Torture of Women
In the persecution of Falun Gong in China, far from being shielded from the violence because of their gender, women have often been singled out for even greater brutality than men.
Of the 5,000+ confirmed death cases, over half are women. Women are routinely beaten, shocked with electric batons, and subjected to other extreme types of physical torture just like the men. In addition, they are also frequently sexually assaulted by the police and detention center guards. Against these assaults, women have little protection, for there is no law or justice in China's penal system for those who have been targeted for eradication by the Communist Party.
March 10, 2025After Nearly Six Years of Incarceration and Torture, Heilongjiang Woman Sentenced Again for Her Faith
Feb. 22, 2025Additional Information About the Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Jailed at Guangdong Women’s Prison
Feb. 18, 2025After Being Incarcerated for Six Years and Subjected to Brutal Torture, Guangdong Woman Arrested Again for Practicing Falun Gong
Dec. 20, 2024Liaoning Woman Subjected to More than Seven Years of Torture for Her Faith
Dec. 20, 2024Retired Middle School Teacher Lost the Ability to Work Due to Prison Torture and Has Her Pension Suspended
Oct. 20, 2024Torture Methods Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhejiang Province Women’s Prison
Sept. 25, 2024Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Shandong Province Women’s Prison
Sept. 24, 2024Belated News: After 10 Years Behind Bars, 60-Year-Old Hubei Woman Arrested Again for Raising Awareness of Persecution of Falun Gong
Sept. 23, 2024Witness Recounts Torture that Caused Former Nurse to Suffer Persistent Vegetative State
Sept. 1, 2024Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Third Ward of Beijing Women’s Prison
Aug. 23, 2024Woman Subjected to Drug Administration and Physical Abuse While Serving Time in Beijing Women’s Prison
July 26, 2024Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured at the High-Security Division in Hunan Province Women’s Prison
June 4, 202491-Year-Old Woman Exemplifies Falun Dafa’s Extraordinariness Despite Torture, Including Being Scalded with Boiling Water
May 31, 2024After Nearly a Decade Behind Bars for Practicing Falun Gong, 63-Year-Old Jilin Woman Gets Second 5-Year Prison Term
May 29, 2024Jilin Woman Recounts Nine Years of Incarceration and Torture for Her Faith in Falun Gong
May 19, 202454-Year-Old Woman Tortured in Liaoning Province Women’s Prison for Upholding Her Faith in Falun Gong
May 15, 2024A Falun Gong Practitioner Recounts about the Torture of Ms. Zhang Yueqin, Who Died at 78 After Serving Two Prison Terms Totaling 8.5 Years
May 9, 2024Hand Injuries Relapse After Latest Brainwashing Center Detention, 75-Year-Old Woman Lives on Her Own in Dire Situation
May 5, 2024A Falun Gong Practitioner’s First-hand Account of Being Tortured in Liaoning Provincial Second Women’s Prison (Part 2)
May 1, 2024A Falun Gong Practitioner’s First-hand Account of Being Tortured in Liaoning Provincial Second Women’s Prison (Part 1)
April 24, 2024After Three Labor Camp Detentions and Two Prison Terms, Chongqing Woman Denied Low-income Subsidy and Harrassed
April 14, 2024Additional Information about Heilongjiang Woman’s Ongoing Abuse in Prison
April 13, 2024Liaoning Woman Returns Home After Serving Four Years for Practicing Falun Gong
March 27, 2024Once Tortured at a Labor Camp for 3 Plus Years, 72-Year-Old Hebei Woman Sentenced to 3.5 Years for Her Faith
March 26, 2024Liaoning Woman Recounts How She Was Tortured for Four Years While She Was Imprisoned
March 22, 2024Elderly Woman Jailed for 7.5 Years for Upholding Her Faith, Monitored and Harassed After Release
March 13, 202474-Year-Old Legally Blind Woman Loses Appeal Over Third Prison Term for Her Faith in Falun Gong
March 8, 202451-Year-Old Former Hospital Worker Brutally Tortured While Serving Second Prison Term for Practicing Falun Gong
March 3, 2024Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Beijing Women’s Prison, Ms. Xu Na’s Whereabouts Unknown
Feb. 23, 2024Once Jailed for 4 Years, 80-Year-Old Liaoning Woman Faces Indictment for Her Faith in Falun Gong
Feb. 8, 2024Heilongjiang Woman Faces Ongoing Abuse in Prison, Appeal Against Wrongful Conviction Withheld by Guards
Feb. 2, 2024Jilin Woman Jailed to Serve 4.5 Years for Her Faith in Falun Gong
Jan. 11, 2024Bank Manager Is Persecuted for Two Decades for Practicing Falun Gong
Jan. 10, 2024After Nine Hellish Years in Prison, Woman Gets Another 4.5 Years for Her Faith in Falun Gong
Jan. 7, 2024Sichuan Woman Completes Second 3-Year Sentence With Severe Back Injuries Due to Long-term Torture in Prison
Dec. 24, 202376-Year-Old Woman Files Criminal Complaint Against Perpetrator Responsible for Her Torture-Induced Mental Breakdown 21 Years Ago
Dec. 20, 2023Jilin Woman Secretly Tried for Her Faith, Case Status in Flux
Dec. 14, 202369-Year-Old Sichuan Woman Secretly Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison
Nov. 1, 2023Liaoning Woman Denied Family Visits and Abused Since Prison Admission in April 2023
Oct. 28, 2023Tortured for Four Years: Kunming Teacher Persecuted for Her Faith
Oct. 21, 202365-Year-Old Shandong Woman Sentenced to 2 Years for Practicing Falun Gong
Oct. 19, 2023Four More Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured and Abused at Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison
Oct. 17, 2023Previously Incarcerated for a Total of 9.5 Years, 74-Year-Old Woman Sentenced to 4 Years for Practicing Falun Gong
Oct. 16, 2023How Falun Gong Practitioners in Guangdong Province Women’s Prison Are Tortured
Oct. 14, 2023Gansu Woman Sentenced Again for Practicing Falun Gong after Serving Two Prison Terms Totaling 11 Years
Oct. 10, 2023Prison Guards Beat Liaoning Woman’s Head and Refuse to Allow Her to Wash Herself
Oct. 4, 2023Liaoning Woman Endures Five Years of Torture In Prison for Upholding Her Faith
Oct. 2, 2023Woman Nearly Loses Eyesight While Incarcerated for Over Five Years for Her Faith
Sept. 28, 2023Shaanxi Woman Arrested for Her Faith, Beaten by Detention Center Guards
Sept. 20, 2023Yunnan Province Woman Spends 17 Years Behind Bars for Upholding Her Faith
Sept. 19, 2023Woman’s Post-stroke Speech Problems and Cognitive Impairment Resolved After Practicing Falun Gong, Now She Is Imprisoned for Upholding Her Faith
Sept. 1, 202363-Year-Old Liaoning Woman Dies Destitute After Years of Persecution for Her Faith
Aug. 10, 2023Heilongjiang Woman Sentenced to 7.5 Years for Her Faith
Aug. 7, 202366-year-old Woman Spends 17.5 Years Behind Bars During 24-year Persecution of Her Faith
July 28, 2023Sentenced for Her Faith in Falun Gong, Woman Tortured in Jiangxi Women’s Prison
July 14, 202380-Year-Old Woman Emaciated and Wheelchair-bound at Prison Admission
July 2, 2023Yunnan Woman Sprayed with Corrosive Chemical during Fourth Prison Term for Her Faith
June 28, 2023Having Been Incarcerated for Over Eight Years, Beijing Hairdresser Detained Again for Practicing Falun Gong
June 27, 2023How Guards in Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison Torture Practitioners of Falun Dafa
June 21, 202370-year-old Woman Tortured in Prison for 3.5 Years for Practicing Falun Dafa
June 19, 2023Beijing Woman Given Prison Term of Eight Years for Her Faith in Falun Gong
May 28, 2023Falun Gong Practitioners Subjected to Brutal Torture in Jilin Province Women’s Prison
May 28, 2023Woman in Her 60s Tortured and Denied Purchase of Daily Necessities While Serving Four Years for Her Faith
May 21, 2023Two Falun Gong Practitioners Serving Ten Years Suffer Medical Conditions
May 15, 2023Woman in Her 70s Tortured in Jiangxi Province Women’s Prison
May 12, 202375-year-old Suffers Nearly Three Years of Beating, Shackling, Being Hung Up for Practicing Falun Dafa
May 8, 2023Family’s Uphill Battle to Visit Loved One In Prison
May 7, 2023Retired Preschool Teacher Loses Pension After Serving Three Years for Her Faith
May 7, 2023Older Women Tortured in Hubei Province Women’s Prison
May 7, 2023Brainwashing Tactics Used on Newly Admitted Falun Dafa Practitioners in Liaoning Province Women’s Prison
March 14, 2023Belated News: Drug Experiment on Incarcerated Falun Dafa Practitioner
March 13, 2023Newly Admitted Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured at Entry Team of Shaanxi Province Women’s Prison
Feb. 28, 2023Older Harbin Women Tortured in Heilongjiang Women’s Prison for Their Faith in Falun Gong
Jan. 20, 2023After Enduring Five Arrests and Seven Years of Torture for Her Faith, Woman Dies Five Months Before Daughter’s Fifth Birthday
Jan. 2, 2023Music Teacher Exposes the Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners Held in the Now Defunct Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
Dec. 14, 2022Exposing the Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners Jailed at Jilin Province Women’s Prison
Dec. 13, 2022Tactics and Tortures Used on Steadfast Falun Dafa Practitioners Jailed in Gansu Province Women’s Prison
Dec. 12, 2022Mother and Daughter Jailed in Notorious Prison for Distributing Materials about Dafa
Dec. 12, 2022How Guards in Guangdong Province Women’s Prison Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
Dec. 12, 2022Woman Recalls Three Years of Persecution in Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison
Dec. 1, 202270-year-old Woman Tortured While Serving Eight Years for Her Faith
Nov. 22, 2022First-hand Witness of Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison
Nov. 2, 2022Head Nurse Beaten, Sexually Assaulted and Frozen While Jailed for Her Faith
Oct. 28, 2022Scalding, Freezing, and Sleep Deprivation - Liaoning Woman Recounts Ordeals in Prison
Oct. 12, 2022Liaoning Woman Severely Disabled after Nearly Four Years of Incarceration for Her Faith
Oct. 9, 2022Recent Torture Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison
Sept. 27, 2022Authorities in Shandong Women’s Prison Weaponize Former Falun Gong Practitioners to Torture Steadfast Practitioners
Sept. 27, 2022Once Incarcerated for 13 Years, Former Teacher Arrested Again for Her Faith
Sept. 11, 202279-year-old Woman’s Pension Reduced After She Serves Second 3-Year Term for Her Faith
Aug. 13, 2022Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Nanjing Women’s Prison
Aug. 12, 2022Former College Lecturer Sexually Assaulted by a Torture Expert
Aug. 9, 2022Recounting the Torture at Hunan Province Women’s Prison
Aug. 7, 2022Ms. Wang Qingrong Tortured in Liaoning Women’s Prison for Her Faith
July 19, 2022Nearly Dead After Years of Torture, Inner Mongolia Woman Now Has Her Pension Suspended
July 19, 2022Liaoning Woman Brutally Tortured for Five Years in Prison for Her Faith
July 19, 2022Jilin Woman Tortured During Ten-month Prison Term for Distributing Information about Her Faith
July 3, 2022Hunan Woman Recalls Torture Endured at Elderly Care Center
June 23, 2022Woman Recounts Chilling Torture in the Notorious Liaoning Province Women’s Prison
June 23, 2022Additional Information on Other Inmates Torturing Practitioners at Shandong Province Women’s Prison
June 20, 2022Two Years of Torture in Chinese Jails: a Woman Relives Her Experience