(Minghui.org) I was born in a picturesque village where one could enjoy mountains and lakes. My family had a small courtyard filled with different kinds of fruit trees and grapevines. Like clusters of grapes, children in my family were born one after another, totaling nine siblings. Including the sister-in-laws who married into our family, there were a total of 15 people. We never quarreled or faced conflicts. During holidays, my grandmother would take a small teacup to divide sunflower seeds, grapes, and fruits into 15 portions, giving one to each grandchild.
When the village held open-air movie screenings, our family formed the longest procession. We looked cheerful, with my grandmother leading the way. Onlookers playfully remarked, “Here comes the old birthday star!” Some even joked that she was like the legendary She Taijun leading the Yang family warriors. Others commented, “Their family is the largest in our village, but we’ve never heard of them having any disputes.”
Growing up in such a home caused me to believe that all families were like this. But my perception of the world completely changed after getting married.
Ungrateful Husband Becomes Kind
Shortly after we got married, my husband demanded that I give my absolute obedience to his parents. Despite working hard doing all the household chores, my in-laws constantly found fault with me. I was once late cooking a meal because I was unraveling an old sweater. When my mother-in-law merely hinted to cook herself, my husband flew into a rage. He through me down onto the countertop and beat me until his younger sister intervened. From then on, beatings and verbal abuse became routine.
I learned that my in-laws’ family was having problems before I married into it. My husband had only one elder brother. He and his wife did not show up at our wedding. When I later encountered my sister-in-law while working in the fields, she vented her anger and cursed me. Meanwhile, my husband and his younger sister frequently badmouthed me in front of everyone.
Despite our hard labor in the fields, we could not save any money. We even fell into debt when treating my mother-in-law’s illness. My husband, though young, frequently claimed to be unwell. He was once sent home when he visited the hospital because the doctor could not find anything wrong. This reminded me of how my husband often pretended to be sick to evade farm work. I felt like I had married an irresponsible person. The bitterness of life led me to severe emotional distress and deteriorating health.
My younger sister visited me in 1997, and upon seeing my condition, she suggested that I practice Falun Dafa. She said that she had once suffered from various ailments, but recovered completely after practicing. Her words intrigued me—what kind of book could be so miraculous!
When I returned home for my mother’s birthday, I asked my family for Falun Dafa books. However, my father only had one copy of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, and treated it like a treasure. He refused to lend it to me, and said, “If you truly want to learn, come back and watch Master Li’s lectures first. If you’re sure, then I will teach you the exercises.”
A month after my father’s birthday I finished my farm work early and went back to watch all nine of Master’s lectures. I was filled with excitement afterwards. Since childhood, my family had worshiped Guanyin, and I had always revered divine beings. I realized that humans could truly cultivate and become divine. It was incredible! I immediately told my fourth brother that I wanted to have multiple copies of Zhuan Falun. At the time, every practitioner in our village had only one copy.
My heart opened up from then on. My once dark and miserable life brightened. I followed the teachings of Falun Dafa, firmly believing in Master and the Fa. Within a little over a year, I recovered from all of my illnesses. When conflicts arose, I learned to consider others first. I reconciled with my husband’s elder brother and his wife. After my mother-in-law passed away, my father-in-law lived alone for a year without anyone caring for him. As a Dafa practitioner, I brought him into my home and took care of him until he peacefully passed away at the age of 87. He also came to recognize the goodness of Dafa, and often recited the auspicious phrase – “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Falun Dafa is good!” -- in his heart.
I was arrested by the authorities twice and sentenced to a year of forced labor after the persecution of Falun Dafa was initiated in 1999. When I returned home, I found that my husband had stopped practicing out of fear. The police even assigned him the task of monitoring me to prevent me from studying the Fa with others, distributing truth-clarifying materials, or visiting my maternal family.
To break through this interference, I persistently sent forth righteous thoughts and took every opportunity to clarify the truth to my husband. He resumed practicing Dafa with Master’s blessings. His chronic back pain and headaches disappeared. One night, he dreamed of countless Falun (law wheels) in the sky. He was still in awe after waking up and realized the sacredness of cultivation practice. He has actively distributed truth-clarification materials and helped people understand the goodness of Dafa for over 20 years.
My husband underwent a complete transformation. He was once a man who avoided work and abused his wife. He’s now healthy and follows the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. His change not only freed me from an unpleasant marriage but also allowed me to focus on validating the Fa. All of this is thanks to Master’s boundless compassion.
My Family Protects Our Materials Production Site
I was the first person in my village to learn Dafa, and I organized the village’s first Fa-study group. Practitioners from the neighboring village also came to my home to watch Dafa videos. We had over 20 people at the peak.
After the onset of the persecution, the truth-clarifying materials production sites gradually shut down. We had to travel to distant urban areas for materials every time we needed them. This prompted me to consider setting up a materials production site at home. Upon hearing this, fellow practitioners pooled funds to buy me a computer and printer.
I only completed the third grade because of the Cultural Revolution. At the beginning, I didn’t know how to use the equipment. My younger brother was busy with his business, so he could only give me some hurried instructions. In desperation, I prayed in my heart, “Master, please guide me, I don’t know how to operate this.” Miraculously, I suddenly felt enlightened. As I moved the mouse randomly, I clicked on the right spots and printed documents successfully.
At first, I could only print single pages, then manually compile them into booklets. After some time, I thought, “It would be great if I could print entire booklets at a time!” The next day, to my astonishment, the printer started producing continuous, paginated booklets. I was amazed, “Wow, the printer changed!” But I knew it was due to Master’s help.
One of the most unforgettable experiences happened one night when the Internet blockage was severe. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t connect to the Minghui website. As the time for sending righteous thoughts at midnight approached—I asked Master for help. I unplugged the Internet cable without much expectation. To my amazement, the Minghui website suddenly appeared on my screen! I quickly downloaded all the truth-clarification journals. Master not only helped me operate the printer, but also to access the Internet when the cable was unplugged. This miracle remains vivid in my memory.
My children and grandchildren witnessed the changes in my husband and me, and fully supported Falun Dafa. My husband was once arrested for distributing truth-clarification materials. When the authorities came to search our home, our daughter-in-law hid the Dafa books in her room and firmly rebuked the officers. She warned them not to disturb her child doing homework. When asked if she practiced Falun Dafa, she replied, “I don’t, but I know that Falun Dafa is good! I even want to shout it out on a loudspeaker!” The officers backed down and decided to leave.
After several harassment incidents, I prayed in my heart, “This production site is meant to save people. Master, please protect it. The machines and materials must not be discovered by the evildoers.” My son later transported the equipment and supplies to another location. Despite repeated harassment, our site was never shut down. It’s been running for 16 years without interruption, even during the pandemic. I always print materials in advance so that fellow practitioners can pick them up anytime.
My son and daughter-in-law received blessings for their standing up for Dafa. My son’s business flourished, their marriage was harmonious, and my grandchildren also had deep faith in Dafa. Every time they visit, they pay respects to Master. Four generations of our family have received blessings.
The Entire Village Supports Dafa
COVID-19 broke out in the region in late 2022. Many people died in nearby villages where there were no Falun Dafa practitioners. However, in our village—where every household had heard the truth about Dafa and received protective amulets and Minghui truth-clarification journals—only one person passed away from the virus.
The only person who succumbed to COVID was a staunch follower of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He usually hung portraits of Mao Zedong in his house. Despite multiple attempts by me and his wife to persuade him to take them down and learn the truth, he refused. On the day of his death, he insisted he couldn’t stay in the room where the Mao portraits were hanging, saying it felt unbearably cold. He was later taken to the hospital where he passed away.
After this incident, more villagers realized that understanding the truth about Dafa is the key to staying safe.
The Warmth of My Childhood Returns
With Master’s blessing, I have once again found the warmth of my childhood home. My husband is no longer ill, our savings are increasing, and we have remodeled our house and courtyard. Through the windows, one can see a spacious and tidy yard adorned with chili peppers, green beans, and vibrant flowers.
Fellow practitioners frequently visit us, and neighbors treat each other with respect. My third and fourth sisters have resumed cultivation practice, while my eldest sister-in-law, fourth brother, and fifth brother remain diligent in their cultivation. When we gather to study the Fa and share experiences, it feels just like my joyful childhood.
I’m truly grateful for Master’s protection and the compassionate salvation for all beings in this region. I also thank fellow practitioners for their help and support. I hope that everyone will steadfastly follow the Fa-rectification path and fulfill their vows.
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