July 20 Events
July 20 Marks Another Year of Persecution
Aug. 11, 2024Switzerland: 42 Legislators Express Support for Falun Dafa at Rally Condemning 25-Year Persecution
Aug. 5, 2024Switzerland: Public Support for 25-year Effort to Expose Persecution of Falun Gong in China
Aug. 5, 2024Brazil: People Show Support for Falun Dafa at Events Exposing the 25-Year Persecution in China
Aug. 4, 2024Peru: Activities in Lima and Piura Mark 25 Years of the Persecution of Falun Dafa
Aug. 4, 2024Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Activities in Boston Expose 25 Years of Persecution
Aug. 3, 2024Melbourne, Australia: Awaken the Conscience is What We Must Do
Aug. 3, 2024Bulgaria: Peaceful Protest Outside Chinese Embassy Calls for Ending the Persecution
Aug. 2, 2024Poland: Rally in Front of Parliament Building Condemns the Chinese Communist Regime’s Persecution of Falun Gong
Aug. 2, 2024Ukraine: Activities Held in Four Major Cities to Condemn the Chinese Communist Party’s Persecution of Falun Dafa
Aug. 2, 2024Edmonton, Canada MP: “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Will Ultimately Triumph Over Evil”
Aug. 2, 2024Finland: People Encourage Practitioners in Their Efforts to Expose 25 Years of Persecution
Aug. 2, 2024Bucharest, Romania: People Support Falun Dafa Practitioners on the 25th Anniversary of Their Protesting the Ongoing Persecution in China
Aug. 2, 2024Germany: Peaceful Protests Held at the Chinese Embassy and Consulates to Mark the 25th Anniversary to Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong
Aug. 2, 2024Budapest, Hungary: “This Is Not History, This Is Happening Now!”
Aug. 2, 2024Saint-Paul, Réunion: Activities to Raise Awareness of the Ongoing Persecution of Falun Gong
Aug. 2, 2024Kandy, Sri Lanka: Tourists and Sri Lankans Sign Petition to Stop the Persecution of Falun Dafa
Aug. 1, 2024Berlin Germany: Event Raises Awareness of the Persecution of Falun Gong
Aug. 1, 2024Turkey: Peaceful Gathering at Chinese Consulate Marks 25 Years of Persecution
Aug. 1, 2024Austria: Events in Three Cities Highlight 25 Years of Resistance to CCP’s Persecution
Aug. 1, 2024Batam, Indonesia: Candlelight Vigil Calls for an End to 25 Years of Persecution in China
Aug. 1, 2024Paraguay: Activities Mark 25th Anniversary of Peaceful Resistance to CCP’s Persecution
Aug. 1, 2024Melbourne, Australia: People Praise Falun Dafa During Activities to Expose the Persecution
Aug. 1, 2024Adelaide, Australia: Legislators and Dignitaries Condemn the 25-Year-Long Persecution
Aug. 1, 2024Denmark: Eight Politicians Sign Parliamentary Joint Statement Calling for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
Aug. 1, 2024Latvia: Members of Parliament Condemn the Persecution of Falun Gong
July 31, 2024Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: People Express Support at a Rally in Chinatown Calling for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
July 31, 2024The Netherlands: Rally and March in Recognition of Practitioners’ Protesting the Persecution for 25 Years
July 31, 2024Dijon, France: Exposing the Chinese Regime's Atrocities and Marking 25 Years of Opposing the Persecution
July 31, 2024Melbourne, Australia: Community Leaders and Officials Condemn the 25-Year-Long Persecution
July 31, 2024Colombia: People Express Support for Falun Dafa During Activities to Expose 25 Years of Persecution
July 31, 2024Tel Aviv, Israel: Candlelight Vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy Exposes the 25-Year-Long Persecution
July 31, 2024Switzerland: People Support and Admire Falun Dafa on July 20
July 30, 2024Germany: Government Leaders Voice Support for Falun Gong and Rally Marking 25 Years of Persecution
July 30, 2024The Netherlands: Rally Calls for an End to the Persecution of Falun Dafa
July 30, 2024Malaysia: Series of Activities in Kuala Lumpur Call to End the Persecution of Falun Gong
July 30, 2024Czech Republic: Dignitaries Condemn the CCP’s Persecution During Events in Prague
July 30, 2024Greece: People Encourage Practitioners at Event Marking 25 Years of Persecution
July 30, 2024Norway: People Commend Practitioners' Upholding Their Principles Amidst 25 Years of Persecution
July 30, 2024France: Practitioners Hold Events to Expose the CCP’s Persecution of Falun Dafa
July 30, 2024New York: People Commend Practitioners’ Efforts to Expose 25 Years of Persecution
July 30, 2024Brazil: People Condemn the Persecution of Falun Gong During Events in Brasília
July 29, 2024Italy: Dignitaries Voice Support During Activities to Expose the Decades-long Persecution in China
July 29, 2024Australia: March in Brisbane Calls for an End to the 25-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong
July 29, 2024Ireland: March and Rally in Dublin Marks 25 Years of Persecution in China
July 29, 2024Seoul, South Korea: Community Leaders Voice Support at Rally and March to Mark 25 Years of Peaceful Resistance to the Persecution
July 29, 2024Denmark: Practitioners Call for an End to the CCP’s Persecution of Falun Dafa During Events in Copenhagen
July 29, 2024Taiwan: Dignitaries Express Their Support During Rally to Call For an End to the Persecution of Falun Dafa
July 29, 2024Taiwan: Politicians and Dignitaries Voice Their Support at Events to Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong
July 29, 2024Florida, U.S.: Activities Mark 25th Anniversary of Peaceful Resistance to CCP’s Persecution of Falun Dafa
July 28, 2024Madrid, Spain: Rally in Front of Chinese Embassy Calls for End to the Persecution
July 28, 2024Chicago, U.S.A.: Rally and Candlelight Vigil Commemorate Dafa Practitioners Who Died During 25 Years of Persecution
July 28, 2024Slovakia: People Condemn the Persecution of Falun Gong in China During Events in Bratislava
July 28, 2024Falun Gong Practitioners in Belgium Hold Activities Marking 25 Years of Persecution
July 28, 2024Perth, Australia: Rally Condemning the Persecution Wins Support from Passersby
July 28, 2024Texas, U.S.A.: Rally Marks 25 Years of Peacefully Resisting the CCP’s Persecution
July 28, 2024Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Events to Mark the 25th Anniversary of Efforts to End the CCP’s Persecution
July 28, 2024Kumamoto, Japan: Practitioners’ Peaceful Protests at Chinese Consulates Call Attention to Decades-long Persecution of Falun Gong
July 27, 2024Wellington, New Zealand: Large-Scale Events Highlight Decades-Long Persecution by the CCP
July 27, 2024Los Angeles, California: Dignitaries Call for an End to the 25-year Persecution of Falun Gong
July 27, 2024Canada: Practitioners Hold Rally and March in Vancouver to Mark 25-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong
July 27, 2024Kaohsiung and Tainan, Taiwan: People from All Walks of Life Express Solidarity with Falun Gong
July 27, 2024Bali, Indonesia: Candlelight Vigil Calls for an End to the Persecution of Falun Dafa in China
July 27, 2024Taiwan: People Express Their Support for Falun Gong During Grand March in Taipei
July 26, 2024Toronto, Canada: Practitioners Hold Events to Highlight 25th Anniversary of Protesting the Persecution
July 26, 2024UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a March and Rally and Submit a Petition to the Prime Minister’s Office
July 26, 2024New Zealand: Dignitaries at Rally in Auckland Condemn 25 Years of Persecution in China
July 25, 2024New York: People Praise Falun Dafa During Group Exercise and Candlelight Vigil at Chinese Consulate
July 25, 2024Canberra, Australia: Practitioners in Canberra Held a Candlelight Vigil to Mark 25 Years of Persecution by CCP
July 25, 2024Nevada, U.S.: Activities in Las Vegas Call for an End to the 25-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong
July 24, 2024Manhattan, New York: Grand March Calls to End the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
July 24, 2024Guam, US: Candlelight Vigil Condemns the Persecution
July 24, 2024San Francisco, US: Rally and March to Mark the 25th Anniversary of Falun Gong Practitioners’ Protesting the Persecution
July 24, 2024Germany: Member of State Parliament Speaks at Rally to Condemn the Persecution of Falun Dafa
July 24, 2024Japan: Practitioners Peacefully Protest at Chinese Embassies, Calling for an End to the 25-year Persecution of Falun Gong
July 24, 2024Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Praised for Calling for an End to the Persecution
July 24, 2024Sweden: Activities Throughout Stockholm Commemorate 25 Years of Practitioners’ Exposing the Persecution
July 23, 2024Toronto, Canada: Rally Marks 25 Years of Peaceful Efforts to Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong
July 23, 2024Texas: Event in Dallas Calls for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
July 23, 2024Brussels, Belgium: Practitioners Urge End to Persecution in Front of Chinese Embassy
July 23, 2024Seattle: Rally Calls for End to the Persecution
July 22, 2024Sydney: Falun Gong Supporters Condemn CCP Crimes at Rally Marking 25 Years of Persecution
July 22, 2024Montreal, Canada: Rally in Front of the Chinese Consulate Protesting the Persecution
July 22, 2024Scotland: Protest Outside the Chinese Consulate Calls for End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
July 22, 2024Germany: Public Condemns the 25-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong During Event in Heidelberg
July 21, 2024Dafa Practitioners in San Diego Commemorate 25 years of Resistance to CCP’s Persecution
July 21, 2024Thailand: Candlelight Vigil and Rally Commemorate 25th Anniversary of Peaceful Resistance to the Persecution
July 21, 2024Canada: Former MPP Expresses Support for Falun Dafa at Rally in Ottawa
July 20, 2024Montreal, Canada: People Voice Support for Falun Dafa Practitioners’ Activities to Expose the Persecution
July 19, 2024Indonesia: Rallies and Marches Call for the Persecution of Falun Gong to End
July 19, 2024Finland: Rally and March in Helsinki Mark 25 Years of Persecution
July 18, 2024Kansai, Japan: Marches in Osaka and Kyoto Expose the CCP’s Persecution
July 17, 2024Montreal, Canada: March and Rally Exposes Chinese Regime’s 25-Year-Long Persecution
July 15, 2024Switzerland: Government Officials Express Support for Falun Gong and Condemn 25 Years of Persecution
July 15, 2024Washington DC: Candlelight Vigil on National Mall Commemorates Falun Gong Practitioners Who Have Died in the Persecution
July 15, 2024Singapore: Rally and Candlelight Vigil Call to End Decades of Persecution
July 15, 2024Italian Senator Voices Support for Falun Gong Practitioners at Hearing on International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
July 15, 2024Georgia Congressman Writes Letter to Support Falun Gong Practitioners
July 14, 2024Washington DC: Rally Calls for End to 25-Year Persecution of Falun Gong, Elected Officials and Dignitaries Voice Support
July 13, 2024Grand Parade in US Capital to Protest the 25-year-long Persecution of Falun Gong
Aug. 10, 2023Sri Lanka: Practitioners Hold Event to Mark 24th Anniversary of Resisting the Persecution