(Minghui.org) Chen Yinrui is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a company in Taiwan. When she was a child, her parents made a living selling fish. Because they earned so little, her parents were forced to borrow each year from various sources to pay her school registration fees.
Yinrui has three younger sisters. Their tight finances and the tradition of favoring boys over girls led her father to believe his daughters only needed to finish junior high school. He thought they should focus on learning skills that could help them earn money and support the family. Yinrui said, “But I believed that higher education was my ticket to a better life. Each time my siblings and I wanted to continue our education, I would argue and fight with my father for the right to continue studying.”
Having observed her hardworking parents, Yinrui knew money was not easy to come by. After graduating from junior high school, she split her time between work and studies. “I would help out at a breakfast shop in the morning, go to work during the day, attend night school, and take on other jobs on the weekends.” Yinrui worked as a waiter in a Hong Kong-style tea house, a cashier in a department store, and even sold juice at a papaya milk shop. In her spare time, she searched for more job opportunities or part-time work.
At an age when most would be enjoying their youth, Yinrui was determined to become financially secure as quickly as possible. Yinrui worked and studied non-stop until she began having eye problems just before she turned 30.
“At first, it felt like there were foreign bodies in my eyes. My eyes gradually became ultra sensitive, and I couldn’t tolerate wind, light, or dirty air. I had to wear goggles just to walk outside. At its worst, I was visiting the doctor four times a week. I consulted ophthalmologists and Chinese and Western doctors, but nobody could determine the cause.”
One doctor suggested it might be an autoimmune problem, where her eyes were failing to wash away debris, causing filaments to stick to her corneas. These filaments then rubbed against the surface of her eyes and caused damage whenever she blinked. “The doctor had to use a needle to remove the filaments from my corneas, but doing it like that would damage my corneas, triggering the production of more filaments. Once, the doctor spent two hours removing the filaments before finally wrapping my eyes with gauze. My husband had to lead me out of the hospital.”
Fear of blindness and frustrated at being unable to find a cure left Yinrui physically and mentally exhausted. She submitted her resignation on three separate occasions, only to have her boss refuse to accept it. “My eyes were so sensitive that exposure to air-conditioning would make them sting. Unable to ride a motorcycle to work, I was forced to call a cab. Yet barely an hour after arriving at the company, my eyes would sting so badly I was forced to take a cab home. I searched desperately for a cure. I tried many qigong exercises, but my heart would feel empty, and I would wonder why I was doing them.”
For 10 long years, Yinrui blindly searched for a cure, until one day in 2004 when a colleague pointed her in the right direction.
Eye Condition Cured After Studying Zhuan Falun
That day, a colleague with whom she had previously practiced qigong called her and said, “I’ve started practicing a qigong that has health benefits. What’s more, the exercise site is right near where you live.”
When Yinrui asked what kind of qigong it was, her colleague replied, “Falun Gong.” These words triggered within Yinrui the sudden urge to cry. She said, “I felt ecstatic, yet near tears.”
Yinrui attended a free nine-day Falun Gong class and borrowed a copy of the book Zhuan Falun from a practitioner. “My eyes were in a bad shape and I was reluctant to read anything. But one practitioner emphasized the importance of studying the Fa and told me that even illiterate, 80-year-old women in China could read the book. I thought, “If an 80-year-old can do it, why can’t I?” Each night after my daughter had fallen asleep, I would read one lecture.”
A few days later, Yinrui was jolted awake in the middle of the night by a foul smell. She got up to check the food she had at home but found nothing unusual. “I wondered if this smell indicated Master was purifying my body. The next day, there was a lot of yellow discharge from my eyes. From then on, my long-standing eye condition began to improve until it finally healed. My anxiety and poor stamina also improved.”
After regaining her health, Yinrui felt an otherworldly sense of peace. “In the process of studying the Fa, I began to understand that people’s lives follow a predestined path. Despite experiencing a lot of pain before cultivating Dafa, I know the reason behind my suffering was to pave the way for my eventual contact with Dafa. Now I live a happy and peaceful life filled with gratitude to Master.”
Yinrui at a Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
Finding a Way Out of Crisis by Searching Inwards
From her humble beginnings as a clerk in the financial office, Yinrui scaled the corporate ladder and became the CFO. Despite her outstanding abilities at work, Yinrui’s longstanding competitive spirit had adverse consequences for her colleagues.
“I was assigned a team of employees who had worked with the company for over five years. At that time, I was proud and felt that I was a good leader. Yet, within a year, everyone on my team had resigned. A colleague in another department asked me, ‘You seem calm and easy to get along with. Why did all your team members leave?’ His words hit me hard, and I started reflecting on myself. Where did I go wrong?”
While analyzing this mystery and searching inwards, Yinrui found her inflated ego and unkind side. “I used to take a lot of things my subordinates did for granted, forgetting that their efforts ensured things continued to run smoothly. After that year, I changed my approach and started communicating with my subordinates honestly whenever I encountered difficulties. I would explain to them the reasons behind my actions and seek their understanding.”
Yinrui continued to cultivate her character in accordance with the teachings of Dafa. “A section chief later asked everyone to sign a card for my birthday. This section chief also wrote in the card that, even though she had been in the workforce for ten years, this was her first encounter with a supervisor as warm as her own mother. I knew then that Dafa had changed me for the better.”
On another occasion, her company encountered a serious crisis, but Yinrui managed to turn the situation around after looking inwards.
“I wondered, ‘For such a serious event within the company, had something gone wrong with my cultivation? Master taught us to cultivate according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, but did I?’ When I heard the bad news, my first reaction was not to offer a helping hand to the affected department but to resent them for causing me trouble. My thoughts did not adhere to the requirements of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and I cried in shame. With this realization, a solution suddenly came to me, and we were eventually able to overcome the crisis.”
From a Strong-Willed to Gentle Mother
Previously strong-willed, Yinrui adopted a softer approach that brought laughter and warmth to her family. She said, “There was a time when my daughter displayed a strong aversion to going to school. I would coax her to the school gate each day, then several mothers would carry her in despite her resistance. This went on for several months until I began practicing Falun Dafa. After I started practicing, I began to reflect on myself: ‘Why was my daughter like this? Did I do something to trigger this resistance?’”
Yinrui knew the problem lay within herself and stopped spanking and scolding her daughter. Instead, she made time in her busy schedule to visit her daughter’s class and read stories to the students. Over time, her initially rebellious daughter became well-behaved and independent and confident enough to show her bright smile. Two years later, her daughter’s class drew a picture and gave it to Yinrui with a message, “Thank you for reading stories to our class.”
“I am grateful to Dafa for correcting my ways. If I had continued to hit and scold my daughter, it would have destroyed our relationship beyond repair. My daughter has gained emotional stability, and I have put my worries to rest. Inspired by my positive transformation, my husband started learning Falun Dafa. He has been reminding me to practice the exercises more frequently and even encouraged our relatives to pick up the practice.”
Previously strong-willed, Yinrui adopted a softer approach that brought laughter and warmth to her family.
Yinrui used to pursue fame and fortune, only to find them of little value in life. She said, “We live busy lives in modern society, yet the faster our pace, the more important it is to secure the fundamental things. Why do I keep telling those I know that Falun Dafa is good? Because Dafa forms the foundation of my life at the deepest, most basic level, and I believe this holds true for everyone else.”
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