(Minghui.org) Greetings venerable Master! Greetings fellow practitioners!
I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for more than 10 years. The more I absorb the Fa, the more I realize every day how lucky I am and the amazing things Master gives us. The articles on the Minghui website in which practitioners talked about memorizing Zhuan Falun attracted my attention. On the 30th anniversary of Falun Dafa being introduced to the public, I decided to memorize Zhuan Falun. I started memorizing on February 20, 2022.
I used to read quickly and pass over sentences—I thought I understood them, but I was surprised when I later saw the deeper meaning behind them. Sometimes when I grasped the meaning, my entire body shook with waves of energy. Other times my eyes filled with tears. I realized there were profound meanings behind sections that Master told like simple stories. Zhuan Falun is incredible. The hours I spent memorizing it were the happiest and most meaningful moments of my day.
Master said,
“...if you keep reading it, you won’t be able to put it down. In China there are now people who have read the book over a hundred times and who are still reading it, and they simply cannot put it down. The book has simply so many inner meanings, and the more you read, the more of them you will see. Why is that? Although I have revealed many divine secrets, non-practitioners will be unable to see them in the surface wording. Only when a practitioner continually reads the book will he be able to detect its inner meanings.” (Lecture Given at the Conference in Sydney)
I memorized one paragraph each day. The next day I recited the paragraph I memorized the previous day, then I moved on to the next one. I sometimes tried to recall and recite the section I memorized while I did tasks throughout the day. Doing this made me feel happy and immersed in the Fa all day long. In lecture two, I memorized two paragraphs, and after the third lecture, I started memorizing one page a day. Gradually, my awareness became clearer. I was able to focus when I sent righteous thoughts, and I was able to control my obsessions.
Every morning after righteous thoughts, I memorized the Fa for 2-3 hours. When I began memorizing the fourth lecture, I became sleepy. I couldn’t even wake up with the right mindset in the morning. I felt bad the days I didn’t memorize.
I asked Master for help, and he helped me wake up but I kept pressing the snooze button and going back to sleep. After I became determined, clear, and serious about this, I felt more energized with just 3-4 hours of sleep. I felt sluggish when I slept too much.
When I became enlightened about a certain passage in lecture four, I experienced a very intense test in my dream, but the feelings I had were no different from reality. In my dream, three practitioners and I entered a door. It turned out to be a gateway to another dimension, leading us downward into an underworld. As soon as we arrived, two beings, whose faces I couldn’t see, grabbed our arms and dragged each of us to different places. They sat me down and bound me.
I realized that I would experience physical pain, so I tried to keep my consciousness calm and strong. They drilled into my head with a very long drill, and I felt the pain. But in that moment, I kept repeating to myself what Master said in Zhuan Falun, “The body goes, the head goes, only a little mind remains,” and I kept myself in a meditative state. By separating my mind from my body, I was able to endure it. Then came kicks and punches, and I applied the same technique. I could feel the seriousness of the test, the difficulty of it with all my heart. I just endured, hoping it would end soon.
When I was stood up two hands held me, but I could not see the beings. I thought to myself, “I’m not afraid of you because you’re a demon.” The moment I had this thought, I woke up. I felt as if I really lived through a test, and I had a headache. I felt the seriousness and impact all day. I thought about this test. If it was a test of how much pain I could endure, I succeeded. I later realized it was a warning, as if my mind had been drilled by a mental drill because of the obsessions I couldn’t let go of. It made me think more seriously about my attachments.
One section I memorized in lecture six helped me enlighten about one of my fundamental obsessions—one that I had struggled to let go of and suffered greatly from—I was overly attached to my children.
Master said,
“Since one’s real life is one’s Original Soul, the one who gives birth to your Original Soul is your real mother. In the course of samsara, you have had mothers who were human and non-human, and there are too many of them to be numbered. It is also countless how many sons and daughters you have had throughout your different lifetimes. Who is your mother? Who is your son or daughter? No one recognizes one another after passing away. You must still pay for what you owe others. Human beings live in delusion and just cannot give up these things. Some people cannot let go of their sons and daughters and claim how good they are, and then they pass away. One may speak of how good one’s mother is, but then she also dies. This person grieves so much that he almost wants to follow her for the rest of his life. Why don’t you think about it? Aren’t they here to torment you? They use this form to make you unable to lead a good life.” (Lesson Six, Zhuan Falun)
I was particularly affected by this sentence “Why don’t you think about it? Aren’t they here to torment you?” I never paid attention to it before. That night, I had a very clear dream. A boy and a girl, two children, were left with me. Their mother was a practitioner. When I took them outside to entertain them, I lost them. No matter how I searched, I couldn’t find them. But for some reason, I wasn’t worried; I searched calmly. I couldn’t find them and then I woke up. As soon as I woke up, I realized they were my children. What I lost was my attachment to them, and I felt relieved.
When I did the second exercise one day, I saw a very pitiful, filthy woman with her hands and feet chained in standing front of me. I thought to myself, “This isn’t a human.” The longer I looked at her, the more shocked I was—it was me! It was my true self, suppressed by my obsessions. I immediately freed her from the chains. After she was freed, she gradually changed, became younger and more beautiful, and transformed into my 18-year-old self. Then, she did the second, third, fourth, and fifth exercises with me. I realized that memorizing the Fa was liberating me and revealing my original nature I imprisoned for years.
I had some wondrous experiences when I was memorized what Master said about the cosmic circulation in lecture eight in Zhuan Falun.
Master said,
“Hundreds of one’s energy channels must gradually become wider, with energy getting stronger and brighter. In the end, thousands of energy channels will join together and turn one’s body into one without any energy channels or acupuncture points; they will join together to make one whole body. This is the ultimate purpose of opening energy channels. Its goal is to have the human body completely transformed by high-energy matter.” (Lecture Eight, Zhuan Falun)
When I read this section, the idea that the body made of flesh and bones could disappear and become nothing but energy made me sad. After I memorized this section, I truly felt that my physical body was gone and that I was made of energy. In that moment, I had only one soul. The feeling that my body was nothing but energy and the feeling that I was made of light, as if I didn’t exist, was wonderful.
Soon after I memorized that lecture, a huge earthquake occurred in my hometown. It was an unprecedented event—two earthquakes, with magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.6, struck one after another, just 9 hours apart, and affected 10 cities. There was widespread destruction, and many people died. When I heard what happened, I felt great pain. I realized I felt this pain because I did not have a chance to tell the people who died about Falun Dafa. I experienced many things during the time of memorizing the Fa, but this was the most profound.
When I memorized lecture nine, my awareness about the importance of saving people increased.
When I memorized what Master said about death, I felt what it truly meant to be freed from the weight of the physical body.
I realized that the moment of death is not at all like what ordinary people fear. On the contrary, I thought that if we could reach the ultimate goal and bring beautiful things with us, it would be wonderful. My fear of death disappeared. If I had been able to tell the people who died about Falun Dafa, I wouldn’t have been sad. What matters is that we act quickly before people die. We can’t know what tomorrow will bring.
I finished memorizing Zhuan Falun on April 20, 2023. It took me exactly one year and two months to memorize the book.
It took me one year and five months to memorize Zhuan Falun for the second time. The biggest obstacle was sleep. I haven’t yet fully overcome this.
I’ve started memorizing for the third time. Since the part I understand has been separated, it feels like I’m memorizing it anew every time, but my understanding has become quicker, which reduced the time it takes to memorize.
I love reciting Zhuan Falun, as there are deep meanings behind every sentence. This book is very valuable. I understand the Fa from a different perspective each time I memorize.
Now, I memorize while sitting in the lotus position, holding Zhuan Falun carefully with both hands. I still have many attachments that I haven’t let go of. I’ve also seen the true form of some of my obsessions, and I’ve just found some new attachments. But as I enlighten to the Fa, Master destroys them layer by layer, and their control over me weakens.
I thank Master very much for arranging for me to obtain Falun Dafa. As I realize what I’ve been give find it hard to express my gratitude.
I will do everything I can to go as far as I can, to achieve what Master arranged for me. I urge practitioners to memorize the Fa.
Thank you venerable Master. Thank you, fellow practitioners.
I wrote the following poem,
When I look at the skyThe moon squints its eyesThe stars shine as bright as they canThe wind’s breath is very cold and strongIt breaks the silenceThe temporary travelers of the worldNo longer look innocentThoughts grow increasingly distortedI miss my home
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