(Minghui.org) I borrowed videotapes of Master’s lectures in 1997. As soon as I got home from work, I eagerly turned on the VCR and started watching. Aside from doing essential household chores, I spent all my free time watching—even during meals—until I finished the entire series. I was deeply moved and thought, “I’ve found it! This is exactly what I’ve been looking for!” The feeling was beyond words—I was overjoyed!
I wanted to meet Master, so I was disappointed when I heard that he went abroad. A practitioner smiled and reassured me, “It’s okay. As long as you study the Fa and practice diligently, you’ll receive what you should.” From then on, I embarked on my Falun Dafa cultivation journey.
At first, I practiced at home alone. Later, a practitioner took me to a Falun Dafa experience-sharing conference. I was told the host once had to use a wheelchair. After listening to Master’s lectures in person, she walked out of the conference hall on her own. She looked radiant and very healthy. After the conference, I approached her and asked, “I’ve heard there are many practice sites. Is there one near where I live?” She kindly helped me check and told me the exact location. To my surprise, it was so close—just one building away! From then on, I did the exercises with other practitioners.
Before I started cultivating, I had an exquisitely carved statue of a Bodhisattva, and I paid a temple 40 yuan to have it consecrated. One day I had a dream in which I heard Master saying, “What you are worshiping is useless!” I woke up startled. I put the statue away and later gave it to the temple.
In another dream, many intersecting roads unfolded before me like a fan. Each path seemed familiar, but I didn’t know which one to take. I pressed my palms together in heshi and thought, “I’ll follow Master’s guidance. Whichever way Master leads me, that’s the path I’ll take.” The moment I had this thought, I felt my body shoot upward with a “whoosh,” and I even heard the sound of the wind rushing past my ears. It was incredible—so wondrous!
In another dream, I was rushing forward through a tunnel at great speed. I saw people ahead of me who also seemed unable to control their movements. I finally saw a light in front, like a layer of white paper. With a “whoosh,” I burst through it, and I heard the sound of paper tearing. Then I heard Master’s voice saying, “You’ve passed through the heavens.” After that, I experienced the feeling of ascending multiple times. Sometimes, when I soared upward I would suddenly stop and tumble like a tiny floating particle in the air. Each miraculous experience strengthened my confidence.
Every day as I rode my bike home from work, I reflected on how I had done that day. Even though I was never satisfied with myself, I often felt a sense of spiritual elevation.
Setting Aside Fear and Telling People About the Persecution
During the 27 years I’ve cultivated, I’ve weathered countless trials and hardships. I went from not knowing how to use a computer to learning how to print truth-clarification materials and make Dafa books. I went from trembling with nervousness the first time I posted a flyer about the Tiananmen self-immolation hoax, to distributing truth-clarification materials in different neighborhoods.
One time, I passed two newly constructed buildings where people were moving in. Holding some materials, I walked into the building but found that all the doors were flat and there was no place to hang anything. I had no choice but to leave. At that moment, my heart was pounding when I saw seven or eight people standing in a circle chatting in front of the building. I was so frightened I felt my face turn pale. However, with Master’s strengthening, my courage gradually grew, and I no longer felt nervous when I talked to people.
When I started clarifying the truth over the phone I was not fluent. The first time I successfully got through to someone, I was extremely nervous. After talking for a while, the person on the other end laughed and asked, “What exactly are you trying to say? Are you asking me to quit the Communist Party?” I replied, “Yes!” and laughed as well. To my surprise, the person said, “Alright, go ahead and help me withdraw.” I knew it was an opportunity arranged by Master and I felt greatly encouraged. I gradually became experienced and confident.
Later, the other practitioners and I began clarifying the truth face-to-face, progressing from struggling to speak to approaching people naturally. One time I was riding my bike and stopped at a bus stop, where I met an older lady. After I clarified the truth to her, she said, “You’re amazing! This is wonderful!” Hearing this, I felt a warm surge in my heart and sincerely replied, “Thank you! Thank you!”
Another time, I met a middle-aged man and told him that the Tiananmen self-immolation was staged. He said, “I also thought it was fake. Just look at that so-called sudden incident—how could the cameras capture everything from close-ups, distant shots, and even overhead angles so perfectly?” In just a few words, he explained the fabrication clearly, which also gave me some new insights to clarify the truth in the future.
I was persecuted twice by the CCP because my understanding of the Fa was shallow and I was too attached to human notions. I felt that I hadn’t done well and I let Master down, which weighed heavily on my heart. However, I did not collapse. Master gave me a new life, gave me everything, pointed me toward the path home, and endured so much for me. Having such a great Master, I feel incredibly fortunate. I must redouble my efforts and move forward with determination.
After studying Master’s lectures “How Humankind Came To Be” and “Why Save Sentient Beings,” I gained a deeper understanding of the sacred and significant responsibility I carry. I memorized these two articles, and when I clarify the truth, I can easily capture people’s interest, and it’s easier for them to accept what I say.
My recent tribulations have been severe. I could hardly straighten my lower back, and it felt as if a heavy weight was pressing down from my neck to my chest, leaving me weak. I was also involved in a highway pile-up accident. Thanks to Master’s protection, I was unharmed. I believe that nothing happens without reason in cultivation, and negative forces are attempting to interfere with Fa-rectification.
Master’s new lecture “The Ordeals Our Spiritual Discipline Faces” made me more aware of the seriousness of Fa-rectification. Whether the suffering is forced on us by the old forces or karma I must bear, the first step I would need to take is not to acknowledge the old forces’ arrangements. Since these hardships have come, I should use this opportunity to eliminate my karma.
Whenever I underwent a tribulation I remembered what Master said: “...When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it...” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun) Master’s Fa guided me through obstacles, giving me the strength to forge ahead.
I strive to maintain righteous thoughts, extend the length of time I practice the exercises, and study the Fa. I corrected my previously lazy posture while studying the Fa, trying to eliminate interference with righteous thoughts, including drowsiness. Every day, I send righteous thoughts—whenever I encounter interference I send righteous thoughts.
I will cultivate myself well, let go of my attachments, seize every opportunity to clarify the truth, and save more people. I will strive to be worthy of the title Falun Dafa disciple in the Fa-rectification period, fulfill my prehistoric vow, and return home with Master.
If there is anything inappropriate, please kindly correct me.
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