(Minghui.org) I’m 73 years old and I began practicing Falun Dafa 26 years ago. Because I’m illiterate, I’ve never submitted articles to the Minghui website. Another practitioner helped me write this article about my cultivation experiences.
My eldest daughter returned home in the spring of 1997, and said that her aunt told her that Falun Dafa teaches people the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, to become good and better people. These three words touched me deeply! I told my daughter that I wanted to be a good person and read a book that teaches the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. She got me Master’s Dafa books and lecture tapes.
I carefully held Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, with both hands. But when I opened the book I felt anxious as I could only recognize the punctuation marks. Just then I heard a voice teaching me the words, sentence by sentence. Whenever I held Zhuan Falun Master taught me to read the Fa. I wanted to learn it as quickly as possible, so I tried to memorize what I read. I went to a Fa study group, and when other practitioners recited the Fa, I recited along with them. Master worked tirelessly to teach me. After about a year I was able to read Zhuan Falun.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999. Practitioners lost their cultivation environment and our group meetings stopped. So I invited practitioners to study the Fa at my place. Although it’s sometimes intermittent, we persisted for more than 20 years. After my husband retired and returned home, I paused the group Fa study at my place because I was afraid he’d interfere.
However, my husband’s employer asked him to go back to work in the south, and he worked there for six years. When he returned, we stopped meeting. When practitioners came to visit, I didn’t invite them in. I felt bad and I didn’t know what to do. One day after a practitioner left, my husband asked why I didn’t invite her in. I realized Master was encouraging me. Master wanted me to let go of my fear and have practitioners study the Fa openly in my home. From that day on, when practitioners came to study the Fa in my home, my husband did not object. He even invited them in.
Clarifying the Truth
Practitioners and I distributed truth clarification materials for more than 20 years. Regardless of the weather, we do our best to help Master save sentient beings. I go to the material production site every week and pick up two large bags of materials. I take one bag to the local market to distribute and I clarify the truth to people face to face. I bring the other bag to the Fa study group for practitioners to distribute.
The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, truth pamphlets and calendars, and other materials made at our production site are beautiful, and people are happy to receive them. Those who accept the truth and quit the CCP also accept the Dafa amulets. Some people ask for amulets for their family members.
I took my three-year-old grandson to a high-rise building to hand out fliers. After we finished and were walking downstairs I noticed a poster with the character “good.” After we returned home, I realized Master was encouraging me to do well. One time, I went to a community where there were many high-rise buildings. After I distributed fliers to all three buildings, I was seen by a security person. He yelled at me, “You are a Falun Dafa practitioner. Follow me!” When we reached the exit, he grabbed my arm, fearing I would run away. I took his hand off my arm and told him, “Do something good.” He froze and had a blank expression on his face. I left.
Another time I only distributed twelve fliers and I was arrested. I was taken to a police station and interrogated. They wanted to know where I got the materials from and who I was in contact with. I reminded myself not to say anything. The officer touched his mouth and mumbled, “What happened to my mouth? Why can’t I open it?” Then he wanted to take my photo, but I sat on the ground and refused to move. Four or five officers came and tried to lift me up. I thought: I am a big rock and no one can move me. They couldn’t lift me.
One of them asked why I was so heavy. I shouted, “I only follow my Master!” A head officer came and asked whether they took my photo. They replied they couldn’t. He told them, “Just let her go home.”
I knew that as soon as I had the firm thought “Follow my Master,” Master cleared away the evil spirits and ghosts in other dimensions.
Maintaining Righteous Thoughts and Overcoming Illnesses
In February 2023, it felt as if tree roots were crawling all over me. The next day, blisters appeared on the left side of my buttocks, along my waist and on my front and back. It was unbearably painful, like an iron drill piercing my body. The pain was so severe that I couldn’t sleep for several days. I asked Master to help me.
I had firm righteous thoughts that this was not an illness. I am Master Li Hongzhi’s disciple, and I don’t want or acknowledge any other arrangements. I looked at the tribulation from the perspective of the Fa—the pain was a good thing and I should do the exercises and the three things well. After 50 days my body slowly returned to normal.
Cultivation is the most serious but happiest thing! The words Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance guided me through the door of Dafa. I did not begin practicing Falun Dafa intending to cure my illness, but I just feel that these words are so great.
Master taught me how to read heavenly books, I am so lucky! Master also cleansed my body, and I am illness-free. Through careful Fa study, I, an illiterate person in my 70s, have gained an understanding of the high level principles that ordinary people cannot access. I understand where people came from and where they are going, and I do good deeds and get blessings. I am so grateful to Master and Dafa!
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Category: Improving Oneself