(Minghui.org) It was recently learned that a 58-year-old farmer in Bazhou City, Hebei Province, has been sentenced to eight years and admitted to the Hebei Province Women’s Prison.
Ms. Li Wenyue was arrested around May 2023, after the Langfang City Police Department discovered that she had posted information online exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s ongoing persecution of Falun Gong. Ms. Li took up the mind-body practice in 1998 and repaired her once broken relationship with her husband. She held firm to her faith after the persecution began the next year and used various opportunities to tell the public about the goodness of Falun Gong.
It is unclear when the Bazhou City Court sentenced Ms. Li or when she was transferred to prison. Her latest persecution was preceded by multiple prior arrests for her faith.
In October 1999, village head Li Jinghua instructed the police to arrest Ms. Li and handcuffed her to a flower bed in the courtyard of the Kangxianzhuang Police Station for 24 hours. She urged police chief Zhao Haibo to not persecute law-abiding citizens like her, yet he turned a deaf ear to her advice. He forced her family to pay 200 yuan before releasing her.
Ms. Li went to the local appeals bureau in early 2000 to seek justice for Falun Gong and was directed to the Bazhou City Police Department. She shared with the police a letter she wrote to Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese dictator who ordered the persecution of Falun Gong. The police transferred Ms. Li to the Bazhou City Detention Center. A male guard threatened to strip her naked if she persisted in practicing Falun Gong. They also cut her long hair short and forced her to put on the inmates’ uniform. She was handcuffed and shackled before being made to do hard labor. The police released Ms. Li about two weeks later. The new bicycle she purchased before her arrest was seized by the police and never returned.
The police raided Ms. Li’s home one summer day in 2008, while she was weeding her crops. They confiscated her Falun Gong books and other materials. They returned the next day to arrest Ms. Li, but she managed to escape.
Between 2014 and 2015, the local justice bureau twice dispatched people to harass Ms. Li and attempted to take her to a brainwashing center. When she explained how Falun Gong improved her mind and body, they gave up their attempts and warned her to just practice at home without going out to raise awareness of the persecution.
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