(Minghui.org) I’m a 69-year-old woman who lives in the mountains. When I was of school age, it happened to be the time of the “Great Cultural Revolution,” when the whole country was in upheaval. I didn’t attend school and therefore was illiterate. I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. Since I began cultivating in Dafa, Master Li has given me wisdom. I was able to read Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa. I’m now beginning to memorize the Fa. Thank you, Master!

Living and working in the mountains is very arduous. One has to carry heavy loads up the mountain. I had been laboring with the adults since I was 13 years old. When I was in my 30s, I could no longer work. By the time I was in my 40s, I could not even do housework. I was so exhausted that I became sick, dizzy, and experienced insomnia. At night, I couldn’t see even with the lights on. I could only see a red dot. My whole body was feverish. My feet, toes, face, and tongue were black. Even my teeth looked like they’d been burned.

One of my relatives is a doctor. When I went to his hospital, he diagnosed me with cancer and referred me to another doctor. I spent a lot of money, took medicine, and got injections, but did not recover. Seeing that there was no effect, my relative said, “Go home and try to take care of yourself.”

After I returned home, my mother found a doctor to treat me, but my condition remained the same. The villagers were very kind to me, saying, “You’re too young, get treated quickly!” Some said that the medicine prescribed by this doctor worked, and others believed the medicine prescribed by another doctor also helped. The villagers brought me vegetables, meals, and helped me farm. But my stomach was upset after taking the medicine, and I vomited everything I ate.

When my husband went to the market and saw a banner reading, “Free Qigong Teaching,” he thought that if it was free, then this Qigong practice must be good. He asked the person who hung up the banner, “Can your practice heal illnesses?”

The man replied, “It has an amazing effect in healing illnesses and keeping fit. I used to be a cancer patient, and I recovered. I’ll give you a book to read at home. What’s written in there is the Fa. There is also a picture of Master Li Hongzhi in it.”

After my husband brought the book home, he exclaimed, “You’re saved!” I later obtained a copy of Zhuan Falun. I also learned that after I read the book and did the exercises, I could recover from my cancer.

At night, my husband read the book to me. While listening, I wondered why I felt so comfortable. He continued to read to me every night. The more I listened to Zhuan Falun, the more relaxed I felt. I came to understand that one’s illnesses are the result of karma, and one had to aspire to be a good person.

Dafa Spreads in the Mountains

My husband said, “This book is so precious. It teaches people to cultivate and become a Buddha.” Upon hearing that Falun Dafa is for cultivating Buddhahood, I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep. I went to the market and told the person who hung the banner that we wanted to learn the exercises. He volunteered to come play Master’s recorded lectures and exercise demonstration for our entire village.

My husband emptied out three rooms and invited the villagers to our house to watch the video. When the Falun Dafa practitioner came, the villagers filled the whole house. When we were on the third lecture, I could feel that Master was purifying my body. I was lying in bed because of my illnesses, and my body suddenly felt so comfortable. Afterward, my whole body seemed to be as bright as jade. The comfort I felt could not be expressed in words. I slept until dawn that night, and I was able to get out of bed that morning. When I folded my quilt, I saw that my black toenails had all fallen off and were replaced with new ones.

That night, everyone returned to continue watching the video series. When they saw me, they wondered how I was able to get up. I told everyone that my old toenails had fallen off and were replaced with new ones. People were amazed, and the news soon spread to other villages and more people came to learn Dafa. Some came from far away and stayed at our house to watch the video series.

We had a big courtyard where we did the Dafa exercises in the morning and watched the videos at night. After I learned the exercises, I got up early each morning to do the exercises with the group. After some of the elderly ladies had done the exercises for some time, their bent backs became straight. They then went back to their villages to organize exercise sites and study the Fa.

We held an experience sharing session to talk about our cultivation states. All of us said that we had benefited greatly. We’d recovered from our illnesses, no matter what they were. Master didn’t ask us for even a penny, and we wondered how we should repay his compassion. We decided that we would validate Dafa and let everyone know how wonderful it is!

When it snowed, practitioners cleaned up the streets; when it rained, we used tractors to spread fine sand to pave the roads and markets (before it rained, our area was already muddy); when it was dry, we paid for water to be pumped in and fill the ponds; when villagers had problems, we went to help. Master asks us to be good people by following Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and to always hold ourselves to these principles. Soon enough, the villagers knew that Dafa is wonderful.

Speaking Up for Dafa

A year passed and it was July 20, 1999, when the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader and his rogue regime began to persecute Dafa. They didn’t allow us to practice the exercises any more. Police officers confiscated Master’s portraits, our Dafa books, and exercise audio players. We went to the police station to demand the return of these items, but they refused and told us to go speak to the higher authorities. The following day, many of us set out for Beijing to uphold justice for Dafa, but we were stopped on our way. After we got back home, we were arrested and taken to brainwashing centers.

I felt very sad. Master was being defamed and Dafa was persecuted. I said to my family that I’d return to Beijing to speak up for Dafa. They were concerned for my safety. I told them that my life was given by Dafa and Master. The government didn’t know the truth about Dafa and only followed the orders of former CCP leader Jiang to crack down on practitioners and defame Master. I wanted to speak up for Dafa. My son said, “I’ll take care of the household chores. I support you, you should go!”

When I told my fellow practitioners about it, they also wanted to go. After we arrived in Beijing, we went to the Beijing Appeal Office. Outside the gate, there were a lot of police officers. We couldn’t get in, so we wrote a letter. We also discussed buying balloons and going to Tiananmen Square to release them. Practitioners from other places also bought balloons and went with us.

After we flew the balloons, we prepared to do the exercises at Tiananmen Square. Police cars arrived and the police pulled us into their vehicles and beat us with spiked batons. They then took us to the police station and interrogated us one by one. I said, “Falun Dafa is the best and most righteous practice. We came to safeguard the Fa. Please reinstate my Master’s reputation!”

The officers from our local police station took us back home and held us for 15 days. They took us to a dark room at the township government where they tortured us. Some were tied up and hung from a tree and beaten, some were stripped naked and beaten, and some were forced to kneel on bricks. They asked me, “Are you still going to Beijing or not?”

I replied, “I will still go until my Master’s reputation is reinstated.”

One of the guards said, “Can’t you just make up something false to say?”

“I practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I will not lie,” I replied.

He then said, “I think you cultivate well. You can go back.” But he forced my family to hand over 3,000 yuan as a deposit before releasing me. Our deposit was never returned.

Over the years, we continued to follow Master’s Fa-rectification process. We traveled over the mountains to hand out brochures that explained the truth about Dafa. We covered anywhere from 6 to 31 miles on a trip. By the time we got home from these trips, it was often close to dawn. When we hung informational banners all over the trees on the top of a hill, it looked as if the hill was blossoming. We also handed out copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and helped people quit the CCP. I managed to get the majority of my relatives and villagers to agree to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

My Family Benefits from Dafa

When one of my in-laws came to visit, I helped her quit the CCP. I also asked her to recite the auspicious phrase, “Falun Dafa is wonderful, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful!” She has been reciting it every day since. She told me, “The sciatica that had tormented me for 40 years was cured. I don’t know exactly when the pain stopped. I was so busy doing housework that I forgot about it. I wondered how come my legs stopped hurting. This Dafa is so wonderful and miraculous!” I gave her an MP3 player with Master’s lectures to take home.

There was once an accident at my son’s factory, and he took his injured colleague to the hospital. He said to his colleague, “Listen to what I say. I’ll say a sentence and you repeat it.” His colleague repeated the auspicious phrases after my son. While saying “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” his colleague’s injuries stopped hurting. When he went back to the hospital for a checkup, his wounds were healed. My son’s colleague exclaimed, “This is truly miraculous!”

My son also benefited from Dafa. He had gotten injections and taken medication since childhood. When he studied the Fa, he received blessings. During the pandemic, he kept reciting the phrases and was not infected. He understood that it was Master who protected him.

After my daughter-in-law came to live with me, she often caught colds. She remarked, “All the medicines in this house must be for me. I’ve noticed that you don’t catch any colds!”

“There is something we didn’t tell you because we were afraid you would be upset,” I told her. “I wonder if you would like me to tell you now?” She replied, “Sure, please go ahead.”

“I practice Falun Dafa. Have you ever heard of it?” I asked.

“I heard about it from TV when I was in school,” she answered. “What is Falun Dafa about?”

“Dafa helps one recover from illnesses and keep fit,” I explained. “What do you think of our practice now?” I then told her how the former CCP leader persecuted Dafa and ordered the staged “self-immolation incident” at Tiananmen Square.

She replied, “I’ve heard you talk about how great it is, and I also want to learn it. You are in good health. Hearing about Dafa must be the blessings I’ve received as the younger generation. Look at you, such a wonderful person, and you have always been so kind to me. You treat me just like my mother.” Afterward, she began to read Zhuan Falun and began practicing Dafa.

Our entire family knows that Dafa is good, and they support me in practicing.

There were also situations when I didn’t cultivate well. But I’m committed to practicing solid cultivation, improving my level, and doing the three things well.