly follow Master.

We were not going to let Dafa and Master be smeared by the evil, so we went around every village in our area to tell people how good Dafa is. My wife and I, and other practitioners sometimes went out to post truth-clarification stickers at night.

More practitioners later gradually came out to clarify the truth. I cooperated with practitioners to go to a big gathering to spread the truth, and I was responsible for driving. We also went to neighboring counties to clarify the truth. Over the last two years, we have also gone to other provinces to clarify the truth and offer salvation. There have been distractions and trials in the process, but under Master’s protection, we are all on the path of assisting Master in Fa-rectification.

I recently found that no one locally was overseeing the installation of NTDTV receivers, and the practitioner who used to do it had quit. I thought to myself that I should do it. I knew that the NTDTV station founded by overseas practitioners had invested so much manpower, materials, and financial resources to provide satellite signals so that more sentient beings could be saved. If we could let more sentient beings see NTDTV, it would be much more effective than if we only talked to people face-to-face. With this idea, Master arranged it for me. A fellow practitioner in another county knew how to install the receivers and wanted to teach Dafa practitioners in the surrounding counties how to tune the satellite signal. Two local practitioners went to learn and came back to teach me.

After I learned how to do it, I adjusted the NTDTV signal for fellow practitioners. I also realized that the more ordinary people who watched NTDTV, the more people would be saved. The more NTDTV receivers are installed in China, the higher NTDTV’s ratings would be. This is a project where practitioners at home and abroad cooperate. This is the mutual encouragement and support between Dafa practitioners as a whole.

Practitioners reported that the signals I tuned and the receivers I installed were very good. There was no snowflake signal interference at all, and the pictures were very clear. I also considered problems that could occur in the future, such as in freezing cold weather, and weathering problems after being exposed to wind and sun for a long time.

During this process, practitioners sincerely expressed their gratitude. I told them that they should not thank me, but should thank Master and Dafa. This is my responsibility. This is a Dafa project, and this is what I should do.

I thank Master so much for his mercy and suffering, and I will definitely follow Master closely and go to the end with determination.