(Minghui.org) There are nine practitioners in our village Fa study group—six are in their 70s, one is in his 50s and two are in their 40s. The oldest is 78. For the last seven years, we’ve submitted articles about our cultivation experiences to Minghui.org twice a year. We understand the importance of writing experience sharing articles and treasure the process of writing them and participating when there is a call for articles.
Six of us only went to three years of elementary school. Thanks to the help of the local coordinators and the Minghui website editors, our articles were published. This reinforced our confidence, and we now write sharing articles each time a call for articles is published. I was moved when I read the articles local practitioners wrote about the recent ordeals we faced and shared their understanding and insights.
After we read the Minghui article, “The Challenges of Reporting on Persecution Cases in China,” the practitioners in our Fa study group realized that the Minghui editors’ job is challenging—so we should do our best when we write each article.
After the call for submissions to commemorate World Falun Dafa Day 2025 was published, we discussed what we should write and how we could improve the quality of our articles in order to reduce the editors’ workload.
Ailan and Ping (alias) coordinate our local Fa study group and help establish new Fa study groups in other villages. They also collect articles from the practitioners in other villages.
Cui (alias) and I are the youngest in our Fa study group, and we help the practitioners who are illiterate write articles. Cui collects articles from practitioners in other villages from Monday to Friday, and I collect them on weekends.
Of the nine practitioners in our group, I’m the only one who can type. I’m under a lot of pressure when I edit practitioners’ articles on the computer. My mother finished middle school, so she reads the articles and records them on a voice recorder and then converts the audio to text. I then copy the text and edit the articles on the computer; this saves a lot of time.
I remember when my mother read her own article for the first time, she stopped mid-way, because she couldn’t make out what she’d written. I said, “If you can’t read your own handwriting just think how difficult it will be for other practitioners when they review your article. You should write each word clearly.” She agreed, and when she re-wrote her article, she tried her best to write every word clearly.
Ding (alias) is meticulous. She writes every word neatly and numbers each page. She puts the title of her article and her pen name on the bottom of each page. She checks the dictionary when she’s not sure how to write certain words and tries her best to make sure she hasn’t misspelled any. I asked her to review the format of other practitioners’ articles and read them this time, and she agreed.
Last year we began reading our experience sharing articles to our Fa study group. That way, we make sure every sentence reads smoothly and every word is correct. We also point it out if anything we’ve written is not in line with the Fa so our articles will be more powerful in saving sentient beings.
The practitioners in our Fa study group do our best to help each other as we collect, edit, and proofread our articles. We know we still have all sorts of attachments that we haven’t eliminated. We all put cultivation into practice, listen to Master, and strive to become particles of Falun Dafa. We will do our best to lessen the Minghui editors’ burden by writing our articles well for World Falun Dafa Day.
Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!
Articles in which cultivators share their understandings typically reflect an individual's perception at a point in time based on their cultivation state, and they are offered in the spirit of enabling mutual elevation.
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Category: Cultivation Insights