(Minghui.org) The publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party is responsible for the start of the movement to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its two youth organizations (the “Three Withdrawals”). This movement is the result of people’s desire to make the right choice.
The Nine Commentaries helps people to understand the evil nature of the CCP. It also helps eliminate the CCP’s evil spirits from their lives. Distributing copies of this publication contributes to the disintegration of the CCP.
I believe Master arranged for such an important event during the Fa-rectification period, which may even be beyond our comprehension. All the more so should follow his directions to fulfill the requirements needed to realize this mission.
Production and Distribution of the Nine Commentaries
The Minghui website published an article with instructions for making the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in high-definition color as a thread-bound, nine-chapter book on May 27, 2022. The article did not, however, mention any “requirements,” so I assumed that it wasn’t important and didn’t think more about it.
Two months later, fellow practitioners told me that Minghui Weekly had also published the article. That made me wonder why instructions to make copies of the Nine Commentaries in a high-definition color, thread-bound version would come out when the Fa-rectification was nearing its end.
Two months later, I understood why the instructions had been published again in Minghui Weekly. First, some people in China did not fully understand the importance of the Nine Commentaries, which is meant for saving sentient beings. Second, there may be places where the book was never distributed, so we need to keep making a great effort. From what I know, many people in rural areas have not read the Nine Commentaries, so we need to work more diligently to close that gap.
All practitioners in China, even those who cannot get online, have now learned about this via Minghui Weekly, and I realized that this is an important step in the Fa-rectification process. I discussed it with everyone I came in contact with, and we all agreed that we should start to produce the thread-bound version of the Nine Commentaries. Everyone could sew at least one copy per month, mainly to distribute to people in mainstream society.
After studying Master’s Teachings at the 2005 Conference in San Francisco, I realized the following four important points regarding the Nine Commentaries:
1. The purpose of the Nine Commentaries is to disintegrate the Party. The book has already set the “Three Withdrawals” Movement into motion.
2. The Nine Commentaries has the power of the Fa. No other book has that kind of power.
3. The Nine Commentaries should be distributed until the CCP collapses.
4. The Nine Commentaries is intended to save people, and no one will be harmed in the process; we should proceed with this effort. To save more people, it is necessary to produce the thread-bound Nine Commentaries per Minghui’s requirements, but we also need to make the ordinary version of the Nine Commentaries to distribute.
In 2008, it took me 11 months to finish distributing the Nine Commentaries in the area I was responsible for. After that, I began to help fellow practitioners to produce and distribute the books.
The Amazing Effect of the Nine Commentaries in Saving People
A fellow practitioner told me this story in 2006. She ran into the former director of the county CCP committee and encouraged him to quit the CCP. He didn’t need to be asked twice and immediately agreed. The practitioner then said she would give him a copy of the Nine Commentaries. He said, “I’ve read it. I don’t know who gave me a copy. That book is so well written and the content is so true. The CCP will be finished. I will never go along with its evil deeds!” Actually, I had sent him a copy a few months prior.
Another practitioner told me that her husband initially refused to quit the CCP. No matter how much she tried, he refused to read the Nine Commentaries. The practitioner stopped talking about it, but casually placed a copy of the book in the bedroom. Her husband read it without much ado. A few days later, he calmly said, “Help me quit the Party.”
Another practitioner operates a small business in a rural area and travels daily from village to village. He has persuaded many people to quit the CCP. He said, “During all these years, I’ve noticed that those who are quick to agree to quit the CCP are those who would say yes if I asked them if they had read the Nine Commentaries.”
The Nine Commentaries is like an atomic bomb, which will completely destroy the CCP and its factors. The stories above are true examples of its power.
Impact of the Nine Commentaries
I’ve discussed the impact of the Nine Commentaries on saving people with fellow practitioners. More than 90% of those who have read the book readily agree to quit the CCP. This includes high-ranking officials at the county level, such as the deputy Party secretary, deputy county head, county director, deputy director of the People’s Congress, chairman, and vice chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). These individuals have all read the Nine Commentaries and are willing to withdraw from the CCP as soon as they are approached. This fact tells us that no other truth-clarifying material is comparable to the Nine Commentaries. Master has infused it with the power of the Fa.
After finishing the task in my area and assisting fellow practitioners around me, I began supporting others in different regions by producing the Nine Commentaries. I make about 300 copies monthly and give them to practitioners who need it.
I use a laser printer to make the books. While that costs more, the quality is excellent. Master gave me great encouragement during the process. My printer works well with me.
I have printed about 1,700 copies of the Nine Commentaries so far. The printer and the toner cartridge work surprisingly well together. I’ve only had to replace one drum core for the toner cartridge of the HP403 printer. I know I am doing the right thing, and Master is encouraging me.
Master said:
“The CCP is the last major entity of the malevolent Party’s evil specter, and to save the Chinese people [we need] to disintegrate the malevolent Party’s evil specter.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume VII)
Master asked us to spread the Nine Commentaries until the Party disintegrates. I will fulfill Master’s request and continue to produce the Nine Commentaries so that it can exert greater power and save more sentient beings.
Using Paper Currency with Falun Dafa Messages
Master said in Teachings at the Conference in Los Angeles:
“Some people have suggested writing “Falun Dafa is Great” or “Withdraw from the Party” on Renminbi.5(Audience laughs) I think that’s a terrific idea. (Applause) You can’t throw away money, and you can’t destroy it.”
Master has affirmed the impact of paper currency with Falun Dafa messages printed on the bills. We, as disciples, must do it well. It seems simple, but it is not that easy. It is also a process of cultivating our xinxing and getting rid of attachments. In particular, it helps to get rid of the attachment of fear.
I started using paper currency with Falun Dafa messages printed on the bills in 2006, so I’ve been doing it for 18 years. I mainly use a stamp to print the message on the bills, but occasionally, I print some using a printer. Over the past 18 years, I have encountered only two people who did not want these bills, both times in 2006 when people were unfamiliar with them.
The first time it happened I was at a gas station. I paid and started to walk away when the attendant stopped me and said politely, “There are printed words on your bills. Please exchange them.” And in December of that year, I went to a market to buy dates. A vender noticed the words and said, “I don’t want bills with words on them.” I replied, “If you don’t want them, I won’t buy your dates.”
Except for the 100-yuan bill, all the paper currency I spent had truth-clarification messages on the bills. Sometimes, I also used a red marker to write “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” on the 100-yuan bill. I used the stamp for 18 years, until January of this year, when I replaced it with a new one.
Paper currency bills with Falun Dafa messages printed on them have played an immeasurable role in saving people. Many people have found out the life-saving message, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and they have been blessed. Some people learned about quitting the CCP and its youth organizations from those bills. When we asked people if they knew about quitting the CCP to ensure their safety, many answered, “It’s written on the money.”
Master’s Fa-rectification is coming to an end, and the opportunity to cultivate is slipping away. I must be more diligent and continue producing the Nine Commentaries to save more people before the CCP is eliminated. I will follow in Master’s footsteps, fulfill my promise, be a qualified practitioner who does not cause Master to worry, and follow him to return to my heavenly home.
Thank you, Master, for your compassionate protection! Thank you, fellow practitioners, for your cooperation!
Articles in which cultivators share their understandings typically reflect an individual's perception at a point in time based on their cultivation state, and they are offered in the spirit of enabling mutual elevation.
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