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Breaking Through the Evil’s Attempts to Persecute Me

March 16, 2025 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who works in a government office. My work place was reorganized and I was transferred to a department that combined several units ten years ago. The new department director was previously in charge of security work. At that time, I was afraid of being persecuted for practicing Falun Dafa. However, the more one fears something, the worse it gets. In an all-staff meeting, the director publicly stated that he would look for those who practice Falun Dafa, so I became even more afraid. Except for a few people from my former department, no one in the new department knew that I practiced Falun Dafa. During my contacts with security personnel, I learned that the section chief of political security in our company was responsible for monitoring people. Most importantly, they were “unreliable.” Of course, monitoring Dafa practitioner was also directed by the 610 Office.

As Dafa practitioners in the Fa-rectification period, we are responsible for clarifying the truth about Dafa to people and saving them. Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) strictly controlled my work environment, and I often felt terrified, I still tried to follow Master’s requirements. That is, I treated everyone I met at work as a predestined person and seized opportunities to clarify the truth about Dafa face-to-face whenever possible. In fact, I met many people through my work projects and frequently engaged in one-on-one conversations with them. To clarify the truth to them, I usually began by discussing the social chaos in China to find a point that resonated with the other person.

I would then transition to the main topic: the evil CCP’s persecution of Dafa. I’d tell them how Dafa has spread throughout the world, and the facts behind the staged Tiananmen self-immolation incident. If the other person was receptive, I brought up the topic of quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations, as well as the significance of doing so.

Of course, clarifying the truth was also a cultivation process for me. At times, when my cultivation state was good, the other party would interact with me positively. However, due to the influence of CCP’s Party indoctrination and my own attachments, there were moments when the other person was not receptive. One day, my project manager told me, “Don’t tell everyone you meet about it.” I knew he was referring to my effort to clarify the truth about Dafa to people, but I just smiled and didn’t think more about it.

One afternoon the department director approached me and asked me to go to his office. It felt ominous. I went to his office. He looked at me with a stern expression and said, “Tell me what you think of Falun Dafa.” I knew this was a test for me. I didn’t want to hide my identity as a Falun Dafa practitioner, so I replied, “Falun Dafa teaches people to be good and asks people to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and it is beneficial for both body and mind...” He sneered and interrupted me, saying, “You don’t need to tell me that. Let me verify something with you. You have been telling people about quitting the CCP and the youth organizations.” I said, “When did it happen?” He replied, “Someone reported you, claiming you told people about quitting the CCP.” I asked, “Who said that?” He said, “You should not worry about who it was.” At that moment, I thought about two fellow practitioners I knew who were persecuted because others reported them.

At the time, I kept sending forth righteous thoughts, thinking that I must never acknowledge the evil persecution. The director raised his voice and said, “You must be clear. I’m verifying with you to check your attitude. The police station and the staff in the 610 Office will not speak to you like this.” I calmly responded, “I spoke openly with that person because I consider him a friend, so I shared the truth with him. People should trust each other. Chinese tradition emphasizes benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and trustworthiness. If he even betrays his friends, is such a person still a friend?” At this time, I noticed that his face turned red, and he said, “Just pretend that I said nothing, and nothing happened today. You can leave now.”

At this time, I truly understood what Master said:

“If upon encountering trying circumstances your thinking can be truly righteous, then, when faced with the evil’s persecution and when faced with interference, just one sentence of yours fortified with steadfast righteous thoughts can instantly make the evil disintegrate (applause), and it will make those who are being used by the evil turn and flee, it will make the evil’s persecution of you dissolve, and it will make the evil’s interfering with you disappear without a trace.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. VII)

At that time, a fellow practitioner passed by the office and heard that I would be taken to the police station and the 610 Office. He helped me by sending forth righteous thoughts. Later, when we met, I told him about the situation. We both felt that we should treat those who don’t know the truth about Dafa, with compassion. I realized that I might have met the requirements of the Fa at that level. Master helped disintegrate the evil that was trying to control and persecute me. Master was by my side, protecting me.

Master said:

“Are you clarifying the facts with the human mindset of disagreeing with the persecution of Falun Gong, or validating the Fa and saving sentient beings truly from the standpoint of a Dafa disciple?” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Vol. III)

Although I thought about the issue then, I did not truly reflect on it. The main reason was that the CCP’s indoctrination had heavily influenced me, and I often clarified the truth with the cruelty and hatred that the CCP had instilled in me. I often did not speak with good intentions, but instead, sometimes gave the impression that I was dissatisfied with the evil Party. This was not genuinely validating the Fa and saving sentient beings from the perspective of a Dafa practitioner. Also I could not clarify the truth about Dafa directly to the department director and head of the political security section at that time. Yet other Dafa practitioners around me still found ways through various means to clarify the truth to them.

Because of what happened, I realized that my field was still not pure, and that the evil in the space I was responsible for had not been eliminated. Each day before work, I dedicated five to ten minutes to send forth righteous thoughts. My goal was to destroy the evil factors manipulating the department director and the head of the political security section, as well as the rotten ghosts and black hands that persecute Dafa and Dafa practitioners, interfering with the salvation of people. Although I could not see or sense anything from another dimension, I firmly believed what Master said. Thus, I constantly sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors affecting those at my workplace.

One day, my department director called me to his office and said, “The higher-ups always assign tasks related to Falun Dafa matters. I did mention your practice to them.” He also shared that he once visited the headquarters for some work and spoke to the people in the 610 Office about me. The 610 office had records of those who practiced before the persecution of Falun Dafa in 1997. He mentioned that the people in the 610 Office had a negative view of Falun Dafa practitioners; however, he defended me, saying, “He (referring to me) is not like that. He works diligently, conscientiously, and responsibly. He is very normal.” I was really happy that he spoke up for a Dafa practitioner with a positive attitude. At the time, I didn’t know why he suddenly chose to share this with me. Later, a fellow practitioner said to me, “Did you hear that the head of the political security section had a car accident and suffered a serious fracture?” I then realized why my department director said that to me. It all made sense.

Given this incident, I realized the importance of sending forth righteous thoughts, and the seriousness of cultivation. I know that only by following Master’s requirements, studying the Fa seriously, rectifying every thought, truly cultivating myself, and doing the three things well can I live up to Master’s compassionate salvation.