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Large Tumor Disappears From Firm Belief in Falun Dafa

March 15, 2025 |   By Shen Rong, a Minghui correspondent in Taiwan

(Minghui.org) Ms. Huang Hsiu-Chen, 75, often has a warm smile on her face. Growing up in Taiwan, her mother taught her to be kind, considerate, and work hard. She also warned her that God was watching her every move, and that she should never do bad things, even if no one was watching. Ms. Huang said she clearly remembers her mother telling her that God blesses kind people who do good deeds.

Ms. Huang graduated from nursing school and worked as a nurse at a veteran’s hospital. After seeing so many patient’s sad stories, the young Ms. Huang thought, “Being human is so miserable. Rich or poor, they can’t escape sickness and death, as if everything is predestined. So I will treat the patients well, like they are my family.”

Her good attitude and hard work earned her a model nurse award. She later met her future husband, Dr. Hu Nai-Wen.

Husband and Wife Practice Falun Dafa Together

Dr. Hu introduced Ms. Huang to the spiritual practice of Falun Dafa in February 1997. He told her that it was a great practice, and recommended that she attend a nine-day workshop to learn it. As soon as she stepped into the classroom, she felt a special kind of energy. “It’s a divine and sacred energy that touched me,” she said. “When I saw Master Li on the video, it felt like meeting a family member I hadn’t seen for a long time, and I almost cried. Hearing that the teaching was free, I knew it was different from all the other qigong practices.” She made up her mind to become a practitioner.

Ms. Huang Hsiu-Chen and her husband study the Falun Dafa teachings.

After reading and understanding the principles taught in Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa’s teachings, Ms. Huang viewed her work and patients in a different light. She used to become upset when patients refused to comply or swore at her. Once she knew why such conflicts happen, they no longer bothered her. “The teachings of Falun Dafa allowed me to let go of resentment. I believe in the principles Master Li taught, and the teachings allow me to improve my character and eliminate my attachments,” she said.

Encountering a Life-and-Death Tribulation

Ms. Huang felt a sharp pain in her abdomen one day in July 2000, and the constant pain prevented her from eating properly. Her weight dropped drastically and her hair fell out in handfuls.

She had to fly to Canada shortly after to take care of her mother. Her younger sister, upon seeing her so emaciated, insisted on taking her to a hospital. Upon looking at her blood test results, the doctor was in disbelief and told her that she should be in shock. She was hospitalized and went through a series of tests. One doctor wrote on her ultrasound record, “Tumor too large to be captured in whole.” She was told that the tumor might be malignant, and needed to be surgically removed.

Tumor Disappeared Overnight

Through the Falun Dafa teachings, Ms. Huang knew the root cause of her ailment. She remained calm and continued to treat others with compassion as the practice required. While she was in the hospital, she took care of a patient in the same room. The elderly woman said, “You are a patient too. Why are you taking care of me?” She replied, “I am also a professional nurse. I will be fine soon, and you will too.” The woman smiled happily.

During the night, Ms. Huang went to the bathroom and passed a large amount of feces. “I was surprised because I could barely eat at the time, yet so much stuff came out. I wasn’t too concerned about it at the time, though,” she said.

The next day, when the doctor examined her, he did not see any tumor. He said that he had never seen such a case in over ten years of medical practice. “What a miracle. You must have done many good things for this to happen,” he told her. Unable to explain what he saw, the doctor wrote on her chart, “Sudden disappearance of the tumor during a mid-term examination.”

Thinking back, she said that she was not worried during the whole tribulation. Instead, she thought about how to follow the teachings and view what happened to her as a practitioner. “Good or bad, it’s all part of my cultivation. I want to be truthful, compassionate, and forbearing, and not complain,” she said.

She was discharged from the hospital a week later. With a good appetite, her weight increased, and she regained her muscles and hair. When Dr. Hu flew to Canada to see her, she went to the airport to pick him up. She looked healthy, and he could not be happier. He gave her a big hug. They knew that the miracle came thanks to Master’s boundless grace.

Ms. Huang and Dr. Hu doing the Falun Dafa second exercise together.

She now cherishes every day of her life, knowing that her life was extended for her to cultivate, tell more people about Falun Dafa, its health benefits, and the ongoing persecution in China.

She also realized why her mother taught her to be kind even though she was young. She believes that because she has been kind to others, she was rewarded with the opportunity to learn such a great practice, and to survive a deadly illness. “If it weren’t for Master Li, I would not be here to tell the story. I am grateful to Master, for he taught me this great practice and helped me through hardships in life. I sincerely hope that everyone can give this practice a try,” she said.