(Minghui.org) This year marks the 30th anniversary since Zhuan Falun, the main teachings of Falun Dafa, was first published in China. The book has been translated into more than 50 languages and has benefited practitioners in over 100 countries.

After being translated into French by Chinese practitioners in 1998, Zhuan Falun was re-translated by European practitioners in 2007 to refine some of the wording. Zhuan Falun guides French-speaking practitioners around the world in their daily lives to become good and even better people.

Some practitioners wished to share their stories and say they are very grateful to Mr. Li Hongzhi, Falun Dafa’s founder.

A Precious Book

Frédérique from France started practicing Falun Dafa in January 2018. Her mother began practicing 20 years earlier and suggested she practice. But Frédérique did not look into it until 2018. “I was in a difficult situation at the time, physically, psychologically and in my family,” she recalled. “After reading the first lecture [of Zhuan Falun], I knew I found what I’d been looking for all my life.”

Frederique (first on the right) started practicing Falun Dafa in 2018.

As she continued reading Zhuan Falun, Frédérique soon realized that this was not an ordinary book because, each time she read it, she gained new understandings about cultivation. “For instance, I was reading a passage yesterday in which Master talks about a lady who was hit by a car and dragged before the car stopped. The lady did not complain or say anything negative; as a result, she just got up with no injury at all. “I suddenly realized that, when we face a difficult situation – either physically or psychologically, if we can handle it as a Falun Dafa practitioner, things will sort themselves out. We should not consider ourselves everyday people,” she said.

Frédérique said she had read that passage many times but did not understand it until then. To help herself gain a deeper understanding of the teachings in Zhuan Falun, she memorized the introduction to the book – “On Dafa” (Lunyu). She reads the text in both French and English to help her see the meanings in different ways.

After practicing for nearly seven years, Frédérique says she’s now a different person. “My health improved dramatically, and I’m more light-hearted. My coworkers tell me that I’m calmer,” she said. “I cannot thank Master enough! I’ve read hundreds of books, but I never found what I was looking for. Zhuan Falun is different from every book I ever read – and I won’t get tired of reading it.”

No Longer Selfish

Christopher (pseudonym) from Europe first started practicing in 2005. He’s read Zhuan Falun countless times, first in French and then in English. In his spare time, he also listens to Master Li’s audio lectures.

The first time he read Zhuan Falun, Christopher said he experienced many changes. “I stopped drinking alcohol. Zhuan Falun answered many of my questions about life and existence – they all became clear,” he explained. “I’m now less egocentric. I’ve become interested in humanitarian causes and what’s going on in the world. These are things I never cared about nor understood before.”

This brought him inner peace. “I was able to take difficult situations more calmly, look beyond simple emotions, and understand the reasons why people do or say certain things,” Christopher continued. “Reading Zhuan Falun over and over again allows me to understand Dafa’s teachings better, and helps me eliminate attachments while finding inner peace despite chaos around me.”

Christopher is now trying to memorize passages in Zhuan Falun so he can better assimilate himself to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Deeper Insights Into Life

Félix from Canada started practicing Falun Dafa in 2012. He learned about the practice through practitioners in his family. Curious about the benefits they described, he decided to read Zhuan Falun.

“Zhuan Falun is a sacred and valuable book. It is so rich and deep, like the Falun Dafa principles it teaches,” Félix said. The book fascinated him and made the lofty principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance accessible and actionable. For him, the book unlocked “Answers to the questions I’ve been looking for all my life.”

Felix (first on right) is from Canada.

“I developed more compassion for the people around me,” Félix said. “I also started walking on a spiritual journey with the goal of becoming a better person.”

“I want to express my deep gratitude to Master Li, for showing me Dafa and guiding me on my cultivation journey. I have been given a goal and I have a deeper meaning to my life, and I will be forever grateful,” Félix added. He also recommends others read Zhuan Falun, “You’ll benefit and so will the people around you.”

An Extraordinary Book

Growing up with a mother who practices Falun Dafa, Myriam was no stranger to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. “I remember mother studying Zhuan Falun and sharing her understandings,” said Myriam. “This helped me to better understand what I was going through, and I tried to apply these principles in my own way.”

Myriam holds a banner during a Falun Dafa event.

Although she occasionally joined her mother to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the persecution in China, Myriam did not officially take up the practice until 2003, six years after her mother first started practicing. A friend gave her a Spanish-language copy of Zhuan Falun as a gift when she traveled to Costa Rica.

Myriam said the first time she read Zhuan Falun, “I didn’t fully understand what Master Li was teaching me. The version of Zhuan Falun I read included many Chinese terms that, as a French-speaking Westerner, I couldn’t really understand.”

She soon realized that she couldn’t put the book down. “Zhuan Falun showed me an extraordinary teaching that was very different from the Western thinking in which I was immersed,” Myriam explained. “No matter how busy I am, I still study Zhuan Falun and other Falun Dafa teachings. Master Li reminds us to do so.”

Twenty-two years have passed, and Myriam has read the book in all the Western languages she is familiar with: French, English, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. To get closer to the original meaning of the text, she’s begun learning to read the book in Chinese. “I really feel Master’s compassion between the lines, and it’s very compelling,” she said.

“Zhuan Falun is an extraordinary book that one should read from beginning to end. It surpasses any other books that I know,” said Myriam. “I would highly recommend it to everyone, so to not miss the long-awaited opportunity of reading Zhuan Falun.”