(Minghui.org) I went out to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa in a suburb of our city one day last July. The sun was scorching. I got to the bus station at around 11 a.m., believing that I could get home in time to prepare lunch for my husband.
People waiting for the bus were hot. They looked impatient and ready to move on. Suddenly someone yelled, “The bus is here!” People rushed toward the bus door, but I stood back and waited.
I heard a man yell, “Don’t block the door!” It turned out that an old man carrying a big bag and using a crutch had gotten stuck getting off the bus. His bag was very big and heavy. I went over to help him get off the bus. An acquaintance of mine called me to hurry and get on board before the bus left. Seeing what poor condition the old man was in, I could not bear to leave him alone. I waved to my acquaintance and said, “You go ahead.”
I picked up the bag and asked the old man where he was heading. He said, “Across the bridge. Then I’m near my home.” Seeing how feeble he looked, I asked him if he was sick. He said, “I was just discharged from the hospital. My wife was supposed to get me, but she fell and sprained her ankle. I have to get home by myself.”
I asked him if he lived far away and if I could call him a taxi. He said it was just two hundred meters after a right turn at the bridge, so there was no need for a taxi. I said, “It’s so hot, and you just got out of the hospital. How can you carry such a big bag? Let me help you.” He said emotionally, “Oh! I met a good person today. I couldn’t have gotten this bag home on my own!”
I carried his bag and walked with him slowly, talking as we walked. Despite his poor health, he was in good spirits. He told me he’d been in poor health since he retired, and he’d been hospitalized several times a year. People thought he was in his 80s although he was actually in his 70s. I said, “You are not in good health. Have you ever heard of reciting "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good?”
He said that Falun Dafa practitioners had told him, but he just didn’t believe it. I said, “They don’t ask for anything in return. Aren’t they telling you for your own good? Why don’t you try it?” He said again that he just didn’t believe it. He said that someone where he worked abandoned her family because she practiced Falun Dafa. She divorced her husband and was sentenced to prison twice, each time for four or five years. He worked at the company at the time and met and tried to persuade her to give up Falun Dafa several times but was unable to change her.
Hearing this, I knew he didn’t understand the truth and was deeply poisoned by the Party. I said, “Falun Dafa is Buddha Law. More than 100 countries worldwide support it, but [former CCP leader] Jiang Zemin in China was the only one who opposed it. I know the person you mentioned. She used to be in poor health. She had to stay in bed for two weeks whenever she had back pain and took sick leave frequently. After practicing Falun Dafa, she recovered.
“But out of jealousy, Jiang Zemin began to persecute millions of people who practiced Falun Gong Dafa across the country. He was afraid that there would be more and more practitioners who believed in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and he would not be able to continue to engage in corruption. To incite people against Falun Dafa the government staged the Tiananmen Square self-immolation, spread rumors, and slandered Falun Dafa and its founder, Master Li Hongzhi.”
He interjected and asked, “Was the Tiananmen self-immolation for real? I played it back countless times when I was at work, but I could not tell it was fake.” I told him about all the discrepancies in the Tiananmen self-immolation case, and he was shocked.
As we approached his house, he stopped in the shade and asked me, “Then this person at our work unit was treated unfairly?” I replied, “Of course! If a doctor cures your disease, and others say he is a liar, can you ignore your conscience and not stand up for the truth? Could you follow other people’s lies to attack him? She tried to explain the facts and speak a fair word for Falun Dafa when Dafa and its Master were attacked. How was she wrong? Her husband divorced her, and the Party persecuted her repeatedly and sentenced her to prison twice for a total of 10 years. She never surrendered, never betrayed Dafa or Master. How noble! Isn’t she respectable?”
As I spoke, I couldn’t help but shed tears. He looked at me and said guiltily, “Oh! I’m really sorry about her! I was wrong. I have misunderstood her this whole time.”
I said, “You have been deceived by the Party. Now that you understand the truth, you should recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ You shouldn’t believe the Party's lies anymore; they will send you to the grave. You need to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations you have joined and find an opportunity to tell the truth to your colleagues who misunderstood Dafa like you. You will then recover your health.”
This time, he kept nodding in agreement and said, “Good, good!” He told me his name and then quit the CCP organizations that he had joined.
Seeing that he was much more energetic, I said, “You are almost home. You can go on with your bag yourself--I have to catch the last bus.” He said gratefully, “It’s tiring walking in such heat. Without your help, I would not have been able to make it home today.” I said, “I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I listen to Master Li and am kind to others and consider others first whenever I do anything. If you want to thank someone, thank him!” He repeatedly said, “Thanks, Master Li!”
I looked back after I’d gone a ways and saw him standing there, still waving at me. I kindly motioned for him to get on home. I walked back toward the bus station under the hot sun. My clothes were wet with sweat, but I felt a refreshing coolness in my heart. I was happy that a badly poisoned life was saved.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth