A young practitioner reflects upon her nearly two decades of cultivation, where she found her purpose in life and has lived by the principles of Dafa.

The brutal persecution of Falun Gong has claimed two more victims, Mr. Luo Jichuan and Mrs. Li Meiying, who passed away after suffering years of imprisonment and harassment.

After reflection and looking within, a news reporter is coming to understand how to apply wisdom, good judgment, and balance in his work.

With the development of human science and technology, I believe that generative artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the alien technologies that has been developed to replace human professions. As a result of adopting these technologies, human beings are gradually losing parts of themselves, including creative abilities such as writing and painting.Many professions now use AI for assistance, because it can simulate the way people think and use existing human resources to perform programmatic creations, which can replace many ...

After reading a Minghui article on cell phone security, I gave it a lot of thought and would like to share my insights on the issue.I know that there are still quite a few practitioners who keep the WeChat app in their cell phones. Here are two likely reasons.1) Some older practitioners who came from China still use WeChat to stay in touch with their children and relatives who are still there. They overlooked Minghui’s reminders to ...

After reading a recent Minghui article reminding practitioners to pay attention to cell phone security, I feel that it is important to share my new knowledge and personal experience.I occasionally stayed in contact with a non-practitioner friend through WeChat. I met him last year when I returned to my hometown. One day, out of nowhere, he told me that he knew my location at all times. Shocked, I asked him how. He explained that he had purchased an app ...
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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