(Minghui.org) I am a 70-year-old female Falun Dafa practitioner. I’d like to report to Master some stories about my experiences in clarifying the truth.

“Only you Falun Gong are saving people!”

When I renovated my house, I told the decorator the facts about Falun Gong. I informed him that the Tiananmen self-immolation incident was staged to incite hatred for Falun Gong. I also told him that the book Zhuan Falun has been translated into more than 40 languages, hundreds of millions of people practice Falun Gong, countries around the world have given Master commendations, and only the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes practitioners.

I said, “The CCP is so scared of Falun Gong. Don’t you think it is collapsing? It has done so many bad things. God will destroy it. You will be safe if you quit the Party [and its youth organizations].”

The decorator said he wanted to quit the Party, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers using a pseudonym. I asked him to remember that Falun Dafa is good. He thanked me. I said he should thank Master instead. He did and said, “You Falun Gong are saving people!”

“You are so nice to us”

I was illegally arrested and taken to a detention center in 2015 for filing criminal complaints against Jiang Zemin, the former CCP leader who instigated the persecution of Falun Gong. The head of the Domestic Security Division said, “The Party director has given the order to sentence you to prison.” I told them they shouldn’t cooperate with the CCP to do bad things so that they could have a good future.

I refused to cooperate with any instructions in the detention center: I didn’t wear the detainees uniform, report my number, do their exercises, etc. The guards ordered the other detainees to beat me. I was punished and had to be on guard duty for two hours at noon. I thought, “You punish me. I will just practice Falun Gong.” I was forced to do this for more than 100 days.

I bought some fruit for an inmate who had no money when the New Year was approaching, and told her the truth about Falun Dafa. The detainees asked if I hated them for beating me. I replied, “I don’t! You only want to get out early.”

An inmate responded, “You are so nice to us. I will treat you well when you come to Zhengzhou [City].”

My Brother Quit the CCP

After my release from a labor camp in 2006, I went to visit my parents, who were in their 80s, since I hadn’t seen them for more than three years. I prepared some things and bought some gifts. As I entered the door, I saw my brother. I asked him why he was there. He said he was recuperating from an illness. He had bone tuberculosis and his wounds from the surgery hadn’t healed.

After we sat down, I told him how the labor camp persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. I said, “I went to Beijing to speak up for Dafa and went up to Tiananmen Gate Tower to hang a ‘Falun Dafa is Good’ banner. But I was seen by the police and was not able to do it. I shouted ‘Falun Dafa is good’ all the way from Beijing to my hometown after I was arrested.

“I went on a hunger strike for seven days and was taken to the hospital for an IV. Then I was forcibly taken to a labor camp. I had to stand for 24 hours without sleep, and the guards ordered the inmates to beat me. One day, an inmate said that someone had come to see me, and told others to hide the tools they used to beat me. I was called into a room, and it turned out to be the daughter-in-law of a leader whom my family knew. She was wearing a police uniform [she was a captain].

“She said, ‘Your father called me in the middle of the night to ask if you were here. Why are you here?’ After I told her my experience, she said, ‘Beating Falun Gong practitioners to death is considered suicide. It is the order from the higher-ups.’

“I was forced to stand for more than 20 days without sleep after she left. My feet were swollen and I felt dizzy and had headaches every day. I still refused to give up my practice, so they tied me up and used tape to stick dirty toilet paper, some with feces, on my body.”

After hearing this, my brother said, “That is outrageous!” I told him more about Falun Dafa. He said, “I received a call from one of your people [Dafa practitioners] abroad, and I listened to them for more than an hour. They asked me if I wanted to quit the Party.”

I asked my brother if he had done it? He said, “No, I still have to go to work.” I knew he was a department-level cadre and it would be difficult to quit over the phone.

The next day, I told him more about Falun Dafa, and he quit CCP using his nickname. He said, “Falun Gong will rule the world in the future.” A few days later, his wound healed and he returned to work. He understood the truth about Dafa, quit the CCP, and received blessings.