(Minghui.org) With the 2025 New Year approaching, Falun Dafa practitioners in Australia wish their founder, Master Li a happy New Year.
Falun Dafa practitioners in Melbourne wish Master Li a happy New Year.
Falun Dafa practitioners in Sydney wish Master Li a happy New Year.
Falun Dafa practitioners in Queensland wish Master Li a happy New Year.
Falun Dafa practitioners in Canberra wish Master Li a happy New Year.
Falun Dafa practitioners in West Australia wish Master Li a happy New Year.
Falun Dafa practitioners in South Australia wish Master Li a happy New Year.
Falun Dafa practitioners in Tasmania wish Master Li a happy New Year.
Falun Dafa practitioners in Box Hill practice site, Melbourne wish Master Li a happy New Year.
Young Falun Dafa practitioners in Sydney wish Master Li a happy New Year.
Practicing Falun Dafa Benefits a Geologist
Borzou appreciates Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa.
Borzou from West Australia, is a geologist who works in the energy (oil and gas) industry.
Borzou immigrated to Perth, Australia in 2009. At the time, he lived near the city center and often took walks. “I noticed practitioners demonstrating the Falun Dafa exercises and distributing flyers,” he said. “I’ve always been interested in meditation and a practitioner gave me a flyer.
“I found the [Falun Dafa] books and exercise videos online and practiced by myself. I also contacted a practitioner who used to do the exercises in one of the nearby parks, to learn more. He was very kind and came to teach me the exercises.” Borzou started reading Falun Dafa’s main book, Zhuan Falun, and got answers to to his questions about the meaning of life.
After he began practicing Dafa, Borzou experienced significant changes in his health. “As Master mentioned in Zhuan Falun, my body was cleansed in various stages,” he recalled. “My previous sicknesses were cleared gradually as I cultivated. Also, my mind was cleaned of bad and negative thoughts. I noticed substantial changes in my personality and character.
“I used to have a very confronting and closed personality when dealing with my colleagues and other people. My feelings of hatred and rejection were a big challenge on an everyday basis before starting practicing Falun Dafa.”
Borzou concluded, “I’ve now practiced for fourteen years—I’m calm and have no negative thoughts.”
Master’s Teachings Change the Life of a Retired Assistant Researcher
Garry wishes Master Li a happy New Year.
Garry, 75, worked as an assistant researcher for a health website before retiring. He started practicing Falun Dafa in 2015 at the suggestion of a friend.
He said the first time he watched Master’s lecture video, “It changed my whole life. I knew that this practice was for me.
“I was not a well person even though I had a health website,” he said. “I only weighed 51 kilograms (about 112 pounds). I had a lot of physical issues with my liver which made my skin yellow. I also had thyroid problems. I had back pain and allergies and my energy level was low. I did have an exercise routine but I was looking for spiritual comfort as well.
“Once I started to learn Falun Dafa, all of my symptoms went away. It took about four months to be completely healthy just from doing the exercises and reading Zhuan Falun. After practicing Falun Dafa I gained 10 kilograms (22 pounds), reaching what my normal body weight should be.
“I was overwhelmed by the power of Falun Dafa and giving me so many benefits for my health, wellbeing, my temperament and my attitude.”
During the ten years he’s cultivated, Gary has had many amazing experiences. Among them, what happened to his grandson less than half a year after he practiced Falun Dafa is still fresh in his memory.
“It wasn’t long after I learned to send forth righteous thoughts,” he said. “My grandson was 14 days old and was sick in hospital in intensive care at the Royal Children’s hospital with bacterial meningitis. I went to the hospital every day to send righteous thoughts. The doctor said that he would be there for 4-5 weeks but after only 5 days they took out the breathing tubes and unplugged him from the heart monitor. He was breathing on his own and his heart was beating normally. They expected him to be deaf but his hearing was fine. The doctors were very surprised. I had only been practicing for about 4 months when Master showed me the power of righteous thoughts.”
Gary expressed his gratitude. “I am thankful that I found Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, and that I am able to practice in good health. At 75 years old I am so healthy that I can go to the city and talk to people on the street about how good Falun Dafa is and I can tell them about the persecution in China and about the organ harvesting. People sign my petition calling to stop the persecution. Thank you, Master Li.”
Understanding the Meaning of Life
David expresses his appreciation to Master Li.
David wished Master a happy New Year and said, “Thank you, Master, for teaching me Dafa, and everything you have done for me. Every improvement in my cultivation includes Master’s care, some of which we cannot see. My gratitude cannot be expressed in words. I will cherish the opportunity to practice and cooperate with the whole team to complete the mission.”
David started practicing Falun Dafa in 2000. At that time, he was looking for a way to relax his body and mind. He liked Falun Dafa as soon as he came into contact with it, and after practicing, he said he felt happy physically and mentally. David shared that he listened to music to relax. After he began practicing Falun Dafa, he no longer needed to listen to music to relax and said he had more energy.
David said practicing Dafa enabled him to understand the true meaning of life. “We get lost in the world and develop various attachments. Practicing Dafa can purify us and allow us to return to our true nature.”
He said practicing Falun Dafa taught him to follow Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance to control his words and deeds, to rectify himself, to be considerate, and to cooperate with others. At first, when he was with people from China, including practitioners, he sometimes did not understand their behavior.
As he studied the Fa and practiced the exercises, David asked himself to be tolerant and compassionate, and gradually understood them, realizing that their behavior was caused by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) brainwashing. “I think it is not easy for them. I should understand them and treat them with tolerance. I should cooperate well according to Master’s teachings.”
David said that after the persecution began, he went out to clarify the truth and distribute informational materials. At the beginning, fear stopped him, but after slowly persisting in reaching out to people, he did better.
For the past 24 years, David’s family members have also seen the benefits and changes he experienced from practicing, and they all support Falun Dafa. His daughter has been practicing with David since she was a child. David said, “One day six years ago, my daughter suddenly said to me, ‘Dad, let’s study the Fa together.’ I knew that her opportunity to obtain the Fa had come. Now she is a Falun Gong practitioner and plays a role in the project of clarifying the truth and saving people. I am grateful for Master’s compassionate arrangement.”
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