(Minghui.org) I’m from Hebei Province, and my mother and my sister told me about Falun Dafa in 2000. As soon as I started reading Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, I was so drowsy that I couldn’t read. Two years later, my sister visited me and showed me the Falun Dafa exercises. Before I truly learned them, she went home.
On March 5, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners successfully carried out the TV interception of eight TV channels and broadcast truth-clarification films in Changchun City. More than 100,000 people watched the programs and learned the truth about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners. This act terrified the CCP. Afterward, the authorities began carrying out mass arrests throughout the entire Northeast region.
Claiming they were checking IDs, two local police officers broke into my home on April 22, 2002, to search it. They found a few copies of Falun Dafa books, Master’s new article, “The Chill of Autumn’s Winds” that I hand-copied, along with about twelve copies of informational materials about Falun Dafa. They arrested me and took me to the police station. The police beat me and tried to force me to tell them where the new article came from. I was so frightened that I cried. However, I knew that I should not betray other practitioners.
My family found a relative to look out for me. He used to be a political instructor at the police station. Afterward, the police were very polite. One told me, “Just tell them that you were hired by Falun Dafa practitioners to hand out those materials. Claim that they paid you 200 yuan a month. Then you’ll be fine.” I thought I should never betray my conscience. My relative said I was stubborn. I was illegally held in the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp for three years.
I was very upset and said, “I never really studied the Fa or did the exercises, but you still arrested me! When I get out, I will sue you for breaking the law!”
Many practitioners were illegally held at this forced labor camp. On our way to the camp, they taught me to recite “The Vows of Gods Are Being Fulfilled.” I said, “I’ll recite Zhuan Falun for sure when I get out,” but I wasn’t serious. However, I was able to recite it and I eventually recited it more than twelve times.
Making Breakthroughs
I was held with the No. 12 team in the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. The guards tried to transform practitioners. They made us sit on small stools and deprived us of sleep. We had to sit from morning until 10 p.m. Some practitioners gave in and signed the guarantee statement. I didn’t feel that I did anything wrong so I refused to sign anything.
My husband asked for a divorce. I was caught off guard: I had already been through so much, why did he make me suffer even more? My attachment to sentimentality and a happy life was strong. I thought: I’ll just sign the divorce paper, and then I’ll enjoy the peace of being on my own.
Because I refused to write the guarantee statement, I was locked in solitary confinement for 30 days. A few people who stopped practicing Falun Dafa wanted to transform me and tried to persuade me to write the guarantee statement. They made a show of being very kind. Since I hadn’t studied the Fa I didn’t understand many things, nor did I know what to do. So I recited “On Dafa” from Hong Yin which other practitioners taught me.
One day I saw a letter written by a former practitioner who reported on a practitioner who was outside. I asked her why. She told me that she wanted that practitioner to be brought to the labor camp so she could “wake her up.” I thought this was ridiculous. I later understood there was a reason Master wanted me to see this.
Then a collaborator (a former practitioner who cooperates with the CCP) who was a university student arrived. She suffered a great deal and was later transformed. I heard she was often taken into a police vehicle to transform practitioners. She came to my cell and said she heard that I could recite the Fa. She asked me to recite it for her, and she’d interpret.
I said that I needed to use the washroom. I silently said, “Master, I won’t listen to her. What she said makes no sense. Master, please give me wisdom.” When I returned I recited, “The Blessings From Dafa.” She didn’t say anything and left. I was so happy! The power of Fa is great, and shocked the evil! After that, no one came to transform me.
I was later transferred to the No. 7 team, the place where practitioners who refused to be transformed were intensively persecuted by being hung up, handcuffed, and then shocked with electric batons, and made to squat for a day or more. Practitioners who refused to be transformed were beaten and suffered greatly.
One day, I was made to squat for a long time. I asked the jail team leader, “Have you seen the movie, ‘Doue’s Injustice’?” He said he heard of it. I said, “I face more injustice than her!” He smiled and said, “You do.” Perhaps what I said touched him, and he left.
Over two decades passed, and many things happened, but I still remember my experiences in the labor camp. I now realize the old forces were preventing me from obtaining the Fa. They tried to scare me off and make me give up, yet I made it through!
Reciting the Fa
After I was released from the detention center and returned to my hometown, I began to study the Fa. But as soon as I began to read Zhuan Falun, I felt drowsy and sick. I couldn’t tell where I felt discomfort. I was worried! What to do? Since I dozed off when I sat and read, I began walking while reading. I kept dropping Zhuan Falun. As soon as I felt drowsy, I pinched the back of my hand. I was able to focus when I read with other practitioners, but I still felt sleepy.
What to do? My thought karma was so great that it didn’t allow me to study the Fa! I thought: All I can do is recite the Fa. So I began to recite, sentence by sentence.
Making a Breakthrough with Master’s Protection
I went to my sister’s place in 2013. At that time, I had just begun to produce copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. I had a difficult time making the book covers, so I went to her place to get some help. I was riding an electric motorcycle. On my way back, I suddenly realized that I was sitting on the ground, but my motorcycle was still moving forward. It hit the bicycle in front.
I realized that someone hit me. I quickly got up and picked the Zhuan Falun book covers off the ground, so no one would see them. The driver who hit me got out of his car and asked me, “Why did you suddenly turn south?”
“My home isn’t that way, I didn’t turn that way either. You can see my motorcycle continued straight ahead!” I replied,
The driver said, “Was I blind? I just saw you turning south.”
“I’m a practitioner, I won’t blackmail you,” I said.
Then the driver pulled over. One bystander told me, “Don’t let him get away!” I said, “I practice Falun Dafa, I won’t blackmail him.” He gave me a thumbs-up and said, “This is true Falun Dafa!”
My electric motorcycle was damaged, so the driver took it for repair. A vendor who witnessed the accident insisted on having him compensate me 200 yuan, so I could buy new clothes. I said, “I’m fine, I don’t want anything.” I took the opportunity to clarify the facts to the driver and helped him quit the CCP organizations. I later noticed that there were three big holes in the back of my down jacket and my head was injured, but I felt fine. I knew Master had protected me.
Only then did I recall that before cultivation, my ex-husband asked a fortune-teller to tell my fate. He said I would die when I was 48 years old. I felt sad and cried. I thought, My fate is so miserable! When I had this accident, I was 48 years old. It came to take away my life. I did not die because Master protected me, otherwise I would have died. Master changed my fate. Now I’m 57 years old. I developed tuberculosis and lymphoid tuberculosis when I was 16 years old. I recovered because I practiced Dafa. I am in high spirits and good health!
Saving Sentient Beings
I feel so fortunate to practice Falun Dafa and Master looks after me. Every time I want to do something, Master always helps me. As I often went to faraway places to clarify the facts and save sentient beings, I wanted to buy an electric bike. A practitioner gave me a second-hand lithium battery, which was very cheap. Since last year, my bike has traveled 600 miles. It can travel more than 50 miles a day. Master looks after everything.
I do the three things every day and feel fulfilled and happy. Practitioners coordinated with each other to awaken people for years, and we have many touching stories to tell. Many people thank us after quitting the CCP.
I clarified the facts to a family of three and helped them quit the CCP and its affiliate organizations. After that, I went to their neighbor’s home. After I talked to the neighbor, the neighbor went to get a couple of steamed buns for me to thank me, but I politely refused.
A middle-aged woman was waiting for the bus, and I gave her some Dafa materials. She didn’t want to take them. But after I talked to her briefly, she understood. She renounced her memberships in the Youth League and Young Pioneers and kept bowing to me.
Seeing practitioners around me doing very well, I always felt I lagged behind. Going forward, I will do my best to do the three things that Master asked us to do. I will do my best to not let Master down, or sentient beings who are waiting to be saved. I want to be a diligent practitioner and validate the wonderfulness of Dafa, and Master!
I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank every practitioner who helped me!
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