Issued by Clearwisdom Net
Gao Hui and little Huang Ren were a happy mother and son. Usually, Huang Ren was away at kindergarten during the week and on weekends his mother would pick him up to take him home. Huang Ren loves his mother. His mother is not only very pretty, but she is also a kindhearted person who never loses her temper. She also likes to help others. Gao Hui often teaches Huang Ren to follow "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." If other children bully him, his mother taught him to not hit or swear back at them. However, this wonderful mother was taken away by police in December 2005. Why did the police arrest her?
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Wunan Province, Changsha City practitioner Gao Hui and her son Huang Ren
Sudden arrest by the Kaifu District Police Station
At around 10:00 p.m. on December 20, 2005, plainclothes policemen broke into her house. They said to Gao An (Gao Hui's sister who lives with them), "Are you Gao An? Come and sign [the detention form]". Without further cause or discussion, Gao An was arrested. Later, Gao An was illegally detained for a month and then released. After that, Gao Hui and Gao An's husband (a non-practitioner) were both arrested and their home was ransacked. The police took away all Falun Gong books and the sisters' MP3 player, which they used to listen to the lectures. Gao An's husband was interrogated at the Xinhe Detention Center until midnight.
The Changsha City Kaifu District Police Sub-station and the Xinhe Police Station acted like gangsters and arrested Xu Jinxian and her whole family on April 5, 2005. Xu Jinxian is a Falun Gong practitioner, but her husband and son are non-practitioners. On December 20, the Kaifu District Police Sub-station and the Xinhe Police Station again used the same deceptive way to make Gao Hui open her door. They then arrested both sisters.
Steadfastly upholding one's conscience in a negative environment
Gao Hui has now spent almost four months jailed in the detention center. At Changsha City Detention Center, Ms. Gao went on a hunger strike to protest her illegal detainment. Although she underwent emergency treatment during her hunger strike, the police still refused to release her. The so-called reason for sentencing Gao Hui was that she was making a DVD of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party at home. From what we have heard, the Kaifu District Court may illegally sentence Gao Hui very soon. Currently, Gao Hui, who is jailed in Room 10 at the Changsha City Detention Center, desperately needs help and rescue from all righteous minded people in the world.
Five-year-old child misses his mother
Gao Hui's five-year-old son Huang Ren is a clever child. Since very young he has been able to recite Lunyu and Hong Yin and knows to follow "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" in his everyday life. Once, at kindergarten, a child scratched his face but he did not retaliate. His teacher praised him for being a good listener. He can also dance and draw. His drawings won silver medals at the provincial children's drawing competition. At his kindergarten, on many occasions, he received awards for being the "outstanding all-round student."
After his mother was arrested, at first, his relatives did not dare to tell him. Later, the truth could not be covered up anymore so they told Huang Ren the real story. Since then the usually well behaved Huang Ren has became very unhappy and withdrawn. Sometimes, he will have a tantrum for no reason. After a time, his relatives never mentioned his mother to him again. One night, Huang Ren said to his uncle, "I really miss Mom."
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Sun Suzhen from Tieling City was persecuted to death in Liaoning Province Women's Prison on March 25, 2005.
Sun Suzhen, 55, lived in the Yingzhou District, Tieling City, Liaoning Province. She was sentenced to five years imprisonment in 2003 and sent to the Liaoning Provincial Woman's Prison. Her husband, Han Kai, became homeless and his whereabouts are not known.
During her years in prison, nobody ever visited Ms. Sun or sent her any money. The jail guards didn't allow anyone to help her out, and for toilet paper she was reduced to using used tissue.
Owing to the long-term persecution, Ms. Sun's health sharply deteriorated, and she couldn't complete the overloaded work quota assigned by the prison authorities. Guard Qian Lei frequently tried to force her to finish the quota by using electric baton shocks or by making her squat down. Criminal inmates Wang Min and Zhang Suhua also beat her. Under intense physical and psychological pressure, Ms. Sun Suzhen passed away on March 25, 2005.
Below is a brief report of the persecution that Ms. Sun's family has experienced.
Ms. Sun Suzheng, according to the report by Clearwisdom on June 4, 2003, went to Beijing numerous times to appeal for Falun Gong and was consequently detained many times. In May 2000, she went to Beijing again and was detained for 30 days after being arrested. She was then sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for one year of forced labor without a trial. After her release in 2001, she and her husband went to Changchun to take care of her father-in-law. She was still suspected of having something to do with truth clarification flyers and banners, so the police followed her to Changchun City. They followed her from the hospital, broke into the house, beat her until she lost consciousness, and then put her into a police car. She was still unconscious when the car arrived in Tieling City four hours later.
The police could not find any so-called "evidence" after they ransacked and searched her home so they had to release Ms. Sun. Later the police went to her home and harassed her. Ms. Sun refused to open the door for them, so the police broke down the door and illegally arrested her in front of many local residents. Ms. Sun had very strong righteous thoughts and the police had no cause or evidence to arrest her, so they had no choice but to release her again.
In order to protect her legal rights according to the law, Ms. Sun went to the Provincial Police Bureau to file complaints against the illegal acts committed by the local police. Police officer Sun Lizhong and others found out about it and arrested her while she was shopping. Sun Suzheng was taken to a detention center. After being detained for approximately eight months with out the benefit of a trial, she was sentenced to a five-year term in the Dabei Prison.
Ms. Sun had severe heart disease before she started practicing Falun Gong. After arriving at the prison, she showed symptoms of the disease. The authorities refused to accept her twice because she did not pass the physical exam. Even then officer Sun Lizhong would not release her on medical parole. Eventually they forced the prison to accept her.
Ms. Sun's husband, Mr. Han Kai, is 52 years old. On July 20, 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was arrested in September. After being detained for 15 days, he was sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp. He did not have any visitation rights during his imprisonment. He was released on October 2000. In spring 2001, police found truth-clarifying flyers and banners in the area. They suspected that Mr. Han was involved and tried to arrest him. Mr. Han learned ahead of time of the police's plan and was able to escape. His whereabouts are unknown. The police issued a warrant for his arrest, and they confiscated his car with an estimated value of 70,000 yuan. Sun Lizhong, head of the Political Security Office, Yang Dongsheng, clerk, and others use the car as transportation to continue the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
I feel extreme grief and indignation upon recently hearing the shocking news that forced labor camps, prisons, and secret concentration camps in China have participated in harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. The horrific crimes in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp and Wanjia Forced Labor Camp are intolerable. How can one imagine that there are such horrific places throughout China? In order to achieve its evil aim, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has used one-fourth of the state's economic power and massive police and spy forces to rampantly persecute unarmed Falun Gong practitioners. Western societies find this hard to imagine. According to incomplete statistics, within the almost seven years since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, 2,871 practitioners have been killed due to the persecution. These deaths occurred across more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
In Mudanjiang City, Helongjiang Province alone, 20 practitioners have died as a result of persecution, and three practitioners are missing. Seven practitioners were murdered in Mudanjiang Prison alone. Mr. Ning Jun was one of them. The following is his story:
Ning Jun was an over 50-year-old practitioner from Mudanjiang. He had been illegally detained in a detention center, in brainwashing classes and a forced labor camp for persisting in Falun Gong practice and for exposing the persecution. For that Mr. Ning suffered from inhuman persecution. When he was detained in Mudanjiang City's Sidao Forced Labor Camp, he persisted in his belief. She was transferred to several groups. While being held in the 3rd Group during the hot summer, several practitioners and more than ten other prisoners were detained in a tiny room, six meters square (approximately 9 x 12 feet). There was no air circulation in the room. One had to eat, sleep and use the toilet in the same room. The beds and clothes were filthy. Hygiene was very poor and the room was stifling hot and humid.
Ning Jun developed scabies. Moreover, he suffered from additional brutal tortures. The police often shocked him with electric batons. He also suffered a torture called "sitting in an airplane," where his hands were handcuffed behind his back and one end of a rope that was tied to the handcuff was pulled up so high that he would hang in the air. This torture is excruciating. When Ning Jun was locked up in the 2nd Detention Center, he was regarded a "key figure" to be persecuted On orders from detention center head Liu Jun and guard Wang Qiang, Ning Jun was monitored around the clock and was forbidden to sleep. He was shackled to the ground with a metal chain. This caused severe edema in his legs, making them swell to a huge size. At the end of 2003, the detention center officials twice informed Aimin District Police Department agents, who were in charge of the case, that Mr. Ning was critically ill. The cruel persons in charge of his case just ignored it and at the same time sentenced Ning Jun to five years in prison.
Ning Jun was then sent to the Mudanjiang Prison before the 2004 Chinese New Year. In September 2004, his condition became critical. Mr. Ning died on August 12, 2005.
Six other practitioners also died from abuse sustained in the Mudanjiang Prison as a result of the persecution. They were Du Shiliang, Wei Xiaodong, Pan Xingfu, Wang Jiguo, Li Ruqing, and Yu Junxiu. They all suffered from brutal tortures and died at different times.
Ms. Li Hongmin, 60 years old, was a Mudanjiang City practitioner. Officers from the municipal police department arrested her on the morning of October 16, 2002. Ms. Li died the next day, October 17. Her family members and her place of work were informed of her death on October 18. Her body was cremated on October 19. According to internal sources, she was forced to swallow a bottle of hot chili oil. Then the abuser placed a plastic bag over her dead, suffocating her, which caused her death. After she died, the police in the police department threw her body down a flight of stairs and claimed she jumped to commit suicide. The police also asked her family members to tell others she was visiting relatives to cover the information of her death.
Nanshan Police Station agents, under the administration of the Yangmin District Police Department, also followed Jiang's regime closely to persecute Falun Gong. Practitioner Cui Cunyi, 54 years old, was arrested on May 13, 2002 by Dongan District Police Department agents and was later sent to the Nanshan Police Station. He suffered from cruel tortures and died there. There were no written interrogation records about him. The autopsy showed five broken ribs from beatings. One of them was broken in three pieces; another was broken in two pieces. His lungs were black, his eyes were red and swollen, and his legs were covered in black bruises. His injured body was terrible to see.
The bloody crimes above are shocking! Practitioners in different detention centers, forced labor camps, prisons and brainwashing classes throughout the country are suffering from inhuman treatment and are actually facing life threatening conditions at any moment.
In another incident, on July 19, 2001, Ms. Cao Jingcun suffered from brutal beating and force-feeding in the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. Male prisoners later dragged her out of the cell and beat and force-fed her again. In 2002, police officers Chen Xianrui and Chen Guang from the Aimin District Police Department arrested Ms. Cao again. They tortured her savagely, breaking her spine and the bones in her chest. She was unable to recover and take care of herself following her release. In October 2004, Ms. Cao was arrested from her home while she was still unable to take care of herself. She was sentenced 11 years in prison and was sent to the Harbin City Women's Prison. The abusers put her into solitary confinement from the first day she entered the prison. They held her there for 15 days, with her legs chained to the ground. The two weeks of inhuman treatment put her life in danger, and she was sent to a special prison section. By then Ms. Cao had lost the ability to take any food. The food she ate and water she drank just emerged from her nose. Two months later, Ms. Cao was sent to the Harbin No. 2 Hospital. The medical diagnosis was myasthenia gravis, a difficult to treat, incurable disease. Ms. Cao Jingcun's case has been reported to the United Nations.
Here we strongly appeal to the international community: Please pay attention to the people in China who are suffering from persecution. We appeal to the United Nations: Please establish an urgent investigation group and thoroughly investigate all the Chinese concentration camps and all the crimes that Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan and their followers have committed against Falun Gong practitioners. Please help to stop the persecution.
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Zhaohai lived in the Youyi Candy Factory Family Housing in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. He had to leave home to avoid being arrested in 2002, but was later arrested in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province at the end of 2002.
According to reports on, (see, /emh/articles/2002/11/15/28758.html , and /emh/articles/2003/7/17/38198.html ), on October 27, 2002, the Chengguan District Court in Lanzhou City sentenced seven Falun Gong practitioners for allegedly tapping into the TV system to spread the truth about Falun Gong. Mr. Sun Zhaohai was sentenced to nineteen years in prison. The Court did not notify any of these practitioners' family members.
Mr. Sun Zhaohai's family received one phone call from Lanzhou City, saying that Mr. Sun Zhaohai was sentenced to a heavy prison term. But when they went to visit him according to the address the phone call provided, he was not there. For the past four years, Mr. Sun Zhaohai's younger brother and his paralyzed mother have been very worried about him.
Ms. Li Jun from Dalian City, Liaoning Province
Ms. Li was in her 40s. After the Dalian Forced Labor Camp was dismantled in 2004, she was transferred to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. During her detention, she wrote appeal letters many times, requesting the prison police to deliver her letters to authorities. In 2005, she was transferred again to an unknown place.
Ms. Qu Shuxia from Heilongjiang Province
Ms. Qu was in her 50s. According to people who know the inside news, she was once detained in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Because she went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution, she was force-fed. Because she practiced the Falun Gong exercises and shouted. "Falun Dafa is good," she was put in solitary confinement and was severely tortured. Since she has been detained, her family has never visited. It was her fellow practitioners who sent her some cotton-padded coats and pants. At the end of 2004, she was transferred to an unknown place.
Ms. Wang Ling from Tieling City, Liaoning Province
Ms. Wang, was in her 50s. She never stopped resisting the persecution when she was detained in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. She would shout, "Falun Dafa is good" wherever she went. Later she was transferred to Dalian Forced Labor Camp, where the police instigated drug addicts to thrust a toothbrush into her private parts. After the Dalian Forced Labor Camp was dissolved, she was brought back to Masanjia Labor Camp. At the end of 2004 she was transferred to an unknown place.
Mr. Su Youqing from Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province
Mr. Su, born in 1970, was from Group 12 of Meishan Village, Shizixiang Township, Jiujiang County. He began practicing Falun Gong in 1997. In 2000, he went to work in Shanghai. On November 9, 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal with other Shanghai practitioners. He was arrested in Beijing but it was not clear where he was detained. One week later, police officer Guo Zhengdong from Shizixiang Township went to Beijing and picked him up. According to Guo, on the way back, he had Su in handcuffs all the time. Guo slept all the way through. After he woke up, he couldn't find Mr. Su. He saw the handcuffs with bloodstains on them. No one can verify Guo's account, but the truth is we haven't heard anything about Mr. Su Youqing ever since he was arrested in 2000.
Mr. Zhou Fuquan from Sichuan Province
Mr. Zhou was from Hongshi Town. He has been missing since 2001.
Ms. Cheng Yaping from Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province
Ms. Cheng, was in her 50s. Not long after she was detained in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, her husband divorced her. Her son and her sister went to visit her once. Since she refused to give up her practice, they did not understand her. She also wrote letters to the directors of the labor camp to clarify the truth and expose the evil. As a result, the police extended her term and tortured her using various means. In 2004, she was transferred from Masanjia. It was said she was given a heavy sentence and would be sent to Shenyang Detention Center for temporary detention. Two other practitioners were transferred with her, one named Su Yiwen and another whose name is unknown. No one knows where exactly these three were sent.
Ms. Shu Weijun from Fushun City, Liaoning Province
Ms. Shu, around 55, was from the Meiyanshe Residential Area. On March 13 this year she was reported to police while distributing truth-clarification materials in a military base in Beijing. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor education, but no one knows which labor camp she is in.
Sisters Chen Qiuxiang and Chen Yanxiang from Zhangwu County, Liaoning Province
The two sisters, Chen Qiuxiang, 49, and Chen Yanxiang, 42, lived in Liangjiazi Village, Zhangwu County. In 2002, they went out to clarify the truth and never returned.
Mr. Wu Bo from Jiaokou county, Shanxi Province
Mr. Wu Bo, 36, is about 1.65 meters tall. He's from Taohongpo, Jiaokou County. He has a round face and there are two four-inch-long scars on his left arm. He had a copy of Zhuan Falun with him when he left home on July 27, 1999. No one has heard anything from him since.
Ms. Xiong Zhiying from Li County, Hunan Province
Ms. Xiong was from Daohe Village, Li County. After she got married, she moved to Changchun City, Jilin Province. with her husband. In 2001, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and has never returned. Her family has looked for her everywhere and they even put a missing person ad on TV. Her husband, Yi Shanhua, 49, has remarried after all attempts to find her failed. Her daughter, Yi Ping, is 21 years old.
1) Ms. Lin Junfeng from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province
Ms. Lin, around 48-50, was an employee of the Daqing Oil Refinery Research Institute. In 2002 she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and has been missing ever since.
2) Ms. Zhao Lixuan from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
Ms. Zhao, in her 20s, was an employee of the Xingguang Mechanical Company. After getting married, she moved to Changyuan Village, Kaiyuan Town, Shulan City, Jilin Province. In 2001, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and no one has ever heard anything about her since then. Her husband and family members looked everywhere but couldn't find her.
3) Mr. Li Jisheng from Dalian City, Liaoning Province
Mr. Li from Kaifa District, Dalian City has been missing for two years.
4) Ms. Zhang Lijing from Panjin City, Liaoning Province
Ms. Zhang, in her 20s, was a graduate of the Northeastern Finance University. She once worked in a Japanese company. Since 2003, her family has lost contact with her.
5) Ms. Zhang Shuxiao from Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province
Ms. Zhang, 48, was an employee of the Mudanjiang ball bearing Company. She persisted in the practice and truth clarification after the persecution began. She has been missing for several years.
6) Mr. Liang Wei from Xinmin City, Liaoning Province
Mr. Lang has been missing since July 20, 1999. No one knows his whereabouts.
Wang Zong's father is imprisoned. When asked, "What did you say when you visited your dad?" Wang Zong said, "I sang him the song 'You Are My Rose.'" His mom said, "He keeps saying, 'Grandpa came back, grandma came back. When will daddy come back?'"
Wang Xianghui, Wang Zong's father, has been persecuted because he persists in practicing Falun Gong. On August 28, 2002, Wang Xianghui received an unjust sentence for tapping into the local television system and broadcasting the truth of the Tiananmen Square self-immolation. He was jailed at the Xushui County Detention Center in Baoding City for thirteen months and suffered all kinds of tortures. To resist the persecution, he went on a hunger strike eleven times. Due to the torture, Wang Xianghui became emaciated, and suffered serious mental and physical damage. In his thirties, Wang had his teeth broken and endured severe stomach sickness. His feet hurt too much to stand up. At the time, Wang Zong was three years old. He was forced to witness not only his father, but also his grandfather, grandmother, and aunt being arrested at home and the effects of their repeatedly being tortured in jail. What great damage the communist party has inflicted on Wang Zong's young heart!
Wang Xianghui used to be an employee of the Hebei Zhi County Electricity Department. He started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. Falun Gong greatly improved his mental and physical health. He worked hard and responsibly, and treated people fairly and honestly. Many people recognized him as a good person. On December 18, 1999, Wang Xianghui wished to clarify the truth to the government on how his practicing Falun Gong benefited him physically and mentally. He went to Beijing to peacefully and legally appeal, but was arrested and sent back to the county detention center that same night. In one night, the policeman Yang Daxue brutally kicked and slapped him several times. He was then stripped and forced to lie face down on the concrete floor, which was colder than -10 ºC (or less than 14 ºF). One policeman saw that his abdomen was not touching the floor and brutally kicked his body. After thirty-seven days of detention, Wang Xianghui was released and charged 13,000 yuan by Zhang Chunliang and Niu Haifeng, the original heads of the 610 Office.
In March of 2001, during the National People's Congress Conference (NPCC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), in order to prevent practitioners from appealing in Beijing, the Zhi County Electricity Department arrested Wang Xianghui and Liu Xikun. Under the pressure of the 610 Office, they were sent to the department for centralized custody. At that time, the department was involved in upgrading low-voltage facilities and was short of staff. Subsequently, the department removed the guards. Wang Xianghui and Liu Xikun returned home. On hearing this, the head of the department became enraged and sent people to get them back. On the same day, the chief of the security section rescinded their labor contracts for one year and said they would "monitor their actions." They forced Wang and Liu to work, but paid them only 400 yuan. Wang and Liu were held under custody and not allowed to go home. They were also frequently asked to write a guarantee statement, affirming never to practice Falun Gong any more. Wang always refused to write it.
At the beginning of April of 2001, police and officials from the security section of the electricity department abruptly took Wang Xianghui to the police station. They forced him to declare whether he would stop practicing Falun Gong. Wang said, "I will continue the practice." As a result, he was sent to the detention center. Under the pressure of public opinion, he was released thirteen days later. In the beginning of June, thugs from the police station and the security section illegally arrested Wang Xianghui and sent him to the Bali village brainwashing center. They repeatedly tried to force him to write the guarantee statement and to slander Falun Gong. Unwilling to accept the humiliation, he escaped. Wang wandered homeless for fourteen months.
On August 28, 2002, Wang Xianghui received an unjust sentence for tapping into the local television system and broadcasting the truth of the Tiananmen Square self-immolation. He was jailed at the Xushui County Detention Center in Baoding City for thirteen months and suffered all kinds of tortures. To resist the persecution, he went on a hunger strike eleven times. Due to the torture, Wang Xianghui became emaciated, and suffered serious mental and physical damage. In his thirties, Wang had his teeth broken and endured severe stomach sickness. He was unable to stand.
Wang Xianghui has been jailed in Baoding prison since September 2003.
Wang's wife, a non-practitioner, also suffered because of the persecution. She used to work at the secretary section of the county police department. During the persecution of Wang Xianghui, she was often bullied by the abusers. Several times she was nearly fired. When the police attempted to arrest Wang Xianghui, she was spied on for a long time. She was always pressured to reveal her husband's whereabouts. After Wang Xianghui was arrested, she was forced to reveal the whereabouts of her father-in-law, also a Falun Gong practitioner. Duan Rongcai, the head of the police, told her, "Why don't you manage your family members?" She replied, "How can I manage other people's affairs?" Duan hatefully said, "One day you'll have to handcuff your father-in-law." There was another time that, in her colleague's presence, Duan said, "Fire her." But everyone objected. Although she did not lose her job, she was forced to transfer departments. She was so wounded by her husband's arrest that she nearly committed suicide. She told others, "If it were not for my son, I wouldn't want to live any more." Under the evil pressure, she became worried of being implicated again and wanted to help her son. She eventually chose to divorce her beloved husband. Since then, the mother and the son have led a terribly hard life.
Ever since he was three years old, Wang Zong has led a traumatic life. From an early age, he was close to his grandfather and grandmother. Little Wang Zong lived with his grandmother after his birth. It was his grandmother who nourished him with milk, spoon by spoon. Because of the persecution, Wang Zong was forced again and again to see his grandmother, father, and aunt be arrested and detained. His aunt was sentenced to forced labor When his grandmother was released, his grandfather was arrested and sentenced to forced labor. Then his father was sentenced to lengthy jail terms. The little boy missed his beloved relatives and cried often. For some reason, his grandmother had to move away from Wang Zong. Once when the boy met his her, he asked with great anticipation, "Grandma, why don't you return back home?" His grandmother did not know how to answer and then said, "When your daddy returns home, I will be back." When will the entire family be reunited? Wang Xianghui's wife said, "The family members were arrested again and again. I cannot let the boy be subjected to seeing that anymore." The boy misses his father, but is only allowed to meet with him during short visits every few months.
( Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of
The Eighth Ward of Liaoning Province Women Prison is the only ward that uses electric batons.
1. Overtime Heavy Labor
Eighth Ward Head, Zuo Xiaoyan (female), forces detainees to do heavy labor overtime in order to make more money. According to prison regulations, work hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. But the Eighth Ward hardly ever follows such regulations. Detainees have to take their work back to their cells and finish overnight. If anyone does any less, they are "electric baton educated" until they promise to do more work from the next day on.
2. Electric Baton Shocks and Face Slapping Are Daily Routines
Guard Zuo Xiaoyan used to work in the First Ward and the Fifth Ward. She is notorious in the whole prison for her cruelty. She said, "I do not believe that I cannot persuade you - several Falun Gong." Under her brutal management, the usage of electric batons is the most frequent and they use it in all sorts of inhuman ways. Zuo Xiaoyan taught other guards to slap their faces very viciously, one hit would cause bleeding, and the second hit would cause the person to become deaf. There are many detained Falun Gong practitioners in the Eighth Ward that cannot hear due to their faces being slapped by guards.
3. Other Torture Means
For practitioners who absolutely do not acknowledge the persecution, Zuo Xiaoyan invented a new means of torture. First both hands are tied behind the back, then rope is pulled up and tied around the neck, and then the neck is bound to the knees, making it so practitioners can only sit on cement floor with head lowered to the knees, as illustrated below:
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Practitioners who refuse to accept the brainwashing are under close monitoring 24 hours a day. They have to do labor during the day, but are tortured in Cell 412, the Water Room, Shower Room, Book Room, Activity Room, etc. The torture means include being stripped of their clothes, having dozens of pans of cold water poured over them, standing inside the water pan overnight with only underwear on, and having their private parts kicked. They are tortured like this for several months continuously, leaving some with urinary disorders.
Practitioners who refuse to memorize the Prison Rules are deprived visitation rights, and have all the food, daily needs, or money left by their families taken away. Some are even tortured by having their hands cuffed behind their back for a whole month.
Ms. Jiang Xiuyun was a practitioner from Gulou District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Because she refused to give up her belief in Falun Gong, she was abducted at the end of 2000 and sent to the Judong Women's Labor Camp where she was tortured for a year. There she was forced to do hard labor and go through brainwashing. As a result, she became extremely weak and developed liver problems. In June 2001, she was released on medical parole. However, after she returned home, Yijiangmen Police Station and local 610 Office personnel still came to harass and monitor her, causing great damage to both her body and mind. She became weaker and weaker. She died in October 2005, at the age of 68.
Ms. Yu Wangjin, 56, was a practitioner living on Yangluo Street, Xinzhou District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Before she took up the practice of Falun Gong in 1997, she suffered from severe high blood pressure, kidney problems, shoulder pain, and a slipped disk. She tried different medicine and practiced many other forms of Qigong, but none of them helped. However, Falun Gong gave her a healthy body.
After the persecution began, Ms. Yu made use of all her time to clarify the truth to her family, friends and people she met. In 2000 she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. As a result, she was considered a target for persecution. Her work unit, the Industrial and Commercial Bank, as well as relevant departments monitored and harassed her frequently. They also tried to force her to write a "guarantee letter". In addition, they also instigated her family members, who were deceived by the lies and afraid of repercussions, to put pressure on her. As a result, Ms. Yu could not improve well. She passed away on March 25, 2006.
1. [Shandong Province] Wangcun Forced Labor Camp Does Blood Test on Falun Gong Practitioners and Other Detainees
In early 2005, when the notorious Wangcun Forced Labor Camp conducted a "health check" on all detainees, including persecuted Falun Gong practitioners, they were actually testing blood. What I can remember is that, after our blood was withdrawn, it was immediately put into a container, which seemed to spin very fast, probably a kind of centrifuge to separate the blood plasma. I did not think much about it at that time.
After the exposure of Sujiatun Concentration Camp, I recalled this. Because the non-practitioner detainees in this camp all came from other places, many of their families simply did not know their whereabouts or did not bother to find out. The authorities claimed this "health check" was for the health of the detainees, but I felt this possibility was small and that it was more likely they were testing blood and matching types.
2. [Shandong Province] Kidney Transplant Hospital Information
In January 2006, a man over 50 years old had a kidney transplant in the Qilu Hospital dialysis center of Shandong Province. His family said, "Qilu Hospital used to be able to do only one kidney transplant in three to four years. Now the hospital has 'outside contacts' for their supply of kidneys: they all come from 'prisoners.'"
3. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Jiang Yunhong Becomes Critically Ill Due to Persecution
After the Qingyang District Hospital informed Mr. Jiang Yunhong's family in his hometown Suining by telegram that he was critically ill, his 83-year-old mother and a nephew went to Chengdu on March 21, 2006, to request his immediate release. Police officer Zhao of the Shuangqiao Police Station in Chengdu City said that it was not up to him and told them to go to Chenghua District Court in Chengdu City. His family found Judge Wu, but were still denied a visit with Jiang Yunhong.
Even though Mr. Jiang is now suffering from hepatitis B and is critically ill from being persecuted, Chenghua District Court is still attempting to illegally and secretly sentence him, while giving him emergency treatment.
4. [Liaoning Province] Practitioner Ms. Yin Guizhi is Critically Ill from Being Persecuted by the Jinzhou National Security Group
Jinzhou City National Security Group has persecuted practitioner Ms. Yin Guizhi to the point that she has become critically ill. She is now undergoing emergency treatment at Jinzhou City's 2nd Hospital and has been denied release.
5. [Jilin Province] Mr. Teng Weiqiang Suffers From Symptoms of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Gongzhuling Prison
Mr. Teng Weiqiang, 30, a practitioner from Baishan, was sentenced 10 years imprisonment. After he was detained at Jilin Prison for more than two years, he was transferred to Tiebei Prison in Changchun and detained for over a year. About two weeks ago, he was transferred to Gongzhuling Prison. After suffering over four years of persecution, Mr. Teng has become severely emaciated and suffers from symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, but the prison has refused to have him released for medical treatment.
6. [Linghai City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yin Guizhi Protests Arrested by Police; on Hunger Strike for 20 Days
Ms. Yin Guizhi is a practitioner from Daye Village, Linghai City. On the morning of March 20, she and her husband, a non practitioner, were illegally arrested by police officers Yu Wei and Hao Tiejun from Jinzhou City National Security Group. Their computer and relevant materials were also confiscated. Ms. Yin is on a hunger strike to protest. It has been nearly 20 days now, and she has been sent to Jinzhou City's 2nd Hospital. Prisoners in the detention center beat her, and two buttons were found in her stomach.
7. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Police are Illegally Arresting Practitioners
At 3 p.m. on April 2, 2006, over 20 policemen from the Beijuzhai Police Station of Qiqihar City went to the home of practitioner Mr. Pan Benyu. They banged on the gate for an hour and then broke in, beat, and injured Mr. Pan Benrong, the younger brother of Pan Benyu, a non-practitioner. They took him in for interrogation claiming that he had attacked police and was abetting a Falun Gong practitioner. He still has not been released.
Meanwhile, the police confiscated a computer, photocopier, and Falun Gong books from Pan Benyu's home. They also stole 1200 yuan and other personal possessions.
8. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Tian Zhiwei Abducted and His Home Ransacked
Practitioner Mr. Tian Zhiwei is 60 and lives in Jiyuan Garden. On April 4, officers from Wenhua Road Police Station ransacked his home and confiscated Falun Gong books and other materials. He is now in a detention center.
9. [Beijing] Practitioners Mr. Wen Jizong, and Mr. Peng Lianyou Suffer Persecution at Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp
Mr. Wen Jizong, a practitioner from Ligezhuang Village, Chengguan Town, Miyun County, is being detained and persecuted at Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp in Beijing. The police hit the top of his head with iron pipe, causing his skull to swell.
Practitioner Mr. Peng Lianyou from Datangzhuang Village, Chengguan Town, Miyun County, is also being detained and persecuted at Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp in Beijing. He loudly shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" when they raised the flag in the morning, so the police tied a belt around his neck, gagged him, and dragged him to the intensive training team. They did not give him food or water for four days.
10. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Three Practitioners are on a Hunger Strike in Xidayingzi Forced Labor Camp
Three practitioners who are detained at Chaoyang City Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province are on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.
Mr. Xiao Ruiping, Mr. Ling Yuan, Mr. Qi Zhitian, and Mr. Sun Zhongyang from Ershijiazi are detained at Chaoyang City Forced Labor Camp; they are conducting a hunger strike to protest the persecution. They have become extremely emaciated. The labor camp strictly blocks information on this and plans to force-feed them.
Mr. Sun Zhongyang has several abnormal conditions, but the labor camp neither releases him nor treats him. Other practitioners who are detained in the labor camp are: Li Shutong,
Yu Haibin, Qi Zhitian, Xiao Ruiping, Wang Yanhua, Sun Zhongyang, Liu Shiwei, Tian Shaochun, Li Donghai, Li Jun, Du Haijiang, Cheng Yuxiang, Zhang Cunyi, Zhang Anjun, Wang Liang, and Liu Long
11. [Jilin Province] Over 20 Practitioners Transferred to Gongzhuling Prison
More than two weeks ago, Tiebei Prison of Changchun City secretly transferred steadfast practitioners (over 20) who refused to be "transformed" to Gongzhuling Prison.
12. [Jilin Province] Gongzhuling Prison Disallows Family Visits
Gongzhuling Prison does not allow families of practitioners who refuse to be "transformed" to visit. Family members must have a letter from their local 610 Office to certify they are not practitioners before they can visit practitioners.
13. [Jilin Province] Over 70-Year-Old Mother Tries to Visit Son; Refused by Gongzhuling Prison
Mr. Zhang Yinsen, a practitioner from Siping, was transferred from Tiebei Prison to Gongzhuling Prison. His mother, who is over 70 years old, tried to visit him but was refused because she did not have a letter from the 610 Office to prove she was not a practitioner.
14. [Haidian District, Beijing] Chen Ping and His Mother Detained
Mr. Chen Ping and his mother, Ms. Zhang Xueqin, reside in Caochang Village, Sujiatuo Town, Haidian District, Beijing. On March 14, they were arrested by seven or eight police officers from Haidian Sub-bureau, Shangdi Police Station, and Sujiatuo Police Station. They are now "illegally detained" in 25 Longgang Road, Qinghe District, Beijing City.
15. [Pinggu District, Beijing] Practitioner Ms. Li Xiaofeng is Again Abducted
Practitioner Ms. Li Xiaofeng from the Pinggu District of Beijing was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor in 2001. After she returned, she diligently practiced Falun Gong and quickly recovered physically and mentally. During the National People's Congress and the Political Consultation Conference in March this year, Pinggu National Security and 610 Office police broke into and ransacked her home, where they again arrested her.
When she was detained in the 2nd Group of Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp, she was not allowed to sleep for more than 40 days. Her term was extended for ten months, and she was not allowed to use the toilet. Five or six drug addict inmates dragged her to a clothes drying room and tortured her. Ms. Li's back turned blue and purple from being kicked, and her eyes bled and swelled.
16. [Daxing District, Beijing] Ms. Yang Yu'e and other Practitioners Seized
Practitioner Ms. Yang Yu'e of the Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp Family Area in the Daxing District of Beijing and other practitioners were arrested on March 14, 2006. Their homes were ransacked, and they were sentenced to two years of forced labor.
On April 5, Daxing District National Security Group arrested practitioner Mr. Liu Guozhi of Qianxinfang Village, Anding Town.
17. [Hebei Province] Ms. Chen Yonghong Detained for Over 20 Days at Bazhou Detention Center
Practitioner Ms. Chen Yonghong of Zhangjiabao Village, Yangfengang Township, was seized by officers from Bazhou City Police Department. She has been locked up in Bazhou Detention Center for more than 20 days, and her family and relatives have been denied visitation.
18. [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Mr. Wang Jiasheng and Others Seized
Mr. Wang Jiasheng is detained in the Cangzhou City No. 1 Detention Center, Mr. Liu Yi is detained at No. 2 Detention Center, and Ms Chen Lanying is detained at the brainwashing center that has been temporarily set up by the City Procuratorate. Another five practitioners are homeless in order to avoid persecution.
19. [Hebei Province] Baoding City Reformatory Detains Many Young Practitioners
20. [Changyi City, Jilin Province] Taibao Village Police Arrests Practitioner Ms. Liu Ruiyun
At 2 p.m. on April 3, 2006, police officers from Taibao Village Changyi City, arrested practitioner Ms. Liu Ruiyun of Xiqilan Village and sent her to Changyi City on the same day.
21. [Shanghai] Ms. Li Hua Becomes Ill at Changning Detention Center; Her Husband's Request for Her Release Denied
Practitioner Ms. Li Hua, 44 years old, is detained at the Changning Detention Center in Shanghai. In mid-February, she became ill and was hospitalized for two weeks. Her husband went to the detention center requesting her release but was told by the 610 Office of Changning, "It has nothing to do with you!"
22. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Many Practitioners in Zhifu District Have Been Recently Arrested
23. [Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. He Maofen Held at Linyi Brainwashing Center
In the afternoon of March 30, 2006, elderly practitioner Ms. He Maofen of Gaoqiao Town, Yishui County, posted truth-clarification materials in Fuquanguan Village. When someone reported her, she was arrested and her home was ransacked. She is currently held at the Linyi Brainwashing Center.
24. [Shandong Province] Wendeng Practitioner Ms. Jiang Guixia is Taken Away
Wendeng practitioner Ms. Jiang Guixia was reported for telling the truth and taken away by Wendeng National Security police.
25. [Xianyang, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Mu Mingwu is Detained for Refusing to Give Up Falun Gong
Mr. Mu Mingwu is the manager of the Shitan Town Industry and Commerce Institute in Liquan County. He was reported for giving a colleague a truth-clarification card and was told to give up Falun Gong. When he firmly refused, the Industry and Commerce Bureau removed him from his position and reported him to the 610 Office.
On April 2, 2006, the 610 Office attempted to make Mr. Mu give up his practice, he firmly refused. Around April 5, 2006, the Political Security Section of Liquan County Police Department detained him.