(Minghui.org) I joined a Fa study group in 2019 and started to memorize the Fa with fellow practitioners. Although the process was full of fumbles, I did not give up. Unknowingly, my xinxing and understanding of the Fa has kept improving. Here, I’d like to share a few of my cultivation experiences after joining a Fa study group to memorize the Fa.
Improving Xinxing and Starting a Truth-clarification Materials Production Site
Before I started memorizing the Fa, I did not really cultivate myself in every situation. I often just did things as I liked without maintaining my xinxing. When things did not align with my opinions, I would quarrel with my husband. Whenever I behaved like this, he would take out a Dafa book and say to me, “Quickly go and read the book!” My husband knew deep down that he could not change me by quarreling with me. Only Dafa could calm me down and restrain my demon nature.
As I delved deeper into memorizing the Fa, my xinxing kept improving without me realizing. The practitioners in our Fa study group all started truth-clarification materials production sites in their homes and shouldered responsibilities to save the sentient beings in our area. We learned how to make truth-clarifying booklets, Dafa books, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, The Ultimate Goal of Communism, amulets, calendars, new year designs, and other materials. These materials have all had a significant impact in helping to enhance the saving of sentient beings in our area.
When I first started producing materials, I still had quite a lot of fear. If I heard an ambulance or fire engine siren outside my house while I was making materials, I would think it was a police siren and would be so scared that my heart would keep thumping. After five years of memorizing the Fa and cultivating my xinxing, a lot of the substance of fear has been eliminated. Not only has the materials production site continued, I was even able to clarify the truth in person sometimes. I am able to do better in the projects that assist Master in saving people. I also know that I must place great emphasis on cultivating my xinxing in order to do well in the matters that can save sentient beings. Here, I thank Master for arranging such a cultivation environment for me. I also thank the practitioners from the Fa study group who have rendered me their selfless help.
A Peaceful Mindset and a Compassionate Display
I work the night shift at a supermarket. One day, a customer came in to buy cigarettes. I did not clearly hear what type he wanted to buy, so I asked, “What type of cigarettes do you want to buy?” He made a loud exasperated sound and then started speaking loudly. The attachment to fighting with others arose as his voice got louder and louder. Halfway through, I thought of the content of our cultivation experience sharing during our Fa study sessions and remembered Master’s Fa.
At the same time, I also realized that this was a result of my karma. During a recent Fa study, I had started to shout at a practitioner when my way of dealing with a matter differed from him. This customer shouting at me resembled the scenario from that day so much. Master had sent this customer to me to let me see how it felt to be treated in the manner I had treated my fellow practitioner that day. I thus thanked the customer from the bottom of my heart.
My attitude became truly peaceful. In the past, when I had memorized the Fa, I only had a superficial understanding of the Fa. Now that I just experienced what it felt like to be in a harmonious state, where the whole mind and body is immersed in a harmonious field, which is very comfortable and wonderful, I felt joy in my mind and body. I could then speak to the customer in a calm and harmonious attitude. After he finished buying his cigarettes, he smiled at me. I was stunned, as I did not expect his attitude to change so quickly. He then said, “Thank you for your hard work!”
After the customer left, I recalled his smile. It was as if Master had been encouraging his disciple after seeing that I was able to maintain my xinxing. Recalling the Fa that Master has taught us, gratitude welled up in my heart. There are all sorts of people in this society. Being in this environment enables us to cultivate. Isn’t everyone we meet meant to help us improve in our cultivation? I should be grateful to all the people and issues that I come across. I experienced the Fa about “You have gained four ways in one shot.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun) that Master has taught us.
I shared my cultivation experience in our Fa study group. The next morning, a practitioner said to me, “Even now I can feel that the tone that you are speaking with is so full of compassion and peacefulness, making people feel warm and comfortable as though the whole mind and body is immersed in the bright beams of Dafa. It makes my mind and body feel so wonderful.”
Another Level of Understanding About True Compassion and Evil
I was memorizing the Fa once, when I kept using Fa principles to look at others. I thought that one segment of the Fa is what one practitioner should take note of, and another segment of the Fa is what another practitioner should attain. I thought that I could understand the Fa better when I could see the shortcomings of other practitioners. I thus kept judging other practitioners based on the Fa. Just then, I seemed to see evil coming from my soul. This kind of evil was thread-like, dissipating out from deep within my soul. My mind suddenly cleared and I recognized it and caught it. The origin of this evil came from notions that I had formed over my many past lifetimes, and the self-centeredness and selfishness that were formed in the old universe.
Master made me understand my problem, and I was able to differentiate between my compassion and evil. When I always think about the shortcomings of other practitioners in their cultivation, that is actually my demon nature. I should recognize and differentiate the evil very deep within my soul. On the surface, it seems to be for the good of other practitioners, but behind it is my evil nature. No matter whether I think I am pointing something out for the good of the other person, that person will not be able to feel my compassion and I will even aggravate the conflict. It is Dafa that can truly straighten all that is not righteous and change people’s hearts. Only Dafa and only Master can save us from this sea of hardship and help us practitioners cooperate well with one another, so that we can complete our mission to assist Master in saving people and fulfill our prehistoric vows.
As my cultivation level is limited, kindly let me know if there is any room for improvement.
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Category: Improving Oneself