Today’s Articles
Aug. 14, 2023
About Dafa
- San Francisco, USA: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference
- Greece: Letter from Masanjia Documentary Impresses Audience Members
- Italy: Falun Dafa Events in Many Cities Inform People of the Ongoing Chinese Communist Regime’s Persecution
- California, USA: Falun Dafa's Principles Resonate With People
- Hebei Man’s Family Given Runaround While Seeking to Uncover True Cause of His Tragic Death in Prison
- Tianjin Woman Dies One Month After Finishing 5.5-Year Prison Term for Her Faith in Falun Gong
- Qujing City, Yunnan Province: Ten Arrested in Two Days for Their Faith in Falun Gong
- Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province: Updates on Practitioners Targeted Ahead of Communist Regime’s Summer Summit
- Court that Sentenced Wife to Seven Years Sentences Husband to 5.5 Years
- From “Double-filing” to “Multi-filing,” the Many Ways that the Communist Regime Attempts to Block Lawyers from Representing Falun Gong Practitioners
- How a Police Officer Changed His Attitude Toward Falun Dafa
- An Experience of Helping a Man Understand Falun Dafa
- People Awaken During the Pandemic
- Family and Friends Benefit from Practicing and Supporting Falun Dafa
- Podcast (Cultivation): Young Practitioner: Cherishing the Opportunity to Cultivate Falun Dafa
- Additional Persecution News from China – July 18, 2023 (23 Reports)
- Additional Persecution News from China – August 1, 2023 (10 Reports)