(Minghui.org) A leader from my company and one of my coworkers came to my home and asked me to go to the office. I knew I needed to clarify the truth to them, so I asked Master to strengthen my righteous thoughts.
The Head of the local 610 Office was waiting at the gate. When we entered, I noticed the deputy director of the local police department who was in charge of persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. I was not moved. I followed them and we went to a meeting room. They introduced the Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee and said that he came to show his concern and care for me, because my husband was recently persecuted to death in prison.
I thanked them for coming to see me, and I prepared tea. After we all sat down a person started writing what we said. When I asked why they were recording our conversation, the person stopped writing.
I told them that Falun Dafa is practiced around the world, but my husband was persecuted, imprisoned and tortured—he died as a result of the persecution. I said, “I conduct myself according to Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I don’t hate anyone, complain, or seek revenge. But whoever persecutes kind people cannot escape the heavenly principle of good deeds are rewarded, but evil deeds are punished. Whoever treats Falun Dafa practitioners kindly will be blessed. You punished my friends and relatives who came to see me and console me after my husband was persecuted to death. Isn’t that wrong?”
My righteous thoughts were strong and I spoke for an hour. They listened quietly including the Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee and the director of the Domestic Security Division. I told them that I was awarded “Excellent Employee” more than once, but I was demoted and was assigned to clean the building after the persecution started on July 20, 1999.
We finished the meeting amicably. I went to my manager’s office the next morning and asked what the attendees thought of meeting. He said I talked very well and I clearly explained the facts about the persecution. Afterwards, my cultivation environment at work improved.
When I saw one of our old neighbors I told her my husband was persecuted to death. She said with tears in her eyes, “Heaven is watching us!” My relatives admired my husband very much, and one said she wouldn’t have been able to endure the persecution like he did.
One day when I walked through a market, someone grabbed the back of my bicycle. I looked back and saw an elderly lady. She said, “The Falun Dafa you practice is very good. My son traveled overseas and visited several countries, where they can practice Falun Dafa openly. Don’t be afraid. Sooner or later practitioners will be vindicated.”
When I talked to my child’s tutor ten years ago, he said my husband and I were good people and Falun Dafa was righteous. I thanked him for taking good care of my son. My child visited his classmates’ homes and the parents said Falun Dafa and practitioners were good. Some said they knew the Self-Immolation incident in Tiananmen Square was fabricated by the Chinese Communist Party. Others said their relatives practice Falun Dafa.
I met many kind-hearted people when I clarified the truth, and they reminded me that I should be careful.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth