(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners gather at the plaza in front of the Ferry Building in San Francisco on the first Saturday of every month to do the exercises and introduce this traditional mind-body cultivation practice from China. The peaceful music and graceful movements as they did the exercises on August 5, 2023 drew many passersby to stop and watch. Some took photos, while others talked to practitioners to find out more about Falun Dafa. Some people learned the exercises.
Practitioners do the Falun Dafa exercises in front of the Ferry Building in San Francisco the first Saturday of every month.
Anger Dissipates After Doing the Exercises
Bernie Yoon from Korea is attending university in the U.S. As he passed the Ferry Building, he said he was attracted by the peaceful music as practitioners did the exercises. He talked to a practitioner who explained that practitioners follow Falun Dafa's principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance in their day-to-day interactions and try to be good people. Bernie very much agreed with these principles and said he wished to learn the practice.
Bernie Yoon was interested in learning the Falun Dafa exercises.
After he did the exercises Bernie said that he felt energy in his lower abdomen. He also said that earlier that morning he was angry because he’d had an argument with his friend. He said it was amazing that after he did the exercises, he was no longer mad. Instead, he felt happy. Before he left, he gave the practitioner his phone number and asked for the link to the Falun Dafa website. The practitioner explained that he could download the Korean translation of Zhuan Falun from the website. Bernie said that he would definitely read it.
Tourist from Italy Feels Fortunate to Encounter Falun Dafa
Carmilla from Italy and her daughters were visiting San Francisco when they noticed the Falun Dafa event.
Carmilla and her daughters from Italy were visiting San Francisco when they noticed practitioners doing the exercises so they stopped and imitated their movements. A practitioner walked over and explained what Falun Dafa is and showed them the exercises. The family was very happy, especially when they learned that people in Italy practice Falun Dafa. Carmilla said that they were returning to Italy the next day, so they felt very fortunate to meet practitioners and learn about Falun Dafa. The practitioner gave them small lotus flower keepsakes, and explained that practitioners abide by the words printed on the keepsake – Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. She added that the world would be a better place if more people would live by these principles. Carmilla and her daughters very much agreed.
Feeling Comfortable and Happy
Carlos Diaz talked with practitioners who told him that Falun Dafa is a high level cultivation practice that originated in China. They said that it is practiced in more than a hundred countries and regions worldwide and can improve one’s mental and physical health. Carlos told the practitioner that he was interested in learning the exercises. After he did them, he shared that he felt very comfortable and relaxed, and said that he planned to join the morning exercise session at Golden Gate Park that weekend.
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