(Minghui.org) Welcome to the Minghui Radio podcasts. Topics include stories relating to the persecution of Falun Gong in China, insights and experiences gained by practitioners during the course of their cultivation, special items of interest, and music composed and performed by Dafa practitioners.

Podcast 1623: From the China Fahui, an HR manager lost her job at a state agency 20 years ago because she practiced Falun Dafa. Here, she describes her cultivation journey through her work in the private sector. Though faced with many challenges, and the often difficult and painful task of finding and correcting her shortcomings, she gained the reputation of a kind and helpful professional. This and other experience-sharing from the Minghui website.

Original Articles:1. China Fahui | My Cultivation Journey While Working as an HR Manager2. China Fahui | After Lagging Behind, I’m Determined to Catch Up With the Progress of Fa-rectification3. China Fahui | Saving Lives Is My Duty

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