(Minghui.org) In the early morning of December 28, 2008, my 16-year-old son Xinsheng woke me up, saying, “Mom, look, I’m vomiting blood!” He was an active, healthy, and cheerful boy who rarely ever got sick.

My mind went blank when I saw so much bright red blood. I didn’t know what to do. In a panic, I called my sister-in-law and her husband. They urged us to take him to the hospital immediately. My son was frightened—he had never been to a hospital before.

We rushed to a hospital, with Xinsheng vomiting blood all the way there. The doctor performed an urgent CT scan and told us that my son’s condition was too severe for them to handle. He advised us to seek treatment at a larger hospital.

Desperate, I took Xinsheng to a large city. We visited several well-known hospitals, and all the doctors said that his condition was critical but couldn’t pinpoint what the illness was. After visiting six hospitals and undergoing countless medical tests, specialists all agreed that my son was untreatable.

With no other options, we returned home. However, as a Falun Dafa practitioner, I knew that only Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, could save my son. Although I was the only one in my family practicing Falun Dafa, Master said in Teachings at the Conference in Australia, “Haven’t I said that with one person practicing, the whole family benefits?”

I told my son, “Recite ‘Falun Dafa is good,’ and Master will save you.” From that day on, we recited the phrases, “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good” every day.

Gradually, Xinsheng stopped vomiting blood, and his strength returned. My entire family witnessed the miracle of Falun Dafa saving my son, and they often expressed their gratitude to Master.

Three years later, Xinsheng’s aunt and uncle went to one of the hospitals we had taken him to when looking for treatment. A doctor recognized them and politely asked, “How is the child?” He expected them to say that Xinsheng had passed away.

“He is doing very well now,” they replied. “He has fully recovered and is even stronger than before.”

The doctor expressed disbelief, “Really? Unbelievable. That’s really a miracle!”

Now, at 32, Xinsheng is happily married and has a child. His entire family often recites the phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” We are forever grateful for the blessings he has received.