(Minghui.org) Although I’m in my 80s, I am healthy and active because I practice Falun Dafa. I’d like to tell you how Master Li, Falun Dafa’s founder, restored my tailbone after I maintained my faith in the teachings (Fa).

When I was doing the Falun Dafa meditation exercise in March 2022, I suddenly leaned to the right. My left leg felt stiff and numb. When I touched my left buttock, there was a protrusion the size of an egg. It felt like a large piece of bone was right underneath the skin. It didn’t hurt or itch—it just felt uncomfortable.

I knew that it wasn’t an illness, so I said, “No matter what you are, I don’t want you, and you shouldn’t be here. I only walk the path Master arranged for me, and nothing should interfere with me. The universe is being corrected by a righteous Way, and I hope you choose wisely to assimilate to the Way of the universe.”

After that, I stopped thinking about the protrusion. I did all the chores at home as usual and did the three things every day.

When I mentioned to my sister what I’d felt, she insisted that I go to a hospital with her. I told her not to worry and that I’d be fine in a few days. No matter how she tried to persuade me, I was not moved. She eventually gave up because she understood that Falun Dafa is good and can resolve health issues.

I extended the length of time I read the Fa, and when I meditated, I tried to sit with my back straight and chest up. One day I noticed that my leg wasn’t as stiff as it used to be. I touched the protrusion and felt that it had shrunk and shifted toward my back. I knew Master was helping me.

I calmed down, focused on searching within myself, and found many notions: I didn’t like to be criticized, I said things without thinking, and I still had degenerated thoughts. All the notions I had came from selfishness and were not my true self, and I did not want any of them. I asked Master to help eliminate them.

By the end of March, I often felt something crawling on my leg when I did the exercises or studied the teachings. Red bumps appeared on my buttock and back, and they itched when wind blew on me. Several days later, they disappeared, and I could straighten my back again. The protrusion disappeared. I wondered where that piece of bone went, so I looked for it. I found that my tailbone, which had been surgically removed when I suffered tailbone pain, was there! My joy was beyond words, and I thanked Master for his immense grace.