(Minghui.org) As someone who’s benefited from practicing Falun Dafa, I find ways to tell people what Dafa is while clarifying the truth to mitigate the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) defamatory propaganda. I’d like to share a few stories with you.

Daughters and Mother’s Lives Improve

One chilly morning in March, I noticed a woman coming out of a supermarket pushing a shopping cart full of groceries. I greeted her and we began talking. Her name was Lan [alias], and she was a little older than I.

When I mentioned Falun Dafa Lan said her coworker told her about the practice. The coworker gave her some information, and Lan learned what Dafa is. Whenever she saw discarded pamphlets about Falun Dafa lying in the street, she took them home and read them—then she hung them on car door handles so others could read them.

Her respect for Falun Dafa brought her blessings. When her daughter was about to enter high school, Lan did not give any gifts to the teachers like the other parents did because they didn’t want their child to be transferred to another campus when they entered high school. Her daughter was assigned to a less reputable high school. Lan asked the teacher, “Why can’t my daughter stay here and attend high school?”

When teacher said her daughter wasn’t good enough, Lan argued with her. The teacher said she’d ask her daughter two questions—if she couldn’t answer them, she would be transferred to the other school. Fortunately, her daughter answered both questions correctly, so she was able to attend high school on that campus.

The blessing continued. When her daughter graduated from high school she was successfully admitted to a university, where she received scholarships every semester. She graduated as an exemplary student and was sought after by employers. She easily landed a good job, works at a foreign-owned company, and often travels overseas on business. Many people envy her.

Although Lan does not practice Falun Dafa, she agrees with the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance and is considerate of others. A few years ago, the state-owned enterprise she worked for decided to lay off some employees. There were two people in her position, and only one could be kept. Her coworker has a young child and a heavier financial burden, so Lan volunteered to be laid off.

Her kindhearted behavior was soon rewarded. When she was walking on the street one day, a young man who sold apartments stopped her. He asked her to look at a model apartment, but Lan said she had no wish to buy one. “You don’t have to buy it, just have a look,” he explained. “If I don’t complete my task today, I won’t get paid.” Lan wanted to help the young man, so she went with him.

There was a random drawing for buyers to get an apartment. Lan got a number that matched a large apartment which was more than 140 square meters (or 1,500 square feet). This large apartment was in high demand. Someone offered her 3,000 yuan (US $415) for this priority property, while another person offered her 6,000 yuan. Since the apartment was so good, her daughter suggested they buy it—so they did. Later, a subway line was extended to this residential area. The apartment building was close to the sea, so they were able to enjoy a view of the ocean.

When I heard this I congratulated Lan. She smiled and said she just couldn’t understand why the coworker who gave her Falun Dafa materials was arrested. “She is a good person, but she was arrested twice for practicing Falun Dafa,” she said.

I explained that Dafa is practiced in over 100 countries but is only persecuted in China. This is because the CCP does not tolerate traditional values such as Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I said that’s also why so many people renounce their memberships in the CCP these days.

Lan said she hopes the persecution ends soon, “This society [led by the CCP] is really finished. It can’t get any worse.”

“There Aren’t Many Good People Like You”

I met an 89-year-old man, greeted him and told him about Falun Dafa. He liked the booklet I gave him and asked, “You’re so nice. Will I see you again?”

I said I usually passed by this area and I’d bring him new materials. He said he often came to this shopping mall and took a rest in a chair.

He said happily, “There aren’t many good people like you.”

I replied, “All Falun Dafa practitioners are nice people and we are glad to help people know what is going on.”

In another time I met an 86-year-old man at the exit of a farmer’s market. After I greeted him and mentioned Falun Dafa as well as the persecution, he agreed to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations without hesitation. I gave him an amulet which had the words, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” along with some booklets. I saw him a few days later. He was happy to see me and get new materials.

I met two middle-aged men and greeted them. One of them accepted a booklet from me and asked, “Is this Falun Dafa?” I told him that it was and explained I wanted him to know the real story of Dafa given the CCP’s massive hate propaganda.

He nodded in agreement and exclaimed, “Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is good!” We both laughed heartily.

The second person was also agreeable and said he hoped to see more practitioners. I said there are about 100 million practitioners around the world. He said if more practitioners came out to clarify the facts, the situation would change sooner. I explained that practitioners come from all walks of life but many of them may not have much time like me. In any case, we do hope more people learn about Dafa and break away from the CCP for a better future. He agreed.