(Minghui.org) I have cultivated in Falun Dafa for more than 20 years. During these years of cultivation, I have deeply experienced the greatness of Master and Dafa’s supernatural and miraculous nature! Not only have I benefited tremendously physically and mentally from my cultivation, but my family members have also gained blissful rewards through believing in Dafa.

My Grandchild Recovers from a Fever

My city started to lock down and seal off residential communities due to the seriousness of the pandemic at the start of February 2021. My daughter had moved in with two of her children before the lockdown. The night my residential community was being sealed off, my three-year-old grandson started having a fever. Seeing his face all red made us all very anxious, as no pharmacies were open at that time.

Early the next morning, we planned to get some medicine from my daughter’s friend’s house. However, when we reached the entrance of my residential community, the streets were filled with uniformed workers and police officers executing preventive measures to deal with the pandemic. If we were questioned, they would know that the child had a fever and the child would be taken away to be quarantined. That would be even more dangerous!

My daughter and I decided that we would go home to let the child listen to Master’s lectures instead. When we got home, the child looked very pitiful. I turned on the speaker and played Master’s lectures beside the child’s pillow for him. The child gradually fell asleep. After about two hours, the child woke up and sat up. It was obvious that he was back to his normal state and had recovered from his fever! Not only was he in good spirits, he could even get out of bed to play on the floor. It was as though nothing had happened.

Our whole family was so thankful to Master for helping us resolve that very dangerous situation where there was nowhere to get a doctor or medication. My family, who are not cultivators, witnessed the miraculous nature of Dafa with their own eyes.

Nosebleed Stops

When my other grandson was five years old, we took him to my mother-in-law’s house one day to prepare a meal for him. At that time, my mother-in-law’s yard had a few live fish which she had placed in a basin. Just as we were preparing the meal, my grandson, who had been playing outside, came in with two bleeding nostrils. The child was crying because he was frightened. We used a tissue to block his nostrils, but the bleeding continued. Coincidentally, a Dafa practitioner came at that moment. Seeing the situation, he picked up the child and said loudly, “Falun Dafa is Good! I am here, so my Master is also here!” Just as he finished saying that sentence, my grandson’s nose, which had been bleeding profusely, stopped bleeding!

Everyone who was present witnessed the miraculous nature of Dafa. When the child was in danger, Master’s protection helped the child. Thank you, Master!

After that ordeal, we went out to the yard and saw that one of the fish had been killed. When we asked the grandchild if he had killed the fish, he nodded. We then told him that he should not kill a living being without a good reason next time. The ordeal had been brought about by him killing the fish, so he must cherish living beings.

Where Did the Fish Bone Go?

One night in June 2022, we cooked fish at home. My younger grandson was eating, when a fish bone got stuck in his throat. He cried loudly in pain and I thought of going to my bedroom to get a flashlight to take a look at the location of the stuck bone. I then remembered and quickly recited, “Falun Dafa is good!” The child immediately stopped crying. Within a second, the child was speaking and laughing! Amid my surprise and joy, I thought, “Where did the fish bone go?”

Miraculous things like this have happened many times. Every time there is a dangerous or difficult situation, Master has always helped me and my family resolve it. I am really at a loss for words to express my gratitude to Master!

I can only wish that all sentient beings can understand the facts, learn about the goodness of Falun Dafa, and recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” when they are in urgent situations, and they will be safe.