(Minghui.org) “How is your wife?” I greeted Mr. Yuan when he came to my convenience store.
“Thank you for asking,” he replied. “She can now work in the fields.”
A couple of years ago, Jin (Mr. Yuan’s wife) was diagnosed with a serious illness. The hospital did everything they could, but was unable to cure her. She was sent home to spend her final days with her family. When I heard this, I decided to visit her. When I arrived, Jin was lying in bed and unable to get up. Her hair was disheveled, and she struggled to eat. She could barely finish a cup of milk in a day. Despite her physical condition, her mind was clear.
I previously clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to the couple and they were receptive. Mr. Yuan withdrew from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Jin did nothing because she never attended school and was not a member of any CCP-related organization.
During my visit, I urged Jin to repeatedly say, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I explained that many people benefited by saying these words, and reassured her that sincerely reciting them could help her recover. Unfortunately, she had difficulty remembering them.
The next day, Mr. Yuan came to my store to buy cigarettes. I said, “Why don’t you ask Jin to listen to the recordings of Master’s lectures?” I told him how I benefited from practicing Falun Dafa. I hoped Jin would try practicing cultivation and recover. To help her get started, I gave Mr. Yuan a CD player and a Falun Dafa keepsake. He returned to my store at noon and told me she refused to listen. I was disheartened, but I couldn’t bring myself to let it go—Jin was gravely ill and dying.
I couldn’t stop thinking about her situation. Jin was in her early 50s; it was heartbreaking to think she would pass away so young. I asked Master to save her. Falun Dafa saved countless lives and helped many people regain their health—I am living proof of its power.
Before I began practicing Falun Dafa, I suffered from severe bronchitis, a lingering consequence of measles I had as a child. It relapsed every autumn and winter, and despite taking numerous medications, my symptoms persisted. Yet, after practicing Falun Dafa, my illness disappeared without my realizing it. More than 20 years have passed, and I haven’t taken a single pill or had an injection since.
Master taught us to be good people by following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and to always put others first. With Jin’s life in danger, I felt I had to do something to help her.
The next day, when Mr. Yuan stopped by, I said, “Since Jin won’t listen to the recordings, why don’t you recite ‘Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ to her? Recite it whenever you have time, and don’t overthink it. You can also encourage her to recite it. If you believe, it will work.” I also told him stories of people who sincerely recited these words and received blessings as a result.
A week later, I asked Mr. Yuan, “How is your wife?” He replied excitedly, “It really works! Now she can eat a bowl of porridge.” Another week passed, and Mr. Yuan told me, “She can now get up and sit in the sun.” After a few months, Jin was able to do chores and even work in the fields.
Mr. Yuan was deeply grateful and thanked me for what I did for Jin. I told him, “I don’t have the ability to save anyone. It was Master who saved her with great compassion. If you want to thank someone, thank Master!”
There are many stories on Minghui.com of people recovering from terminal illnesses through Falun Dafa. As practitioners, we simply do our part by sharing the practice with others, while Master does everything to save them.
Although this incident happened a couple of years ago, I hope it inspires everyone to recognize the extraordinary nature of Falun Dafa. I encourage people to quit the CCP and its associated organizations, safely navigate life’s challenges, and embrace a bright future.
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